Our Best Tips For Tuning Into Your Authority
Kyle Wood: All right, it's time to party.
Brandi Healy: I wish that this, moments
like this make me wish this was a video
podcast because that dance was priceless.
Kyle Wood: Uh, yes, um, well we can't
start off an episode of the podcast
without being a little bit goofy as
it helps us ease some of the, uh,
long distance Conversation tension.
It's always, it's good today, but
some days it's really bad cause
the, there'll be a slight delay in
Brandi Healy: Oh yeah.
Kyle Wood: the voice.
And those days are tricky, but, uh, yes.
So today let's talk about what we're
talking about today on the podcast.
Today we are talking about your authority.
And we're hoping to share with
you some really quick tips, um,
or tactics that you can use.
To just tune back into your authority.
Because a little reminder, well,
Brandy, you're always very good at
saying these things very succinctly.
So could you give us a little refresher
on what our authority is in human design?
Brandi Healy: part.
I'm like, it's one of my favorite
parts of human design, but truly,
like when we think about like our
authority, our authority is how we
make aligned decisions for ourselves,
how we enter in to, you know, and
choose the right opportunities for us.
And when we think about decisions,
it's, we all make thousands
of decisions every single day.
So this is where, you know, I feel like
this can be, you know, One of the most
powerful when you can really understand
it and utilize it to make it work for
you in your life With that being said, it
can also be one of the more challenging
ones to really get a handle on.
You know, if it's something that you
haven't been, had access to your whole
life, or you have been conditioned out of.
So as, you know, potent as it can
be, it's also so important for us
to remind ourselves to be really
compassionate with ourselves.
If you're hearing about your authority
for the first time, and you're like, I
don't make decisions that way, it's okay.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: you know, this one can be,
again, like a pretty sticky space and,
you know, I've been experimenting with
my decision making authority for several
years now, and I'm here to tell you it
is still very much a work in progress.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
I was, um, doing a little like reading
for a couple of new friends the other
day, and I said to the guy, I was like,
Oh, you're yours is trust your gut.
Do you feel like you
did all these decisions?
He's like, no.
And then he just like left the room.
He didn't
Brandi Healy: He's like, I'm
Kyle Wood: no, I don't make
any of my decisions that way.
But then it was revealed that,
um, his partner who's, uh, Oh, I'm
I think she was self projected.
Um, she often makes the
decisions, like, for him.
Like, she can pick up from him what
decision he actually wants to make.
So it's like, well, she's just
reading your gut reactions.
Brandi Healy: Right.
Kyle Wood: cues.
So, yeah, anyway, it was, uh, it was,
it was very interesting, um, as she was
very open to it and he was like, no, I'm
very skeptical of these things, like I
Brandi Healy: Yes, he was very affronted.
Kyle Wood: yeah.
But, uh,
Brandi Healy: he's like,
no thank you, stranger.
Kyle Wood: yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.
He's like, and it's
Brandi Healy: His gut told him he was out.
Kyle Wood: Um, but all, but yeah,
definitely with some, so there's
that, um, there's that invitation
that wasn't there to share that.
Brandi Healy: so, there
are seven different types.
Of authorities, which feels like so many
But I think it's important to understand
that The majority of people are,
you know, very few of these types.
Like, so, you know, 50 percent
of people, it's like just over 50
percent of people have a wait for
clarity or emotional authority.
And then there's another, hold on, let
me just double check on this number here.
I'm like, now that I'm going to spill
the goods, I have to be accurate.
Um, Trust Your Gut is about
33 percent of the population.
So when you look at those two types, it's
85 percent of people are one of two types.
So most of us fall into,
you know, these two camps.
And then, you know, the other five
types are a little bit less likely.
Um, you know, less frequent out in the
world, so I think that for those of you
that have these other decision making
authorities, I feel like this is going to
be really powerful for you because I find
that these are the people that are often
conditioned the most by the rest of us.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
but before we get into that, we do
have something else we want to share.
So we don't talk a lot on this show
about what we actually do if you want to
dive more into this human desires stuff.
So before we talk, we are going to
share these tips on your authority.
Did just want to mention a couple
of things we've got going on at the
moment that you might be interested in.
Um, so Brandy, do you want to go first?
