How To Read Your Human Design Chart (Where To Start)

Kyle Wood: Hello and welcome back
to the well designed podcast.

I'm Kyle Wood and with me is my co host.

This is where you can jump in Brandy.

Brandi Healy: That's my cue.

I mean, I would make a terrible actor.

I'm Brandy Healy.

Kyle Wood: Awesome.


All right.

So today we're talking about something
we thought before we start diving

into sharing with you the ins and outs
of human design and how you can use

it in your career and your business.

We thought we should actually
talk about where should you start?

Because, you know, if you look
up your human design chart.

It can be pretty overwhelming.

You'll get this like list of
all the, you know, text of all

the different things you are.

And then you get this like funny
looking chart with like triangles

and squares and diamonds and

lines and Numbers and yeah,
and it's just like, okay, what

do I do with this information?

So hopefully today we can, like,
point you in the right direction.

That's our goal.

so how are

Brandi Healy: I actually.

Oh, I was going to say, I actually
did a poll in my Instagram stories

the other day about, like, with
people of what did you think the

first time you looked up your chart?

And it was like, did you feel deeply seen?

Did you feel like it didn't resonate?

Were you, like, overwhelmed?

And, you know, I was actually
shocked because a lot of people

said that they felt deeply seen and
I was like, that's not how I felt.

I felt very overwhelmed the
first time I looked at the chart.

So, you know, if you are one of those
people that like me saw that and felt like

it was a lot going on, you're not alone.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


So there's a few ways we could take this.

Should we try and do this in a bit
of like a process where it's like.

Here's how to even look up your chart,
and then here's what to look at first.

Or should we just sort of
have a bit of a discussion?

I've got some notes here.

What do you think, Brandy?

Brandi Healy: I think we should just chat.

So I think, yeah, I think when you
look up your chart, I think the

easiest thing I think is you view
the chart itself and there's not

really explanation to what it means.

Kyle Wood: Hmm.


Brandi Healy: charts, right?

So you drop down to kind of the
list of texts, and that would vary.

But generally on most chart generators,
there is going to be information

that that's provided to you that
you could do a lot with without

even looking at the body graph.

So the body graph is all the
shapes, lines, numbers and I think

that there's just some of the text
descriptions of your chart that can

be incredibly useful to start with.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: What do you think?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, I mean, The way I sort of
came at it when I had a good think about

this, I was like, I think the most useful.

Thing to do is to ask yourself, like,
what, what do I want to get out of this?

Like, you know, it's just, it's just
information for the sake of information.

You can look up your chart, Google it.

You'll find, you know, an article or a
blog post somewhere that will describe it.

And then you can read it and then, you
know, move on with your life and get.

Anything out of it.

So I think I like the idea of
using human design as a tool.

So in that case, I think starting
with the question of like, What

are you struggling with right now?

Because then there's a specific part or
aspect of your, your human design that

you can look at that will be able to give
you some tools to help you navigate that.

So that's kind of the
approach I took with it.

And then that's a good way to start.

Practicing because yeah,
it's not with human design.

We've found that it's not
enough to just know it.

You do have to kind of, there is a
reflection process that's involved in

this thing I do with, with the coaches
and professionals who I work with is, you

know, there's lots of reflection work.

We learn about stuff, but then it's like,
our house is actually showing up for you.

Where can you tweak things to, you
know, find more flow or whatever it

is they're dealing with right now.

Brandi Healy: I love that.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

So, should we go through, I wrote down
like some different common problems

people have and then like we can
chat about that part of the chat.

Brandi Healy: Yes.

Yeah, absolutely.

So what are, for you, I'm curious,
what was it that you were kind of

looking for answers when you looked
at your own chart for the first time?

Kyle Wood: good question.

I, I mean, I'm probably the
exception to the rule because I

just like geeking out on this stuff.

So, like, I was like, Oh,
yes, this will be good.

Then I just did the thing of
like, Oh, I'll read about my

type and then, and then, okay,

Brandi Healy: Same.

Kyle Wood: whatever.

So for me, probably like a big part of
it was when I learned about the centers.

Because I was able to look at
my chart and my wife's chart.

And see, and we talked a bit
about this last week when you,

or last episode when you were in
talking, doing a reading on me.

