Exploring the Identity (G) Center with Brandi and Kyle
Kyle Wood: Hi, everyone.
Just a quick note on this episode.
When we recorded this,
there was a slight delay.
Um, that was coming and going.
So sometimes during this podcast episode,
we speak over each other and it's
just simply because, uh, at the time.
We didn't.
Didn't seem like it was
speaking over each other.
Uh, but just, just FYI.
So you're aware of that.
Um, and I've tried to line up the
tracks as good as possible, but
there's still a couple of times when
we're both speaking at the same time.
So I apologize for that.
Uh, but I think.
He, as long as you're aware
of that out of the, it takes
anything away from the sip side.
It's very helpful.
Anyway, now hand it over to
us and, uh, enjoy the episode.
Brandi Healy: Welcome to Well Designed.
I'm your host, Brady Healy.
I'm here with my co host, Kyle Wood.
Kyle Wood: Hello, I feel like we always
start off these things laughing, which
maybe is a good thing because if you
heard about with podcasting, they're like,
you should smile as you talk because it
Brandi Healy: Oh, while you're talking.
Kyle Wood: yeah, I
Brandi Healy: gets it going.
So I'm glad we started, we switched,
uh, recording platforms because the
old one had the countdown and this one
doesn't have it and because I miss it
so much, I do appreciate that you do the
countdown for me, but now it just makes me
Kyle Wood: We're always trying
to do it like Wayne's world.
And I, yeah, I always get it wrong.
Brandi Healy: It's alright.
I still enjoy it.
I still enjoy it.
Alright, so today we're going to
be continuing kind of the center
series that we started last season.
Um, and today we're going to be
talking about the Identity Center.
So, this one is Super fun.
I mean, they're all fun, right?
They all have, they all have
their bits and pieces about
them that make them interesting.
But you know, our identity center
really governs our sense of direction,
our purpose, our sense of self.
Um, it also governs love and
it really acts as kind of our,
our compass and our road map..
So, um, this is one of those fun
episodes where Kyle has, um, Kyle
and I have the center opposite.
So, in this case, I have the center
undefined and Kyle has the center defined.
And so we always think it's fun
when we can kind of reflect back to
the other one, um, what our lived
experience is with that center.
So, um, if you're good,
I'll start off with
having the center undefined.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, um, yeah, and I was
just going to mention like, as we
usually try to do on this podcast,
we'll try and Share our experiences
and then share like how this relates
back to You know work And business and
Brandi Healy: Yeah, for sure.
So for
those of you that are looking at your
chart and trying to determine do I have
a defined or undefined identity center,
you would pull up your chart and starting
from the top, it's going to be the fourth
shape from the top and it's going to be
a diamond in the middle of the chart.
So that is our identity center.
So if it is white, It is undefined
or open, and if it is colored in,
whatever color your specific site shades
it in, then that center is defined.
So, if that center is white, like
mine is, that's about 43 percent of
us that have this center undefined.
And so, you know, when the center is
undefined, it's We tend to be You know
very opposite to the world that we live
in the world that we live in tends to
want people to really like niche and
be really consistent in the way that
they show up and an undefined identity
center is like The total opposite of
that it is about being very fluid and
flexible in your sense of identity.
Um, and you might notice if you have
the center undefined or open, that
being in different environments or
being around different people really
brings out different parts of you.
Um, and so something that Can show
up for you like being in the shadow
of this and feeling maybe a little
bit like It's feeling like you might
be searching like you're trying to
figure out the one thing that you are
Or the one thing that you should be
Or you know, how should I show up?
um in this one way and it's like being in
the wisdom of this center is about really
surrendering to knowing that there are
many different expressions of yourself.
So a phrase that I've heard, um, for
people with the center open to ask
themselves, it's like, what feels
like most me right now in this moment?
And so I like to think of it, it's As
almost like you're playing dress up or
like choosing your clothes every day.
It's like, who is a version of
me that's going to show up today?
And in some situations, like it can
feel like that's something in human
design that can feel like, what?
Like that feels like really
flaky or noncommittal.
But it's again, when you can
embrace that as your gift, um, it
could really lend itself to a lot.
That you can offer yourself and be
supportive of yourself and other people.
So I think for myself personally, one
of the things that I can definitely
relate to is like, even like thinking
of myself as a kid, like people always
called me like punky Brewster or like
rainbow bright, cause I always dressed
like really funky and really crazy.
Like I was the kid that you
could tell my parents let me.
dress myself.