Brandi Healy: Sure thing.
So, we both wanted to talk about how
we work with clients, um, and people
that are interested in digging deeper
into their human design, whether it's
for their work, personal development,
to, you know, understand their
relationships with their family better.
Um, and so, you know, I just wanted to
share that I typically work with clients
one to one and whether it is in single
sessions or I do a series of 10 where we,
over the course of 10 weeks, we really
dive deep into each aspect, um, of your
human design and, you know, Kyle
has a group offering that he
wants to share about as well.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
So once or twice a year I run it's three
months or 13 weeks, um, course, and
really this is for people who run their
own like fitness or wellness business.
Uh, and it's really about working
out how to align with your
human design so that you can.
Create a business that
feels successful to you.
So most of the time when we look at
what online people are saying and doing
is like a very specific way that they
want us to like build our business.
And I know, especially as a
projector, like that just doesn't
work for me a lot of the time.
So that's what this
course is really about.
We're going to go.
I can speak to you a little bit
more because listening, you're
listening to this, so you, you
know, a bit about human design.
So we go through, um, like your profile
and how that works with your marketing,
go through your authority and how that
relates to making business decisions.
And then of course your type and
how that relates to your energy
and the best way for you to work.
So we do that in a group,
um, over the 13 weeks.
And, uh, yeah, I'm.
I'll put links to both of these, um,
to book either a session with Brandy
or if you want to read a bit more
about my program in the description.
Um, yeah.
Brandi Healy: Awesome.
Kyle Wood: Awesome.
All right.
Brandi Healy: dive in.
Kyle Wood: Let's dive in.
So where, who are we starting with?
I always put my, me, myself first.
Okay, so I'm, this is for those of
you who are also splenic authority
like me, which sometimes is called
intuitive knowing authority.
So this has been one that's been
really, uh, liberating for me to
learn, but like Brandy said earlier,
it can be really hard at times to.
to actually use this.
Um, oh wait, we're jumping
ahead of ourselves, Brandy.
We were going to share
something else first.
We were going to share some general,
general things first, and then we
were going to go into the specifics.
Brandi Healy: Oh, that's right.
Kyle Wood: All right, pause everyone.
Sorry for those of you who
are splitting authority.
I'm just going to leave you
hanging there for a second.
Uh, so as we were, we were doing this,
so we did want to share that there's
kind of some general things with
your authority that is good advice,
no matter what your authority is.
So this is sort of the similarities
we see with human design.
And then some of these have
sort of more specific parts
to it, which we will go into.
Um, in each authority, which is why
I wanted to take a step back because
then it would make more sense when
I'd be like, remember when I said that
before, this is how it shows up for
this, but that won't make sense unless
I actually share the three things.
Brandi Healy: What those things are.
Kyle Wood: So the first thing with
authority is that none of us are meant
to make a design from, uh, sorry, I
Brandi Healy: a decision.
Kyle Wood: I've got human
design on the brain.
I'm meant to make a decision
from a really like heady space.
Um, so pros and cons lists are out people.
Uh, so that's the first piece of general
advice is to stop overthinking it.
Um, and particularly for those of
you who have like a defined mind or a
defined head or both, which there's me,
uh, it can be really easy to get stuck
in your head, try and make decisions.
And that's not where you're meant to make.
These big decisions from, um,
the second general piece of
advice has to do with timing.
So for each authority, there will be
an element where timing is important.
So we'll talk a little bit
more about in a second.
And the third one is around paying
attention to the energy of the
space you're in, and also the
energy of the people you're around.
can be really important when it
comes to tuning into your authority.
So they're just three pieces of
advice to try and keep in mind.
Um, next time you're like, Oh, I
can't work out how to do my authority.
I don't know how to tune into
it or pay attention to it.
I'll hand it back
Brandi Healy: All right.
Kyle Wood: Do you want to share
some stuff about the spleen with us?
And I'll tell you whether
that rings true for me.
Brandi Healy: All right.
So for those of you with a tune
in to your intuition or a splenic
authority, you know, this is that
decision making authority that comes
with an intuitive moment or with
an intuitive knowing in the moment.
So this one is like the quietest of
authorities and can be kind of elusive.