But I was able to see, like with my wife,
I was like, oh, she's defined there.

I'm undefined.

That makes sense.

Why, why we clash here or why
we have really different like

innate approaches to this.

Uh, so that appreciation of,
of the difference between us.

That was probably the first time
I was really like, Oh, this is

something I'm going to actually start
by trying to practice, you know,

you might, which was, which was just
in the way that we communicated.

Brandi Healy: So it's like, even
just starting there, like, if you're

looking for it as a tool to support
your relationships, looking at your

centers, Is a great place to start.

So whether it's, you know personal
partnership or a professional

partnership, like those, it's huge.

Any, anyone that you're spending
a significant amount of time with,

it's, it's so useful to look at that.

And that's such a good example.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

And the great stuff about just
needing that date of birth as

well as if you've got a client or
something that, you know, you just.

You could also look up theirs
and see how your chat so pull

up both chats side by side.

So what we're looking for with this
is we're looking at which centers are

colored in and which centers, a white or
clear and then we're comparing our chart.

To the other person's chart and to
see where, where they're different.

So where 1 is colored in and 1 is not.

1 And so that's just an area of where.

The person with the colored in shape
or which is the center, they're

going to have more influence over
the person with the open or undefined

center, which is like not colored in.

So, yeah, so you can see then very quickly
why in relationships, one person can

be like, why don't you do it this way?

Why do you always do it this other way?

Or why will they, why
are you always talking?

And I don't feel the need to say
much or why don't you talk enough?

When I, you know, why
don't you meet me here?

And it's just, we're different.

So that's something that
you could also Google.

You could go online, find that center
that's different with the person find

out what that center is called, and
then just look it up and look up what's,

what's the different characteristics
of someone who has that colored in and

someone who has that white or clear.


Brandi Healy: Yeah, such a good one.

Kyle Wood: that a good advice?

So I did have that down here.

I had that down under personal conflicts.

Brandi Healy: it could also be a great
place to look at if you're have a

relationship that feels really good and
to really understand, like, why does

this relationship feel really good?

Because even if you have
those centers that are.

Defined, undefined, you know,
they're different from one another.

You've probably found a way to
navigate and honor those differences.

So it's like, you know, you can lean more
into that and kind of have language to

speak to why parts of your relationship
work, which can also be really supportive.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

And, and at the same time,
you'll then inadvertently start

learning more about your design.

Through this as well, you'll learn,
like, where you have the capacity for

a lot of empathy and understanding and
where you're more, how would you describe

it for someone who has defined center?

How do you like to

Brandi Healy: Consistent.

Kyle Wood: Consistent, yeah.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, it's just,
there's more consistency in the

way that you show up in specific
areas of your life when you have.


Center is defined and I think,
you know, the easiest example

is the sacral center, right?

For our generators and
manifesting generators.

That's kind of your, your ability
to kind of your to get things done.

And like, you're kind
of your, your passion.

So when we talk about that
consistent energy that generators

and manifesting generators have, I
think, you know, that 70% of people.

So I think that that's kind of
the easiest center to kind of

differentiate between the two, but.

That's, you know, a really kind of good
example of like, it's consistent, right?

You generate consistently from that
center and for, you know, the rest of us,

depending on what we have in our chart.

Those defined centers will dictate to,
you know, where we have that consistency.

And for our reflectors, that just
means that there's a lot more fluidity

in your design and the way that
you kind of operate and show up.

Kyle Wood: That was a
good, good description.

Thank you.

All right, so another thing I had
down was what if you're, you're coming

across human design around the time
you've got a big decision to make.

So maybe it's again, maybe
it's a relationship decision.

Maybe it's changing your
career or something.

You know, actually I'm working with a
couple of people who are going, one's

going through a relationship decision,
one's going through You know, the, a

career change that's out of their control.

So they're, they're trying to
work out like what to do next.

So what part of our chart would
be the most helpful with that?

You didn't have my notes,
but yeah, I think you should

Brandi Healy: Is this a quiz?

Kyle Wood: know this one.

Yeah, this is the human design.

Human design quits.


Our authority sometimes called
out, you know, authority.

So what, what does our
authority help us with?

Brandi Healy: It just, our, our
authority helps us make decisions

that are in alignment with our design.

