Recap Time: Our Favourite Moments from Season 1 of the Well Designed Podcast
Brandi Healy: Welcome to Well-Designed.
I am your host, Brandy Healey, and I'm
here today with my co-host, Kyle Wood.
How are you, Kyle?
Kyle Wood: I'm very good.
Um, it does . It probably is a good thing
that I make you laugh right before you
introduce the episode because you know,
with audio stuff you're meant to sound,
um, like happy, you know, that, that.
Brandi Healy: Chipper.
Kyle Wood: that coaching thing of
like speak when you're doing podcasts,
speak with a smile on your mouth?
'cause people will be able to tell
Brandi Healy: Yes.
We, we, uh, you know, coming from a
customer service background, we used
to tell people that when they would
answer the phone, like smile when
you answer the phone, because people
can hear your smile over the phone.
Kyle Wood: Uh, I just found out the
other day apparently, um, they train
us with like emergency dispatchers as
well, like the dispatch we use with
the, the fire brigade that they say
try and try and sound not not happy.
Uh, I can't remember the phrase
it was, but, uh, but yeah, uh,
Brandi Healy: I am sure it is
probably sound calm because if
you're calling a fire brigade.
It's Chances are high.
You are not calm,
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
But I think that's the thing.
It's like if you're then speaking to
someone who's not just calm, but like,
uh, happy to sort of speak to you.
I, I can't think of the word.
I was trying to think of the word.
I can't think of anyway,
uh, , what are you gonna say?
Brandi Healy: I was gonna say,
I was like thinking about it.
I was like, it's almost like wherever
you're calling, whether you're calling
a place of business or you're calling an
emergency responder, it's like you want
the person on the other end of the line
to sound confident that they are ready to
receive whatever it is that you throw at
Kyle Wood: yeah, Not like the, uh,
one time I ordered, actually, when
we ordered our coffee machine, I
made the mistake of like, hunt.
You know, I hunted around
online, found the best price and.
I, and I think it must have been like
Black Friday last year or maybe the year
Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: And there was one store
that was like $50 cheaper, which for
the cost of the machine wasn't that
much, and in hindsight, should pay $50
more to go through another company.
But, so I've, I've picked theirs
even though their website, you
know, is a little bit more dodgy.
And then it was just like crickets.
I got a receipt.
Got nothing like a week later,
nothing about dispatch, nothing
Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: like had to hunt to really find
any sort of customer service, uh, email
Brandi Healy: Oh.
Kyle Wood: or anything.
And, uh, finally called them
and the lady was so defensive.
She's like, I wasn't here last week.
I was like, oh, I was just wondering
what's happened with the order.
I wasn't here last week, so I don't know
. And I'm like, why are you taking ? Why
are you running a, a Black Friday sale and
taking that time off and then like, acting
like it's my fault, like the customer.
It's like, what?
So defensive.
Anyway, uh, we, it
Brandi Healy: The retailer in me is
cringing right now.
I'm like, that's bad business.
Kyle Wood: Well, I guess, you
know, I was like, well, I.
I guess that's how they offer the prices.
They do, because they're just like
Brandi Healy: Yeah, labor is cheap there.
Kyle Wood: So, um, that was check, check
that off as the company not to, um,
Brandi Healy: order
your coffee maker from
Kyle Wood: Not, not to water
through them again Anyway.
Brandi Healy: So what are
we gonna talk about today?
Kyle Wood: So today is our 20th episode,
and since we recorded our last episode,
we now have had a thousand downloads
of the podcast, which I feel like
means it's, it's a bit of something.
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
we got, there's a little
something happening here.
Kyle Wood: no, uh, no pro
real promotion or anything.
Um, we have . Yeah, it seemed to
attracted a group of, of people listening
like yourself, which is really cool.
So we're really happy, um, about that.
Brandi Healy: So grateful.
So grateful.