So something that could be really useful
to people with this authority is to
have something in your toolkit that
really helps you quiet down your mind
and helps you tap into your intuition.
So that could be like something like time
alone, being outside in nature, breath
work, meditation, just something that
helps you, you know, slow things down and
quiet things down enough so that you can
actually hear your intuition come through.
So, my 14 year old also has,
um, is a splenic authority.
So, something that, you know, has been
really helpful for him is he just like
stops, pauses, takes a really deep breath
and kind of like does like a little
energetic reset and that's something that
has really helped him, you know, when he
gets a little bit frustrated or you know,
feels like he can't answer a question.
I'm just like pause, take a deep
breath and then he can kind of
open his eyes and and like be clear
and say this is what I want to do.
so that's something I've seen
in real life be very helpful.
So does that ring true for you Kyle?
Kyle Wood: Yeah, where are
you when I need that brandy?
Where are you when I'm there
slinging that thing down?
Hey, stop!
Just yell it out from
Brandi Healy: Listen, I'm looking
for that person for myself as well.
Kyle Wood: yeah, absolutely.
So, the notes I had on this, because a
lot of people who have this authority, or
even people who are trying to understand
someone who has this authority, is they,
um, They really struggle to understand
what, what is, what are you feeling into?
So for me, what I've noticed is
that the voice is really quiet, as
you said, but it's also confident.
It's not quiet and meek.
Um, it knows what the right
thing to do is in the moment.
Uh, but if you, if you're busy and
especially if I'm taking in too much
information from other people, It
can be really hard to tune into that.
So that's when, yeah, having
those, having that space.
So that would be my tip, having space.
And then notice if you do have a
voice inside of you that's very loud,
it's probably not your intuition
that's telling you what to do.
It's probably fear or conditioning.
So that was sort of my other tip
is to pay attention to if the voice
is loud and erratic, it's not your
intuition saying, no, your intuition
doesn't speak to you that way.
Intuition speaks to you very kindly.
So, that's my tip.
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
It's usually our bossy mind or emotions.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, that's right.
Or, for me, with an open emotional
centre is someone else's emotions.
Yeah, okay.
Do you want me to speak about yours?
Brandi Healy: yes, please.
So, I have a wait for clarity
authority or which is also
known as an emotional authority.
So, Kyle, it's probably my
emotions that are, are getting in
the way of your decision making.
Kyle Wood: Look, someone who, and
this is actually another good piece
of advice for the previous one, but
people who are in control or have
a good handling on their emotions
are like very healthy to be around.
Uh, cause you can see them handling
that in, in a safe way and they're
not necessarily trying to like
inflict their emotions upon them.
The people around them, which is, which is
hard because what you say, it's 50 percent
of people have this as their authority.
So, um, the, the thing that I think that I
feel like is a good tip for this, because
the first piece of advice you always get,
if you've got this authority, it's like,
you know, to sleep on it, to wait until
the next day and then you'll know, but
it's more subtle than that, isn't it?
It's more about.
Waiting till you feel calm and clarity.
So it's after you've gone
through all the emotional way.
So that might take, it's not
necessarily going to always take
exactly 24 hours or exactly one sleep.
It might take a couple of days.
It might take longer for you to
finish going through that and to
reach that place where you're calm.
So that would be my tip for tuning
in is like just checking in.
Am I making this from a heightened, Um,
this decision from a heightened emotional
state, whether that's very like low.
F this, F that, F these people, I'm out.
If you're a manifester, okay, you
may be able to get away with that.
The rest of this is going
to make us pretty miserable.
Um, but yeah, if you're Yeah,
or you're making it from like,
Oh my God, this is so amazing.
This is so exciting.
I'm going to change my whole business
and my whole life and everything.
And, uh, yeah, then that's
also maybe like checking back.
Was that really from a calm thing?
So complex.
So how does
Brandi Healy: Yeah, I think that?
that's, yeah, that's pretty spot on.
So I think it's really about like, after
you get that initial instinct, it's really
about that pause and giving yourself.
Time to process before you commit.
It's like
you're waiting for the
charge to dissipate.
before you enter into the commitment.