So there are seven
different authority types.

And I think, you know, the easiest
way to kind of like bucket them is

there are some people that are meant
to make decisions in the moment.

And there are other people that are
in other people that are intended to.

Kind of wait before they make these
larger decisions, like you mentioned

entering or exiting relationships
or moving cities, changing jobs.

I think that there can be kind of other
filters when it comes to smaller day to

day decisions where it's like, you know,
you might not need to wait for clarity or.

Our reflectors wait a lunar
cycle to do, you know, to figure

out what to eat for dinner.

However, when you understand your
authority, it can really help you

support yourself as you enter into
some of these bigger decisions.

So, you know, you and I have
very different authorities.

So, you know, you're a splenic
or tune into your intuition,

which is an in the moment.

Decision maker and mine is that
emotional or wait for clarity.

So for me, it's best when it comes to
even like, and I think I've mentioned

this before, like, especially when
it comes to social commitments.

I really have to like, take that beat
and say like, Oh, that sounds super fun.

Like, can I get back to you and
make sure that I feel, you know,

really clear that I'm not making
that choice from an emotional high

or low before I enter into that.


I think regardless of what your
authority is, having that knowledge

for yourself and also for the people
that are close to you really helps take

out some of that frustration sometimes
that can come with decision making.

So like for you being, you know,
meant to make those decisions in

the moment, how has that changed
the way that you make choices now?

Kyle Wood: I think I had always done
this, Luckily for big stuff, but I

did waste a lot of energy probably
on the smaller stuff, trying to

work everything out in my head.

And not sort of getting in touch
with my inner authority and

seeing what that said first.

So that's probably, it's just
taken, when I remember to use it,

because you know, like this stuff
is hard to remember sometimes,

um, when I remember to use it, it's It's
a relief because I can spend so much

mental energy trying to come up with
ideas and Of what I should be doing next

or how to handle a certain situation.

So Yeah, that's probably
a big thing for me Like

Brandi Healy: Yep.

My partner also is an in
the moment decision maker.

He's a trust your gut.

So for me, when I see him kind of dragging
out a decision, like, I know I can support

him by saying, like, do you want to do it?

Yes or no?

Or giving him like those
choices of like this or that.

And it's like.

Then I know I can get, you know,
a response from him rather quickly

and kind of help clear things up
because, you know, the reality is,

is most of us are not meant to make
decisions from logic and they're

either body based, intuition based,
or, you know, they're process based.

So when you can really
understand that, it's like.

You allow that kind of mind chatter
that happens when it comes to decision

making, you know, not to get as lost
in it when, when we're at our best.


It doesn't always work.


Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, but
I mean, it's hard, right?

Because we've been conditioned that,
especially around a big decision, you

need to have thought about it a lot.

And if you're, you know, we think of
the kind of stereotypical person who

makes decisions in the moment, large
decisions at the moment, they can

be seen as, you know, kind of like,

Brandi Healy: Thoughtless

Kyle Wood: or yeah, exactly because
they haven't weighed everything up.

But then as I say that out
loud, I think of, like.

The, you know, let's know some coaches
who work with pretty high, like, executive

leaders on and big companies and those
people have to make decisions really

quickly and a lot of them are very
successful in their jobs, not because

they spend a lot of time thinking about
things, but because they're able to make

good decisions really quickly, probably,
you know, unconsciously using their

Brandi Healy: really tapping into
whatever their inner authority.

Yeah, absolutely.

I think on the flip side of that,
you know, when you think about

people that do need to wait to make

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: clear decisions
for themselves, there can be a

lot of conditioning around that,
that people are pressuring you.

And I know I've heard this from,
like, reflector clients as well.

Especially because, you know, they
have that, you know, for really

big decisions, if they can give
themselves a month, that's ideal.

And I know a lot of them that I've spoken
to, like, just felt like a huge relief.

They were like, I always thought
something was wrong with me.

Like, why couldn't I do this?

And now I just.

And I my process and again, like, although
that full 20 days might not always be

feasible, but I know that if I take my
time to feel into this, to talk about

it with people that I really trust in
pieces that feel really good, that I can

get to that place and feel comfortable
entering into that without feeling rushed

Kyle Wood: Yeah.



That, that, yeah, that's
especially on those.