And so when I found this out
about human design, I was like,
Oh, this makes so much sense.
This is something that inherently
I can certainly recall, like as
a child, this being something
that was really important to me.
And I think You know, as an adult,
it really has shown up in terms of
how I show up in the, in relation to
the work that I do, like what kind
of person I am in the workplace.
And also like my sensitivity to
space, like I am very, very particular
about the spaces that I'm in.
If, like, a space doesn't feel right,
if it doesn't have the right vibe,
it gives me, like, an immediate ick.
And, like, whether it's a space I
have to work in, or shop in, or just
sit in, eat in, it, it kind of, you
know, Colors the entire experience.
If that energy doesn't
feel right out of the gate.
And I know before the call you and
I were chatting and I had just got
back from traveling and I spend
so much time before I take a trip.
Being very.
Selective about where I stay
because I know that about myself.
And I also do things and pack things
with me so that when I get there,
I can make those spaces feel really
good to me, very homey and kind of
like hack into the energy by bringing
things that I know are going to feel
comforting to me while I'm staying there
Kyle Wood: So yeah, because
the space thing's so important
for that open identity You
can make, can you make changes to
the space with what you add to it?
Um, in terms of like bringing things
that are comforting or is there usually
just like an energy of a space that
sort of can't be changed or both?
Brandi Healy: I think that
there are certainly things.
I think it's both, right?
I think it's both.
So I think that there are
inherent energies to people in
places that you cannot change.
However, I think that whatever
you bring into it also, you know,
can alter it to some extent.
It might not erase it altogether, but
I think it can certainly shift and
make it a little bit more comfortable.
And I, I think about when, you know, I
got a new office and it was, you know,
just like this white box and then being
able to bring things in that infused my
personality, it really created a space
that was conducive to me being able to do
work in that space and feeling inspired
and supported and not like I need to
get out of here, it felt, you know.
It felt like a good place to be.
I think that that's an easy example
or again, like a hotel, as long
as it's like a clean, safe space.
Like most of the time, like when I've
done my preliminary vetting of staying in
a hotel, like with, you know, if I bring
like, you know, I make sure that I have
all of my beverages that I like to drink.
So it's like, sometimes I pack tea
that I like to drink when I'm there
or there are like certain electrolyte
packets that I like to have and it's
like I keep routines in place so that
it's like I'm at home even though I'm
away from home if that kind of makes
Kyle Wood: Yeah, no, that makes,
yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
And, and like, from the opposite
side of that, it's like, Yeah,
you know, it's something you hear
a lot, especially like working from
home or, or having your own office,
like, you know, like put all this
time and energy into the space.
And I don't like working somewhere
that's like filthy or whatever, but I,
yeah, probably don't find that like as.
I like, I like certain energy about
things, but having that defined, it's,
yeah, it's like less important to me
than it would be to you, I imagine,
about like having things just so
Brandi Healy: they need, they
kind of need to be like a way.
And again, it's not about
things being totally like tidy.
It's just like, it's a it's
vibe, it's a vibe, it's a vibe, I guess,
Kyle Wood: for me
Brandi Healy: yeah.
Kyle Wood: it's, yeah, sorry, I
think there's a bit of a delay, yeah,
for me it is like It is probably
more about like the tidiness or
the cleanliness where is for you.
It's just like energetically felt
Yeah, I just thought i'd share that as
like a for those who are Defined and
thinking I know I like space but yeah.
just like understanding How it
might feel to someone who has that
undefined how it might feel different
Brandi Healy: yeah, I think the other
1 that was like a big 1 that shows
up, I think, in business, especially
if you're a service based business
is the notion of niching, right?
Like, that is like a big hot
topic out there in the online
business space is about niching
down to, like, a very specific.
Person with a very specific need and,
you know, there are several parts
of human design that can show up in
conflict with that advice, like, and
I think having an undefined identity
center is certainly one of them.
And so, you know, something
that I've done for myself.
In terms of the way that I work with
clients is, you know, right now, I'm
kind of working with people mostly on
helping them with their authority and
how they use their authority in business.
But I think late, will that always
be what I'm focusing on with people?
Probably not.
And I think it's about giving
myself that permission to say,
this feels most like me right now.
And if that changes, that's okay.
And then I can start, you know, Showing
up is the person that has, you know,
a different problem that they're
solving or something else that they
are passionate about, or that I am
passionate about solving, I should say.