So that charge can be exciting and
can get you really hyped up or it
can be, you know, on the flip side of
that if you're feeling low or drained
no matter what someone tells you,
it can sound like a terrible idea.
you know, that pause is there to
kind of protect us from our emotions.
And again, like, let, not
let our emotions be the boss.
And I think that the word
weird emotional authority It's
almost like an oxymoron, right?
Because it makes it
sound like we're meant to make our
decisions from our emotions when
it's really about we're meant to
not let our emotions get in the way
of us making aligned decisions.
And so I have certainly fallen victim
of saying yes to things because I'm
really wrapped up in excitement and
the next day Regretting it tremendously
or on the flip side, shutting
something down when I was, because an
opportunity was presented to me when
I was in, you know, not a great place,
um, and then, you know, regretting not
having waited until I was out of that
place place before, um, before committing.
So, I think that that's, you
know, pretty accurate and.
Sometimes we don't always have the grace
of, you know, a full sleep, but I think,
you know, even just that pause and I
have found for myself personally, even
when it comes to things like responding
to an email, like in the heat of
passion, probably a good idea
for me to like pause before
I hit send, even if I want to
write that sucker.
And I let it sit there in the impacts
and then I go back and I'm like, I don't
need to send that Or I you know what?
I can talk to this person tomorrow
or you know, whatever it is.
So, um, I think that that's a Another
helpful reminder is it's about
letting the emotion that's present
at the time know kind of pass Oh,
Kyle Wood: always like, can I get
back to you on that, you know, that's
your new favorite phrase as well.
Brandi Healy: I I I love that one.
Can I get back to you?
And even when it is exciting
like letting people know like
that sounds really exciting, you know,
Can I get back to you in a day or two?
You know, I just I need I need to check
out a few things and those few things
I need to check out are my emotions all
right, so let's talk about trust your gut
So, this is another one that
a large portion of people
have, is this Trust Your Gut.
And Trust Your Gut is only, um, available
for generators or manifesting generators.
So, uh, all non sacral types, you
can, you know, listen for your
sacral friends and loved ones.
So, for this Trust Your Gut.
This one is instantaneous.
So, we talked about timing.
So, timing for wait for
clarity is that pause.
And what are we waiting for?
We're waiting for that pause.
We're waiting for those emotions to pass.
With the trust your
gut, it's the opposite.
It's instant.
Similar to tune into your intuition.
But with trust your gut, instead of
having this quiet, soft, intuitive
whisper or this knowing that comes
over you, it's a lot more raucous.
It's a lot more embodied.
It's, you know, it's sacral.
It's your gut.
So oftentimes people will say that that
gut knowing feels really expansive or
like butterflies or, you know, like
bubbles, nervous energy, excitement.
So that can look different
depending on the person, but really
understanding what that gut full
bodied yes feels like to you.
And on the flip side, what
does a no feel like to you?
So some people will say it feels
like a contraction or like, you
know, tension in their stomach.
So I think those two
things are really helpful.
Like what does a full
bodied yes feel like to me?
What does a no feel like to me?
And you can kind of experiment with this
one By asking yourself yes or no questions
to things you already know the answer to.
So like, do I like pizza?
Yes or no?
And like kind of starting to like,
you know, play around and say like,
what does that feel like in my body?
Or if there's something that you
absolutely detest, like when I, when
that is an option presented to me,
what does that feel like in my body?
And that could be something
Kyle Wood: practice like
when the stakes are low.
Uh, on, yeah, what do, actually
not, what do I want to have for
dinner tonight, terrible question
to ask someone with a gut authority.
So something you can also do is, can
you reframe, can you give me some
options, can you start listing out the
options, and then for each option you
can be like, pizza, mm, no, Indian,
mm, no, you know, going, you know,
going through the list one by one.
I guess the other thing to mention
is that, yeah, unlike emotional
authority, but like splenic authority,
the decision, it should be easy to
make the decision in the moment.
So it is just that classic
thing of like, trust your gut.
Go with that initial feeling, um,
rather than getting stuck in your head.
Uh, go back to that again,
cause that's a big one.
Like my friend who I shared before,
who had the gut authority, like,
you know, he's trying to make all
these decisions from his head.
He can never make the decision,
does a million hours of research.
Uh, but yet can't make that decision
because he's trying to make a decision
with the wrong part of his body.