Especially with today's day of like,
you know, messages and stuff like

that where people are expecting you.

I like, I hate that.

I have an instant authority and I hate
people messaging me out of the blue,

you know, asking me to commit to things
because like sometimes, you know, I

mean, there's probably is because it's
like, I'm, I I'm dragging, but that is

actually something I'm trying to work
on now is normally I would put that off.

And then it would be
like, hanging over me.

So now when someone does message me, I
think it's like, well, no, I need to get

back to, I am going to get back to them
quickly just to remove that from my mind.

So I'm not carrying that around.

And so I don't know why I haven't
been using my inner authority for

those kinds of decisions, but I'm
definitely going to definitely going to

Brandi Healy: in the moment.

Epiphany here, everyone.

Kyle Wood: yeah, yeah.

And it's funny.

It is funny.

Like, you know, I've been doing
this for a while now and it's still.

Aspects where just you're so
ingrained in doing something

the same way that you forget.

Brandi Healy: You know, like you
mentioned, this is a tool and just like

with any tool, it's a practice, right?

The more you practice these skills.

The more comfortable you become with them.

And I think over time, you start to
realize that there are probably more

places that you can use this tool than you

Kyle Wood: yeah, yeah.

Brandi Healy: right now.

You just feel more comfortable using it.

And, you know, I love
that example of like.

Not letting those decisions take
up mental space when you know

that they're not meant to, right?

And so I'm sure having some of
those smaller decisions hang over

your head, probably you're pretty
draining and being a projector, it's

like you're built for efficiency.

So it's not really efficient to let
those hang out and drink, you know,

Kyle Wood: True, true.

All right, well, let's talk about
that now, because the other thing,

especially working for yourself,
probably working with business owners,

probably the biggest thing that comes
up when it's like actually the meeting

wanting to work on their business.

It's not.

Always that they lack the information.

It's that they're struggling
with like motivation and energy.

So if that's me, what part of my
chart is going to be the most helpful?

Brandi Healy: you're tight.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


Brandi Healy: And, a bit already speaking
about, you know, those generators and

manifesting generators that have that.

Really consistent energy that takes
place throughout the day as long as

they are investing their energy on
things that they're lit up by and

that they feel deeply satisfied by.

So, you know, for those manifesting
generators and generators, if

you're feeling frustrated in
your work, really looking at.

You know, where in my day, you know, what
are the activities or tasks that are on

my plate that are making me feel that way?

And are there ways for me to either
kind of change the way I approach

that so that they feel a little bit
more satisfying or those things that I

can, you know, delegate or maybe even
just eliminate if that's the case.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, if I have a
chat to a generator on manifest and

generator is talking about like working
out at 10 o'clock at night or, you

know, cleaning the house or something.

Usually like, hmm, how are you
using your energy during the day?

Because that sounds like maybe you're not

Brandi Healy: didn't get it out

Kyle Wood: it up.


In ways that are like satisfying.

And that's the thing.

Like, if you're struggling with
motivation and you're like, oh, I'm a

generator, like, I've got lots of energy.

It's yeah, it's probably just that
thing of the type of things using

your energy on and not in alignment.

Brandi Healy: well, and I think
that it can be helpful as well

to think about things that maybe,
like, you don't necessarily love.

So, like, I had a client that
was sharing about their partner

was also a generator and they
wanted to do an activity together.

And the client was just like.

I don't really love the
idea of doing this activity.

It doesn't really light me up.

And I was like, can you reframe
it and say, by doing this activity

with my partner, I, that will
make me feel deeply satisfied.

And they were like, actually, yes.

Like that would like that lighting
my partner up and being of.

Spending that time together and like
seeing how satisfying that is to my

partner, how much that lights them up.

They were like, I think that like, I
can step away from doing a thing that

maybe I don't necessarily love, but
with somebody that obviously deeply

care for, like, yes, I could see how
that could feel deeply satisfying.

So it's like.

Cleaning the toilet might not light
you up, but when it's done, like,

Kyle Wood: Yeah, I mean, a clean house.


Brandi Healy: yeah, I'm feeling
really satisfied, right?

So, you know, some of these
activities, are they going to light

up your guy and feel super exciting?