Like whether you listen to one episode
or all 20 of them, just so grateful to
anyone that takes time out of their day
Listen to us chat, so we
really appreciate you.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, because this is something
we're both really passionate about.
really nice to be able to share that
with other people in a way that feels
doing the audio, doing the podcast feels
really, really good for both of us.
So I think I mentioned last episode
that we decided to go with a
seasonal format for this podcast.
So some podcast, you know, they come
out every single week, uh, for eternity.
, I remember.
Brandi Healy: Sometimes more than
like, more than one a week.
Kyle Wood: Like the, a famous podcast a
few years ago when I was first getting
into podcasting called Entrepreneurs on
Fire, and he did a daily podcast, so he
would interview eight guests on Monday.
So he'd have one in the can
and, um, get them all out.
'cause because he,
Brandi Healy: That like gives me the
like just hearing
Kyle Wood: commuted
Brandi Healy: that would like
Kyle Wood: So he was like, I need
a new podcast episode every day for
my hour, for my commute to work.
Brandi Healy: Mm.
Kyle Wood: it worked for him and it,
it's, uh, it was very, it's still
Brandi Healy: He must
have been a generator,
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
I'd, I'd say so.
Um, so yeah, so like, obviously yeah,
podcasting frequency, but something I'm
seeing more of now, which I really like
is, is this kind of like seasonal podcast.
So where you'll release a set of
episodes, sometimes I'll have a theme
and then you'll have a bit of a break.
And so.
That today is our 20th episode, and it's
also the final episode of Season one.
So thank you for coming with us this far.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, and I
think, you know, in, in.
In the theme of the podcast itself,
like this is a way that Kyle and I are
choosing to really honor our designs
as projectors of that energy that ebbs
and flows and being very intentional
about like, you know, riding a wave of
A spurt of energy and then planning for
some downtime to kind of recharge
and get our juices going before, you
know, hopping into the next season.
Um, which I think it's, you know, we're
both really excited to not only take a
break, but to come back with kind of a
fresh mi, fresh eyes and a fresh mindset
on how we wanna approach season two.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Uh, and like this is for both of us.
Something Brandy works full
time and does this on the side.
I have a, another business and I do this
on the side, so, know, recording the
podcast as projectors, like our, our
energy can, can be limited and sometimes
all we have energy for during the week.
On top of our other work
is just to Lisa's podcast.
So doing the seasons also . 'cause
it gives us a chance to like,
create some other things as well
under the well designed, um, brand.
So that, um, yeah.
So we've got the energy to do that and
it feels good and we're not just like.
Doing the thing that, that we all do
as projectors, where we just try and
operate like generators, , and we're
like, well, this person over here has
like coaching clients and they do like
a group coaching thing and they've got
six courses and they run a, a podcast.
And then they, they co-run another
podcast with someone else and they
write a weekly newsletter and they
update their Instagram six times a day.
Brandi Healy: and if anybody follows
either of us on Instagram, you
know that that's neither one of us.
Kyle Wood: Yep.
No, we are very much here to guide.
Um, and so we, we like to do
that in a very chill style.
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
And it's, and it's worked for us so far.
And, you know, again, I think that
we're both giving ourselves a lot
of freedom to allow this, this to
evolve in a way that feels natural.
You know, in, in the spirit of my, of
my three line, it's let's try things
out and see what feels good and, you
know, make adjustments along the way.
Um, so that it's kind of
always a work in progress.
And I think that that
actually feels really good.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Uh, yeah.
Um, again, while we're on the
topic of feeling good about human
design and profiles, , I've been
honoring my two lately and being
like pretty ruthless about what
. Like social things I say yes to.
Um, and it's what, it's, what it's
doing is it's making me enjoy the
social interactions I have a lot
more and making it easier for me
to, to tell like which one of those
is sort of with that other side, my
four line, which one of those social
interactions are really like those like
Connections I should
Brandi Healy: Nurturing.
Kyle Wood: And it,
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
Kyle Wood: a big part of it's because
of, um, this, uh, on Instagram , but
it was a video that, uh, that a friend
that Jamie sent us who was on the
Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: uh, about like as projectors.