And I think, you know, that
goes back to my profile as well.
But I think, you know, again, like
I was saying, this is just a part
of your design that can pull out.
That you need to express yourself
in more ways than just one.
I think manifesting generators,
people with a three or six in
their profile, you might be like,
oh, that sounds like me too.
Yeah, there are some things that are,
you know, going to be very similar.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
um, and so something else that I can
imagine, which maybe you can speak
to is that because you have all these
different ways of expressing yourself,
trying to find like one job that will
like fill all of those, those buckets,
like, cause that's the thing, right?
Like that, that can be this
rabbit hole that you go down
with the undefined center.
So how do you manage that?
How have you met?
I mean, I think, I have some
ideas from having known you, but
I'd love to hear you speak to it.
Brandi Healy: think, you, know, in the
past, I, I have become more aware of this.
In recent years, and I think in the past,
I really made my work the soul of who
I was, like, my work, I am what I do.
And what I do is who I am.
And when I decided to make a move out of
a space that I had been in for a really
long time, that was very nurturing and
felt really good, like, That really
served me for an extended period of time,
but when I chose to continue doing the
same type of work, um, but for another
company and that space didn't feel as
good, it was so hard on me in so many
different ways, but I think one of.
The things that it really challenged
me on was starting to realize how much
of myself I had put into my work and
how I wasn't nurturing the parts of
myself outside of my work beyond that.
And so I think, Fast forward now, like, 10
years later, I think I do a better job of
being more aware, going into conversations
about the types of work that I want to
do and giving myself space outside of it.
You know, my primary day job to
experiment and explore other parts
of me that I know want to come out.
So it's like, I have a day job.
I do a podcast.
I teach yoga.
I, you know, I do human
design guidance with people.
And so when people hear that,
they're like, it sounds like so much,
but it's, I feel very
invited in as a projector.
Like these all feel like me.
They all feel like important
parts of me to show up.
They just don't all need to take play
as a larger part in my life all at
the same time, if that makes sense.
Kyle Wood: Yep.
I feel like I can understand that.
I feel like that's really helpful to
other people who have this undefined.
Uh, cause yeah, when I was like going
over the notes for it, it was like,
Oh yeah, that's a big one that, uh,
Yeah, like you said at the start of the
episode, you know, it's not The it's one
of these ones as the world hasn't really
Made itself in that way.
Although I guess nowadays,
what do they call it?
Like the gig economy?
With like the younger generation where
there'll be like less full time jobs and
you will be your work for this company
in this company in This company and
that might be really nice for people
Who have that, um, undefined identity
and they might really thrive in that
environment because they are able
to change and adapt, um, as long as,
because it's still going to be like,
you still got to use your
authority to know when something
is like the right thing for you.
Brandi Healy: Right, it's like when you're
asking yourself, who should I show up
as today, or who do I feel like today?
It's, you're using, you know,
your authority, certainly.
Make that decision and enter into that.
Kyle Wood: you're like, you've got to
be careful with people Like me with
the defined identity when I start maybe
Coming up with my ideas of of who I
think you, should be or how you should
show up or or even you just hearing
My own passion for like what I do and
what i'm about and stuff like that.
can get easy.
I imagine Because of
Brandi Healy: Oh yeah, for sure.
There is a, there is a pressure and my
partner has this center defined as well.
And so there can be a pressure
when you're around someone that
has a very strong sense of who they
are, you know what they're about,
they show up very consistently.
And especially when you care for
and admire that person, you're
like, I should be more like them.
And it's like, no, that's the
thing that makes them special.
And the thing that makes you special
is your ability to be different.
And I think that that's, you know,
one of the places where, again,
The wisdom of this center, when
you have it open, is surrender.
And when you can really just surrender
to who you are in that moment, is like
when you can really show up at your best.
It's like, those of us that have this,
like, the center open like we really
help others connect to their own sense
of direction and their own feeling
of purpose when we kind of show up
in hours and that's looking like a
bunch of different things you know
and I think it's also really helpful
for us to share our lived experience
and really let that be an invitation
for other people to get comfortable
about their own direction even if it
feels like it's not a It's not linear.
It doesn't go from A to B.
It kind of wanders a little bit
and like being okay with that.
So do you want to
Kyle Wood: the other thing I was
just gonna add, well yeah, before we
go to Defined, was just that thing.
was a piece of advice around it
you know, if you run your own
business or work for yourself,
it might not be a good idea to make
your business everything for you,
like in the same way, like with a
job, like you know, for some people
they're Their business is their hobby
and their hobby is their business
and it sort of takes over their life.