You know, no, not all of them, but
like, can you reframe and think about,

you know, like, can we fast forward the
tape a bit and say, like, you know, can

these things feel, feel satisfying and.

If you, there are just a lot of things
throughout your day that, that aren't

exciting to you, as Kyle mentioned,
like, where can you build those things

in to use some of the, the, that energy
and in ways that feel really good,

Kyle Wood: Hmm.


Yeah, it's Sorry, I was just texting
because the kids are running around.

It probably sounds like an
elephant's in the room with

me right now, so I apologize.

Brandi Healy: it's somebody yelling.

Kyle Wood: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


This is the reality of working from home,
as everyone now knows yeah, so, and then,

you know, for us, there's projectors and
I'll loop manifestors and, and reflectors.

Sorry, Brian is just laughing now.

I'm glad they're having a good time.


Brandi Healy: Yeah, for sure.

They sound like they're having a blast.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, so for projectors and.

Yeah, we'll look manifestors
and reflectors in there.

You know, this can be
really helpful as well.

Cause it's the cliche thing
of like, why can't I keep up?

Why can't I seem to do.

work as many hours as someone else.

And one of the first PT studios
I worked at, the owner was doing

like 60 to 70 PT sessions a week.

And like, I was just like.

How, how are you going from like
5 o'clock in the morning to like

9 o'clock at night with like, just
a few hours break here and there?

And I mean, it wasn't, there was quite
obscene amounts of coffee being drunk too.

But then, you know, he
was a marathon runner too.

So then, you know, on his day off, he'd
be running, you know, what, in, I'm not

Brandi Healy: 23 miles.

Kyle Wood: kilometers.

they do like

Brandi Healy: miles.

Kyle Wood: So that's a full marathon.

23 miles.



So the long run, they would probably do
like 15, 15 miles for their training.

And yeah, anyway, yeah.

So it was just like how, when when
I was trying to work out how to

do like 20 hours contact or less.

Brandi Healy: Yep.


Kyle Wood: Yeah, so this
can be really helpful too.

If you're like, one of these on
energy types to see that, like, your

gift is not in how many hours you
work, but in, like, what you can

achieve and your insight you can give
in the times when you are working.

So I have, I have 1 more question on the
where to start with human design pop quiz.

Are you ready?

Brandi Healy: ready.

Kyle Wood: This

one's got, I'll give you a heads up.

This one's got two answers.

So where would I look at my
chart if I feel like things

aren't progressing for me?

So maybe I've been in
this business for a while.

There's like new career and it's
like just stuck not getting new

clients, like just not working out.

Brandi Healy: Okay.

So I actually came up with three answers

Kyle Wood: Oh, okay.


Brandi Healy: This is fun.


So when you said stack
immediately, I think about.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: So, you know, that
you could have, you know, there are

4 different types of definition.

And, you know, if you are independent,
you know, often, like, you find a lot of

wholeness in, you know, how you operate.

On your own, that doesn't mean that you
can never operate in group settings, but

sometimes like if you find you're working
in a group and you're feeling a bit

stuck, stepping away and taking some time
on your own can help you find clarity.

Collaborative definitions like you
and I, oftentimes if we get stuck and

we're working alone, it can be really
beneficial to work around others.

And that doesn't mean to work
necessarily to work with others.

It can sometimes just mean like Going
to like a coffee shop or, you know,

a co work space where there are just
other people's energy around that

could kind of activate different

parts of your

Kyle Wood: yeah, that's a good one.

Brandi Healy: And then there's you
know, synthesizing and there's 5, sorry.


Kyle Wood: Yeah,

Brandi Healy: we have our reflectors
that have you know, that have none.

So like knowing what that profile is or
what your definition is, and then knowing.

Okay, I'm feeling stuck right now.

I have tools available to me
to kind of get things going.

And the fun one about, about
the definition is like this

works in partnerships as well.

So even if you're a collaborative
when you look at either your business

partner or, you know, friendships or
other partnerships in your life, you

Can create a new definition together.

So understanding like, oh,
in our relationship, we might

have a collaborative split.

We're feeling some tension
in our relationship.

It might be useful to get
yourself out around other people.

And, you know, again, activate different
parts of your collective chart there.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


Brandi Healy: that one right?