So yeah, that's, I think that's all
I would add to, um, trust your gut.
Brandi Healy: authority, is that
the conditioning that those of you
with this authority may have is
people telling you, Are you sure?
And this is, I guess, true also
for Splenic, because this is
something that I try not to do to
my son, is ask like, Are you sure?
Do you want to take more time?
Why don't you sleep on it?
Because that can really lead
people to doubt themselves, right?
And so again, just know if you're
like, this is not something
that I feel comfortable with.
it's really common and again,
give yourself some grace.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
All right.
Brandi Healy: right,
Kyle Wood: What are we looking at next?
Brandi Healy: pick one.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Let's do I like self
projected or talking out.
So the next one we'll look at is.
This happens when you don't have
your splenic, you don't have any
of the three sort of main centers
that help us make decisions.
So your spleen, your sacral,
your emotional center, but you
do have your throat, uh, but
you're not a mental projector.
So there's another element in there.
I'm forgetting.
Brandi Healy: Identity.
Kyle Wood: You throw it to your identity.
Thank you.
Uh, so the, it's, it is more rare.
These next four, we're going to
talk about a much, much more rare.
They're a small percentage of people.
So when you think about interacting with
others, if you don't know the design,
that probably aren't one of these, but
it can be helpful to look at the design
and it can be really helpful when you
do meet someone who has one of these
authorities, because, or if you are
someone without authority, because the
way you make decisions is so different to.
Over 99 percent of the
population for each of these.
So this one we're talking
about is called self projected.
It happens just to projectors,
um, and the way you best make
decisions is to talk it out.
And as you're speaking and saying
the words out loud, paying attention
to what's coming up for you.
So like, are you starting
to get some hits of clarity?
Uh, it doesn't really matter.
what the other person is saying or doing.
Like, it's, you want someone who will
literally just let you talk it, talk it
out and just, just speak about, um, I
have a nephew who has this, and like I
said, a friend who, um, has this as well.
And it is really helpful for them to
just be able to like natter at you.
Uh, and it can be very annoying if
you're on the receiving end of this.
Um, but yeah, so
Brandi Healy: If you don't
know what's happening to you.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, that's right.
And like, why aren't they
listening to any of my advice?
Because that, because if you
have this authority, that's
the thing you're not talking to
other people to get their advice.
You're talking to people to be able to
tune in to your own authority and what
you know is the right decision for you.
So that's my big tip with this one is
to find people who Happy to just be
your sounding board and, and you've got
a relationship with them where you can
say, Hey, look, I just need to like, I
just need to talk through this out loud.
Do you mind just listening along
so I've got someone to speak this
to, uh, and go, go from there.
Brandi Healy: Yeah,
I think that's important that
if you have this authority
manage the expectation So that
you know when there's projectors
and a fellow projector on the
other end, we're not salty that
you're not taking our advice
Kyle Wood: Yeah, that's right.
Brandi Healy: From projector to projector
and One of my closest girlfriends has
this authority and you know, what's
interesting is oftentimes I find
After she kind of goes through these,
you know These conversations where
she's processing, she apologizes.
She's like, I'm so sorry.
I've just been talking and I'm like,
no, I'm and I remind her I'm like,
I'm your sounding board and she's
like, oh, thank you so much.
And it can be such a relief when you
know that you have those people in
your life that can act as that that
sounding board in that
container to help you process.
Also, remember that like you can
utilize other tools like journaling
or even maybe even leaving yourself
voice notes, talking to yourself.
I know that sounds
kind of crazy, but this is
something that I've also heard
self projected, uh, projectors say.
Oh yeah, I talk to myself in
my car, in the shower, like
when I'm like kind of like
narrating their day to them.
Um, so, know that these are all
things that might feel innately
really natural to you, and use them.
Kyle Wood: a bit crazy with my nephew as
well, but yeah, I think, yeah, just the
talking out loud and that's the thing,
it doesn't have to be to someone else.
So that's another thing as well.
If you feel like you don't have anyone in
your life who you can talk to like that.
Then, um, yeah, try just
doing it in the shower.
Brandi Healy: All right,
let's talk about the next one
that's very similar, but again,
a little bit more nuanced.