But that's a lot to ask from your business
in terms of allowing you to express
yourself in lots of different ways.
So it's probably healthy to have other
interests outside of your business.
That, Yeah.
Brandi Healy: being a parent, being
a partner, you know, being a child,
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: can be really any identity.
But yes, in relation to our work, you
know, not letting that, you know, That
identity of entrepreneur, whatever
label you give yourself, letting
that be the one that you kind of hold
on to super tightly, like know that
that can sit in relationship with.
other versions of yourself
all at the same time.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Thanks for sharing.
Brandi Healy: That sounded
very psychedelic, like very
multiple personalities.
Kyle Wood: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Brandi Healy: It's more
like internal family system.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, there we go, yeah.
But that's part of it, isn't it?
It's like there is kind of like a negative
thing around being someone who Who does
change and is different and Ooh, I didn't
know there was that side of you And
all that kind of BS Um, yeah I embrace
Brandi Healy: Where they're like, Oh, I
didn't see, I didn't expect that of you.
And it's like,
Kyle Wood: ha ha Yeah
Brandi Healy: I, I'd
hate to be predictable.
All right.
So tell me what it's like
on the other side of that.
When you know what you're about.
Day in and day out.
Kyle Wood: Well, I mean you don't
like you don't always like I guess
there's a sense Because even with
the even with the defined there's
like an element of like being able
to be like sort of impressionable.
So, um, but I'll speak to you as I
was researching this center because
um, because it's one of my defined
ones, I haven't spent as much time
with it as I have my undefined centers.
Cause that's, you know, where we
get tentavel like, conditioning.
So I really enjoyed, you know, going back
into this one and the two things that
resonated the most were, That with the
people with defined centers feel the need
to express themselves, um, in a way that
feels really authentic, like in all that.
they do So their work life, whatever
they do um, that resonated super hard
because I am terrible at doing work
that I don't feel any excitement,
you know, I got that defined ego as
Brandi Healy: Connection too.
Kyle Wood: those two
Brandi Healy: yeah,
Kyle Wood: um,
Brandi Healy: heart isn't in it, it
doesn't, if it doesn't feel like you
Kyle Wood: if it doesn't feel
like me, yeah, and So, I've got
a, I've got an example of that.
Um, last year I bought this
expensive marketing course
that was going to solve all my problems.
Um, and
Brandi Healy: remember, that
was your like quarter one goal.
Oh yeah.
Kyle Wood: year to do.
From the get go, I was like,
yeah, it doesn't feel right.
Like, it doesn't feel like, I don't
jive with the person teaching it.
The tactics are not too bad, but there's
still elements to it that I'm not super
happy with.
Um, and like, I really struggled.
Like yeah, that's why It took
the whole year because I would
like stop, start, put it off.
And I totally fell into that Like,
the fallacy of sunk costs where
you're like, well, I put all this time
and money into this thing already.
I'll see it through.
And I did know, that at the very
least I would learn something out
of it Um, but yeah, that was a good,
I think, way it didn't allow me to
feel like I was expressing myself
in an authentic way, the elements.
Cause it's like, I just wouldn't,
I just wouldn't do that.
like, it was very step by step.
you know, create this And then do
this and then write these emails and
that kind of marketing thing.
Um, and yeah, yeah.
So it just,
did not, did not resonate at all.
Uh, and so that is something I find
with like mentors and people I learned
from, I have to spend like that one, I
just bought through an advertisement.
So I got advertised, get went into
the funnel, ended up buying it.
the people I've really learned
the most from tend to be people
where I've like been on their emails
for a while, I've sussed them out, I've
like been able to get a good feel of
whether this is a good person for me
to learn from, um, who's not going to
like override my sense of intuition with
like their, their way of doing things.
And it's not that their way of doing
things is wrong, it's just that.
it's going to be right for me.
um, So that was my
little story on that one.
The other thing, that really
resonated with me was, which is
also around that, is that I don't
like to be influenced by others.
so there's this element there, about
like, yeah, so, so, You see that have,
you noticed that in my personality?
So there's two places.
One, I'm always really hesitant to watch
a documentary or a documentary series
because they've, you know, they've
always got such a strong point of view.
and I'm like, I don't want, I don't want
to watch this and then end up with the
same point of view and then be like going
out to, my friends and being like, Oh my
God, but did you watch this documentary?