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

I actually didn't have definition down,
but that makes that makes total sense.

Yeah, yeah.

That is a good one.

And actually, yeah, I can, I can speak
to that with having a wide split.

But yeah, if I'm trying to work on my
own too much, you know, it's hard to run

your own business, but definitely things
move better when I can find ways to

collaborate or bring other people in or
yeah, at worst to just work in the cafe.

Brandi Healy: Mm hmm.

Kyle Wood: So, let's not go
too deep into them, but what

were the other 2 things that.

That came up that are worth
looking at if things are stuck.

Brandi Healy: I was
thinking about profile.

Kyle Wood: Yep.

Brandi Healy: And channels.

Kyle Wood: And channels.


Brandi Healy: Yeah.

You're like, that wasn't on your

Kyle Wood: ha ha.

That wasn't on my list either.

So I was thinking about, which I
don't think is wrong, and it's Yeah,

it's just different areas to look at.

So I was thinking about strategy and

Brandi Healy: Oh, you're s Well, and I
think the reason I went to channels is

because you were talking about clients
and I was like, oh, to market your gifts.


Kyle Wood: Ah, yeah, yeah.

Brandi Healy: I was like, Oh, obviously,
we didn't even talk about that.

Kyle Wood: Ha

Brandi Healy: Kyle is correct.

I would not start with your channels.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, I didn't even

have channels on here.

I was like,

Brandi Healy: yeah, no.

Kyle Wood: yeah,


Brandi Healy: was like I went
far off the edge because I just

got excited about marketing.

That'll be another episode.

But yes, so for profile profiles,
how you manifest your unique purpose,

and there are 6 different numbers and
knowing, you know, when you look at your

chart, it'll look like a fraction and
knowing what your profile is and what

those numbers mean can be really useful.

Kyle Wood: yeah,

Brandi Healy: To, you know, help,
help you understand how you work best.

So like for myself, I'm a three, which
is like, I am meant to learn by doing.

So oftentimes when I do feel stuck, like
I know I just have to start and it's okay.

If it's not perfect the first time, like
it'll get me closer to where I want to be.

And then the second part of my profile is
that five, which is like a problem solver.

So knowing that.

When I'm presented with problems,
it's up to me to use my authority to

know, like, what is it that I want
to solve so that that's super useful.

And oftentimes that 1 comes in a lot
of times when I feel overwhelmed,

because it's like, maybe there
are too many problems to solve.

And a lot of them, I don't have the
energy or desire to actually solve them.

Kyle Wood: yeah,


Brandi Healy: just 1 example there.

Kyle Wood: a good one.

Brandi Healy: So, do you
want to share about strategy?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, so then strategy can
be helpful because, you know, as a

projector, I can look back very clearly
and see all the times like I was

like, right, I'm going to make this,
I'm going to make some shit happen.

I'm going to, I'm going to get my
hustle boots on and I'm going to

like, we're just going to do this.

And then after like two days, I'm
like in a ball on the ground crying

Brandi Healy: You're like, fuck this.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah.

And nothing's happened.

Or, you know, even in the times I
did manage to sustain it longer,

it's just like, just, just
like, and just didn't resonate.

Like, didn't resonate with people.

So understanding my thing of like waiting
for the invitation made so much sense.

And again, I was able to look back
and be like, Oh, I can see those

times when I was really invited
in to situations or relationships

and and I had the most impact and
it felt like the easiest as well.

So yeah, that's, that's an area I'd
look at if you're like stuck as well.

Like what, what is that?

And try and.

Do some work to understand.

Don't just read it and be like,
Oh, my thing is, you know,

to wait for an invitation.

Cause like with that,
there are subtleties to it.

So try and try and read
up or find some resources.

We'll put out some future episodes
on different aspects as well.

But yeah, that would be an
area to definitely look at too.


Brandi Healy: Any more quiz questions?

Kyle Wood: no, but I did
think of one just from that.

It's like.

What should you not look at when
you're just starting with human design?

Like what should you just

Brandi Healy: I think I
already mentioned one.


Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah.

Channels which, you know, also is linked
to like gates, sometimes called gene keys.

Again, they're like advanced.

I would only look at them

Brandi Healy: That's when you're
starting to get into the weeds.

Yes, exactly.