So it's talk it out and
be in the right space.
This is also an authority that is only
available to projectors and it's similar
in terms of, you know, it's, it's process
based that when talking things out,
it's, but it's also important because
these people have basically everything
from the throat down open, correct?
Kyle Wood: yeah, so they'll have the
throat, the head, uh, and the mind.
I'll have either all three or any, any
Brandi Healy: or two.
right, of those.
So, Knowing that you have so much
openness in your chart, you are
incredibly sensitive to the energy
of the space that you're in and
the people that you are around.
So this is where it's super important,
not only that like, okay, do I
need to have a sounding board, but
does the sound Um, and I think that
the space, the physical space I'm
in feels supportive to me processing
that I'm able to either talk it out
or do my voice recording or write in
my journal, really connect to my inner
voice, my inner knowing by nurturing
myself through the people I'm around
or the environment that I'm in.
Something that can also be useful is
like changing the space or changing
the person that you're talking to
because it can bring out
different perspectives.
of the decision that you need to make.
Kyle Wood: yeah, in fact, that's
like recommended that you don't make
a decision just based on that one
space or person, but that you, you
do go and talk to quite a few people.
Um, and my other tip here is like, you
might have a friend who likes listening to
all your stuff, but then wants to give you
advice or they, you know, want to tell you
what they think is the best thing to do.
That's not necessarily what you want.
Cause again, we're tuning
into our own authority.
We want people who would just like
ask really good questions, which
feels really good as a projector
anyway, to have someone sit there
and ask you really good questions.
Um, and yeah, I know I had, had one
client who really just did like a,
again, a lot of journaling and had
like a favorite spot in the house.
She liked to journal, favorite cafe
she likes to go to and journal.
So she already, She's in her 60s,
so she's more in tune with this
stuff, but yeah, she already was
like finding those things naturally.
Um, and it's actually been really, really
cool watching her embrace that authority
over like the last 12 months and just to
see like the difference in her business
and her life and, um, where she's going.
Yeah, it's really awesome.
Brandi Healy: So good.
So good.
Kyle Wood: All right, we've
Brandi Healy: so
Oh yeah, we do have
two left.
I skipped over one.
Kyle Wood: Or, ego.
Brandi Healy: That's right.
So let's do tune into your willpower.
So, tune into your willpower is the key.
Um, you could be a manifester or a
projector and have this as your authority.
So, you know, for those of you that
have this authority, it's so important
that you are entering into commitments,
that you are really being pulled toward,
that your heart is like fully in, that
you, You are certain that you want
to see that thing come to fruition.
People that have this authority, like
you can't enter into things half hearted.
You have this incredible drive and
this incredible willpower to make
things happen, so when you say yes to
them, you need to be certain that you
actually want that thing to happen
because you're going to make it happen.
So, um, You know, it's also important for
you to recognize if it's not something,
if it's something you feel pushed away
from or repellent towards, like, that
should be something that's a no for you.
Um, a useful tool for these people
is to make sure that the things that
they are saying yes to, not only is
there heart in it, but they feel, you
know, also that they're, you know,
being valued in the the container of
that commitment that they feel like
their contributions are appreciated.
So even if you're a manifester and
you're like this sounds very projectory,
projectory, this also applies to you and
it's really about protecting that powerful
willpower that you have to make sure that
it's being received and it's being valued.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, it's a,
it's an interesting one.
It's cool to hear people talk about
this, who have this authority.
Because, that's usually the first
thing that I say is like, Oh yeah,
my heart wasn't really in it and I
just couldn't, I just couldn't do it.
Um, so yeah, I think, you know,
with the other ones we've talked
a lot about like, if you feel,
you know, like emotional authority
where you feel like really excited
about something and it's like, well,
actually you need to wait a little bit.
Whereas this is, this authority is the
opposite where it's kind of like, oh,
you feel into this thing, like that
means it's the right choice for you.
Brandi Healy: Yep, I have a
girlfriend that has this authority
and Yeah, I know.
And so it's like, I have two girlfriends.
One is, you know, a, um, talk
it out, and the other one is
attuned to your willpower.
And I'm like, you two have
like some of the most rare
It's so cool.
It's so cool to like see, you know,
these play out on a regular basis.