It said it had everything about it.
And like, you know, Such and
such conspiracy and blah,
blah, blah, dah, dah, dah.
And it's just like, that is such like a
cringe version of myself that I feel so
Brandi Healy: That's the shadow of
this is being impressionable, right?
Kyle Wood: yep.
And then I think, you know, that's why
I have this like hate, hate relationship
with social media as well, because you're
constantly being exposed to people's
like ideas and ways of doing things.
And it just gets, um, yeah.
It just gets really overwhelming.
So yeah, I do really have
to take a lot of time and pay attention
to like, who I'm learning from, whether
that be like business books or, you know,
like self improvement books, um, podcasts.
Um, yeah.
uh and then like, yeah.
Buying like online courses or
trainings or things like that?
That's how it shows up.
Um, That's one of the two things
that resonated with me, but I do
have some more notes, but I thought
if you have some questions on that.
Brandi Healy: feel like I've kind
of, I've witnessed, witnessed you
go through this for the last year.
And I think the other piece of it
is like, you, know, with a defined
identity center, it's like, you're not
meant to like get lost in doing things
the way that other people do them.
Again, like that's the same thing.
It just goes back to like
that impressionable, right?
It's like, that's the shadow version
of, of just being like, Oh, this
is what I'm told to be doing.
It's like a different
flavor of that documentary.
I'm told to think this way I'm told.
To work this way and it's
like, you know, when you doubt
yourself, it's like, okay, well.
maybe I should believe this
or maybe I should do it.
exactly this way and it just feels
icky because it goes against, you
know, how you, how you were meant to
authentically show up and I was actually
like, over time, I was like, witnessing
you go through this And I was just
like, thinking to myself, I'm like.
He's so
miserable and just hates it, but like,
he's just gotta like, go
through it and figure it out.
Kyle Wood: me had to
watch, watch me do it.
I, even I was like watching myself
from the outside being like, for
some reason I have to do this.
Um, I guess what I wanted there was I
still wanted firm data on like, I didn't
Brandi Healy: it doesn't work.
Kyle Wood: ignorance or like fear, you
know, it's so hard sometimes to untangle
from like fear with your decisions.
Brandi Healy: was it your projector
bitterness that was holding you
Kyle Wood: to do, yeah, maybe.
I think, um, Well, and it's like one
of the things that they recommend with
is to focus your energies on where
you feel most creatively expressed.
So as soon as I didn't feel that anymore,
you know, it was time, um, to move on.
Um, something else I found interesting
as well is because I have a strong
identity, I can give other people
direction who are like looking for it.
To people who are feeling like a bit lost.
But there's a very like projector
element with it where you really
have to ask you for that direction.
So if you're And I see that show
up a lot with my marketing as well.
Like if I'm very
like, do this, do that, I can do
that when I teach people things.
But in my marketing, if I'm very like,
do this, do that, it really like,
doesn't resonate with people because I
guess it's only resonating with like,
a very small percentage who
happen to be in that place.
I find more like, seeing, like offering
up direction in the form of like.
a story or an anecdote or like a resource
that people can use is better because
then they can consume that when they're
ready for it.
Um, Rather than me being like, this is
the way you have to do things right now,
which I feel like there is a lot of that
out in the online world at the moment
and it just does not work for me at all.
Brandi Healy: As soon as you said right
now, Like my body Like, seized up,
I'm like, that's too fast.
Kyle Wood: you know, a good example is
like the AI, all the AI stuff and all
this, like, these programs that are coming
out that, that teach you AI and how to
use AI and And there's so much
scarcity around it about like being
left behind And this stuff's gonna
Like like that stuff makes me want
to like reach through the ad and grab
the person and just be like no just no
stop doing this to people and so
any sort of marketing that is like
encouraging that anyone teaching
me marketing that's encouraging
that kind of behavior is very
Uncomfortable to me because I think you
know intuitively I understand how I'm
meant to shop with people to sell stuff.
Brandi Healy: Anything else that you
have that you want to share on this one
I have a
Kyle Wood: no, I think it was, yeah, go.
Brandi Healy: Do you.
does your wife or do your girls,
does anyone in your house have
the center open or undefined?
Kyle Wood: Uh, you know, I feel like
maybe No, I'm just going to check.
Where's the other one?
There she is.
Brandi Healy: And the reason I ask
is in my house, both of my kids
have this center undefined as well.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, no, see we've all
Brandi Healy: I believe what,
Kyle Wood: So we'll
Brandi Healy: so interesting.