And I think that that's
like an excellent point.

So, some of these other things
that we already talked about.


strategy, authority.

Typically, once you start experimenting
with those and are finding a lot more

flow and alignment, a lot more ease,
the other parts of your chart just kind

of naturally start to fall into place.

And that's when, you know, you actually
can start to Live in alignment with

like your channels and your channels
are your gifts and like really use

your gifts I think another thing that
I would probably stay away from is

things like your environment and your
cognition so it's like people Love to

look at their charts and it's like my
environments are sure as let's move to the

Kyle Wood: their their eyes
always like go to that bit maybe

because it like stands out.




Brandi Healy: Or like, caves?

Do I need

Kyle Wood: Yeah,

Brandi Healy: a cave?

Or like, you know, some of these other
ones, it's like, cognition is like, smell.

Or it's like, what does
hot digestion mean?


Kyle Wood: Yeah,

Brandi Healy: some of this stuff is like,
it's very nuanced, and again, it's...

Once you start to really embody some of
these bigger parts of your design, it's a

lot easier to start to tinker with some of
these, like, you know, more nuanced bits.

And because I don't know about you, I
don't even, like, I certainly can see

how, like, my environment comes into
play now, but, like, that's not even

something that, like, I was really
thinking of, you know, three years ago.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, no, I don't
think it's worth looking at.

Sometimes it's called your personal
health system, PHS, I think as well,

sometimes referred to or your variables or

Brandi Healy: Mm

Kyle Wood: But yeah, again, that's an
advancing, don't get stuck there because

even to use that properly, you need to
be pretty comfortable with your strategy

and your type and your authority too.

So yeah, I would say don't look at that.

Don't look at your incarnation cross.


Brandi Healy: Yeah.

Kyle Wood: That that's like
the final piece of the puzzle.

And yeah, and then obviously
you can look at your.

We didn't really

Brandi Healy: your planet.

Kyle Wood: your signature and not
self, but that'll come up when

you look at your strategy anyway.

So, yeah.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, the planet's
probably not as important.

Kyle Wood: no,

Brandi Healy: Out of the gate.

Kyle Wood: those numbers down the side.

Yeah, again, they're just like that fine
tuning stuff just by like understanding.

You know, some of the stuff we talked
about today, like your authority

and your strategy and your type.

And then if you wanna look at centers when
it comes to relationships or if you wanna

look at your profile to sort of understand
maybe how you work best those are good

places to start and you're gonna get
so much bang for your buck out of that.

And then, like I said at the start,
it's helpful to, to actually.

You know, reflect to integrate
this stuff, not just read about it.

So that's where if you do have a
problem in mind when you're approaching

human design, it could be really
helpful because it gives you kind

of a practical place to get started.

Yeah, and that's what I
have to say about that.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, I love that.

I think a really good analogy, you
know, for those of you that are in the

fitness world, is like, You know, as
a yoga teacher, I oftentimes will got

like students that are like, I really
want to learn how to do a handstand.

I'm like, amazing.

Let's work on that plank.

Let's work on that plank.

And so, you know, work on that plank
and like, you know, we'll, we'll

take our time and we'll get there
to build, build the muscles to be

able to get into that handstand.

Kyle Wood: Yep.

And we're happy to, to share
more about these today.

We kind of wanted to do this more
like big picture thing because I

think it is a useful step before
you just start diving in and also,

like, you're listening to this.

Those of you listening
to this, like, if you.

Have an aspect either that we covered
today or something else with your

human design that you'd like us to
talk about more or go dive deeper into,

like, please reach out to us and we can
absolutely do a future episode on that.

Brandi Healy: So fun.

Kyle Wood: Fun.


All right.

I think that was good.

That was awesome.

Thank you, Brandy.

Brandi Healy: My pleasure.

Thank you.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Thanks everyone for listening and
we will we will be in your earbuds.

Or your ear holes.

What's the other word for your ears?

Your ear cavities.

See, it just gets worse.

Brandi Healy: I think

Kyle Wood: You'll be able to, you'll
be able to listen to us again.


Brandi Healy: Bye.

Creators and Guests

Brandi Healy
Brandi Healy
Co-Host of Well Designed
How To Read Your Human Design Chart (Where To Start)
Broadcast by