And with my girlfriend that has this ego
authority, you know, often times I just
tell her, I go, fast forward the tape.
Like, do you want to see the
end of this movie, right?
And she's like, and oftentimes
she's like, oh, hell no.
Or, you know, like, yeah, totally.
I totally want, I want
to see this to the end.
And so, you know, this is where it
can be super useful for people with
this type, is when you do enter into
a commitment, when you are giving that
yes, just make sure that you are, like,
very clear about what you're doing.
what you're available for and
like where your boundaries are.
I think that that really
helps protect that.
It also because like our ego
really is so tied into our self
worth and our own personal value.
Know that when you say yes to
something the outcome of that
like impacts your sense of self.
So know that like if this is something
my heart is in, like when this actually
happens, like it's going to feel amazing.
So like flip side, if your heart
isn't really in it, like you're going
to probably make it happen anyways.
And if it's not something that you
want to happen, probably not going
to leave you feeling super great.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Uh, reflectors have a unique authority.
Brandi Healy: Yes.
you ever met a reflector that didn't
just like want to cry when they heard
their authority?
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
I think for other authorities,
like generators look at that
and they're like, oh, yuck.
Um, but yeah, so the, the reflector
authority is to wait a lunar cycle.
Um, so basically what this means is
because as a reflector, you have all
your centers open, that means over the
period of 28 days, 29 days, you're going
to go through, um, Um, a wide range of
experiences, not just in your day to day
life, but also like from the way if you
get into the strong astronomical side of
things, like the way the planets move and
things like that, different gates will
light up and you'll feel differently.
Some reflectors like to track
this, excuse me, some reflectors
like to track this whole thing.
Um, but the main thing is just to
realize that like an emotional authority
where they're waiting for that wave.
To get that clarity when you're, you've
got all of your centers open, you need
to wait or you don't need to, but it's
helpful to wait to go through that whole
monthly cycle to be able to like land
on a decision for a big, um, especially
like a big decision, like I'm moving
house or how do I feel about this person?
Or like, you know, do I
want to start this business?
Brandi Healy: Good
Kyle Wood: there.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, working is genius.
I love that.
You know, I think that what I want
to precursor for reflectors is for
your small daily decisions, honor
what feels good to you in the moment.
Like you don't need to wait a month to
decide what you're going to eat for lunch
Kyle Wood: Yes!
Brandi Healy: or what,
or what movie you're going to
Kyle Wood: hungry
projectors walking around.
Brandi Healy: Poor, poor
reflectors just starving
themselves over there.
Kyle Wood: yeah.
Brandi Healy: but it's like, you know,
I think what's important for reflectors
to really understand is that the most
important thing is, even if you can't
get it, give it 28 days is, To not
feel like you're being rushed, right?
Or pressured into making a decision
that you are really taking your
time to, whether it's to talk to
different people that you trust, um,
feeling how that decision feels in
different moments, in, you know, almost
similar to like an environmental.
It's like you're talking about it
with different people in different
places over the course of time.
Um, and You know many many of the
reflectors that I talked to they were
like, oh my gosh This is something
that i've always made myself wrong
for is taking a really long time
to make decisions Or feeling like
I talk it to death with everyone, I
know and you know, most people like
Not just for this authority, but in
many of these are already innately
trying to navigate their authority,
but they're not really understand.
It's like riding a bike, but
not knowing what a bike is.
Kyle Wood: That's a good analogy.
Brandi Healy: Right?
It's like you kind of like somebody
kind of like knows what they should
generally do, but no one's ever
like taught them how to balance or
like pump the pedals.
And so, you know, once you can understand
how to, how to do those skills, you
know, maybe you won't fall off as much.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, and like stuff,
I'm sure you find this hard with
your authority too, but stuff
is like moving so quick and it's
only speeding up, um, that we, yeah,
I can imagine just the pressure to
feel like you need to make decisions.
So finding people who really respect
your wisdom when you're given the space
to make decisions is like big fun.
Brandi Healy: One of the things
that I have definitely found is
that when I feel like I don't have
a choice but to make a decision in
a very short period of time, usually
that means it's a no for me because
it doesn't honor my process.