So interesting.
So, and the, and this is why I ask, so
Kyle Wood: a lot of sense.
Brandi Healy: does it,
Kyle Wood: Yeah, because like, we, even
like in my five year old, even in my
two year old, um, especially around like
the creative expression, it's like, I
want to do this thing, and I want to
do it this particular way, like, you
know, whatever it is I'm doing, and um,
Brandi Healy: the finger
painting, the chalk drawing.
Kyle Wood: to.
Yeah, like, well, my five year old's,
like, learning the alphabet right now.
She doesn't want any input from me
or my wife, but she'll happily take
herself off and practice writing
her letters and stuff like that.
If I said, why don't you go do that?
Um, but she, yeah, she'll just do
that and we're just like, you've
only been at school for, like, four,
five weeks, like, what is this?
But, um, just loves it and very much,
like, likes learning things under her own
steam, and then we'll ask When she's like,
okay, I need help with this bit or I need
that and then but I don't want any more
help Beyond that I just just enough to
like answer my question and then I'm good.
Yeah, I'm good.
Thanks dad So,
so how do you see this play out with
with one defined and three undefined
Brandi Healy: So what's funny is when
people walk into our house for the
first time, one of the most common
things people say is they're like,
it just feels so homey in here.
And both of my kids and I, we all
have the center undefined and we like.
Live in cozy clothes.
One of us, if not all of us are wrapped
in a blanket at all times, no matter
what the temperature is outside.
Like there are pillows and blankets.
Like my daughter has like a mountain
of stuffed animals on her bed.
Like, you know, All three of us
are just very, it's so sensitive
to our space, but it's because
there's three of us, it's just like
exploded throughout our whole house.
And like, we all really
like smells and things.
So it's like, you know, there's
like incense or candles or whatever.
So it's like, it has to have like.
It's full sensory experience.
Kyle Wood: Yep.
Brandi Healy: And like, my
husband's like, this is great.
Like just along for the ride,
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: but it's like the
three of us to get comfortable.
It's like, do I have my special pillow?
Where's my blanket?
I need four drinks like this candle.
What's the thermostat like
and bless him because he like.
goes through the rigmarole for all three
of us to make sure like we're good.
Like before we go on a car trip or like
even watch a movie all together at home,
it's like a to do to get us all settled.
Kyle Wood: That's
Brandi Healy: if you are one
of those people, I see you.
And if you love one of those
people, we appreciate you.
Oh, good
Kyle Wood: I think, I think,
uh, yeah, this is a good one.
I mean, all places in relationships,
it's good to see where you're defined
and undefined, but this is a good one.
Um, and then I think the
other thing would be like,
if you have this defined, just
always, you know, being aware that.
You may have ideas for how you think
someone should approach something,
and it's not always going to be
the right thing for them, and to
make sure you're waiting for them
to ask you, um, before giving it.
So even, even, I mentioned it being
a projectory thing, but I just want
to clarify, so you don't have to be
projected to have that element to
the defined identity center that's,
for everyone, even manifestors, um,
there, you'll need that, that ask.
There we go.
Brandi Healy: stuff.
Kyle Wood: Alright, uh, we only
have, like, a couple of centres done.
But, uh, we're also excited because
we've got some interviews coming up
and we're going to be, like, we've
got some topics we want to discuss.
So, we're going to be bringing on guests
to, like, discuss, uh, with them, people
who've already looked into this stuff.
Uh, so that's really exciting because
it's going to give you guys a chance.
Um, even more insight
than the two of us have
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
I'm super
Kyle Wood: and don't forget to
check out our website builders.
Oh and Hd.
com uh where you can join our email
list so you can get updates with
the podcast and also for our free live
q a calls and brandy's laughing because
i'm doing a What do they call it an end
of real pitch or something like that?
There is a
Brandi Healy: No, I'm laughing because,
I'm laughing because you said hate.
Kyle Wood: Oh, instead of H.
Brandi Healy: It's just
the way that, you said it.
Kyle Wood: It's probably,
um, So it's just a delivery.
That's what I'm here for, Brandy.
I'm just here for your amusement.
We've already covered that
at the start of the episode.
Brandi Healy: out, laughing,
Kyle Wood: right.
That's right.
And on that note, Have
a great week, everyone.
And we'll
Brandi Healy: Thanks so
Kyle Wood: back soon.
Creators and Guests