And I'm like, well, if I have to
make this choice right this second,
then my answer is no, because that's
not how I can make a decision.
And You know, sometimes, you know, what
I, what I try to tell myself is, you
know, again, as a projector, you know,
I think this is a good reminder for all
of us is keep in mind, you still have
your type, you still have your strategy,
and then we're using our authority.
So it's like, as a projector, if
that invitation is like, here's
an invitation, but there are
parameters around this invitation,
then it's not really an invitation
of my insight, my wisdom.
This is what I want under my
circumstances, which if it feels
right for me, then it's like, great.
But if it, if it doesn't, then, then
I can probably see that the, that the,
uh, you know, invitation was off or
that my strategy wasn't in alignment.
So I can't make an aligned decision.
Kyle Wood: Mmm.
Yeah, I was going to say something similar
for the Spleenic Authority as well.
Like, if there's no Spleenic,
if there's no intuitive hit,
then usually the answer is no.
But that's hard, because And I'm sure
you've experienced it because sometimes
I want to do it or I feel like, oh,
I should say yes to this or I don't.
The big one, and this is like probably
one of the ones we should have said is
one of the general things for tuning
into your authority is, I don't want
to miss out on this opportunity.
Like what if this is going
past and I'm not going to get
another chance to do this.
Uh, and so our We throw our authority
out the window and make this decision
from this like, really like fear base,
Brandi Healy: misaligned place.
Kyle Wood: I know we're getting
into a topic you want to do another
episode on, on the fear gates.
But, uh, yeah, but yeah,
we, we go into this.
So that's another one.
And you see, you see that, I mean,
this podcast is online, so let's
talk a minute about the online world.
You know, we see this all the time.
I find it so interesting that 50
percent of the population has emotional
authority and yet we see so many high
pressure, scarcity tactics online,
Brandi Healy: now!
Kyle Wood: which I guess that's
the reason they work is because
we're forcing people who don't have
a gut or a splenic authority to
make this decision in the moment.
Uh, but yeah, I'm always fascinated
to have see behind the scenes of like.
How many people, not even how many
people are asking for refunds, but
how many people actually completing
the course or doing the course?
Um, like, you know, I know one of
the figures from, cause I'm from the
fitness world, uh, 70 percent of gym
membership users, like owners, people
who own, who pay for a gym membership,
70 percent go less than once per week.
Brandi Healy: Stop.
Kyle Wood: That's the statistics.
That statistics is from a big
chain, worldwide chain gym.
And they know that.
They're banking on the fact that 70
Brandi Healy: That you're not coming.
Kyle Wood: use it less than once a week.
Will, will contribute very list, very
little to the running costs of the gym.
And everyone else is pretty much
subsidizing the memberships of
the people who do actually go.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, the 30%, 70 percent of
you are paying for the 30
percent that actually go.
Kyle Wood: And I always have to
explain that to people when they're
then looking at like, oh, but
why is that trainer so expensive?
And it's like, because every single
one of their clients goes and,
and they're making sure that every
single one of their clients goes.
And so they don't have seven
out of 10 clients who are
just paying for everyone else.
Uh, yeah, so
Brandi Healy: I'm like, that sounds
like a very projector business model.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, it does this.
Damn, that's what I should have done.
I should have bought the local gym.
No, I can't.
I can't.
But then your recognition
goes out the window, you see.
So, um, yeah.
Brandi Healy: So we'll definitely
do a follow up episode to this one
that's about, you know, maybe some
places in your design that can kind
of get in the way of our authority.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah.
Um, yeah, I would find that
really interesting too.
But I just wanted to say I
really enjoyed this episode.
It was really fun.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, me too.
Kyle Wood: I think you're right.
The authority is up there with
some of the So it was really
good fun geeking out on it.
Uh, and, uh, yes, if you'd like
to work with either one of us,
reminder links are in the show notes.
Brandy's available as
long as she's not full up.
Um, my aligned success program is going
to start, uh, within the next month or so.
For weeks ish since you listen to
this depends when you're listening
to this, um, so make sure you
check that out sooner than later.
All right,
Brandi Healy: Amazing.
Great to chat.
Kyle Wood: great to chat and until
next time, everyone, goodbye.
Brandi Healy: Bye!
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