Like really?
Being ruthless about those, about
where you're being invited in and
like really not offering your.
Insights and your time and things like
that to other people, which feels crap.
Because as a, as a who I am, I, you
know, I wanna help people and I want,
no matter how many times it gets shown
to me, and the universe shows to me
that if I try and help people without
them asking , it will fall on deaf
ears and I'll be left bitter no matter
how many times that, uh, that happens.
Uh, I still struggle to learn that lesson.
So I've been really, really . Yeah.
Experimenting with that and it's, um,
yeah, it's been, it's been really good.
Brandi Healy: Well, and
tis the season for that.
Because you know,
in terms of like,
Kyle Wood: like
Brandi Healy: yeah.
You know, We are coming on, you
know, the end of November here
when we're recording this podcast.
And you know, here in the States
we have Thanksgiving, you know,
Kyle's Mom's American, so they, you
know, honor that tradition as well.
And like heading into Christmas,
like for most of us, we have a lot
of social invitations out there.
And you know, this is, tends to be
a time, regardless of your type,
that people feel spread really thin.
you know, they get really tired,
maybe a little bit irritable.
And I think that we can all take
away, regardless of our type, can
take away from how do we use our
strategy and our authority to really
be discerning about where we place our
energy so that we are, you know, really
showing up for the, the relationships
and, you know, the commitments
that are really fulfilling to us.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, and, and like having
kids just adds the number of events.
I, I feel like a, a bad mom , like
the movie . 'cause I'm like, no,
we're not going to that . Sorry.
We're not going to that . We've
got, we've got something else
on, it's called sitting at
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
Kyle Wood: nothing.
But yeah, I feel like a
bit, bit of a bad parent.
'cause I watch the parents like
juggle things and do all this
stuff and I'm just like, Nope.
I'm just.
Which she's not even in school yet.
Like she's in
Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: would call
preschool in, in the us and
Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: I'm just not falling
into that, that thing of a million
Brandi Healy: you know.
My kids are, are a bit older, right?
And so I can, I can tell you like as
a projector, I it, when my kids were
much younger, I had that same guilt
of, you know, not being involved in
the school or all the sports or all the
activities or being the house where all
the play dates happened and you know,
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: but what I have found is
that Uh, you know, that is something that
other people really enjoy, even though
that's something that you and I,
it feels like a nightmare to us.
like, you know, my kids' friends are, you
know, their parents work full-time and
they still have this energy to, you know,
commit to these other things outside.
And I am always just So grateful to them.
I make sure when I see
them at pickup or you know,
you know, when we text each other to
arrange for the kids to meet up, that
I make sure that they understand how
grateful I am, that they enjoy doing
that and that they have the bandwidth
and you know, where I can, I'm
like, You know, can I write a check?
Can I bring something, you know, like
still contribute, but in a different way
that requires a little bit less energy?
And it's, you know, what I've, I think
I always have this fear of being judged.
And what I found is the more forthcoming
and transparent that I can be, and
the more gratitude that I have for
those that do show up in ways that
don't feel good to me, like the easier
it is for me to continue to honor.
What I have the energy for
Kyle Wood: Yeah, I love that.
That's a, yeah, that is such a nice
way to honor different types, right?
Isn't it?
Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: not that I feel like I'm ever
really being judged, but you know, maybe
if you are, you are listening to this
and you are one of the more consistent
energy types in human design, you
might be like, ah, maybe that explains
why I never see this parent at stuff.
Or they always like . Dodging
me at the carpark 'cause
they don't wanna talk to me.
'cause , that's what my wife feels like.
She's , she's doing all the time . Uh,
so she, she's the person, dodgy people.
Uh, but yeah.
Um, whereas yeah, I, I, I probably,
'cause of my fourth line, I do
don't mind, uh, having a chat and
Brandi Healy: being a
little bit more social.
Kyle Wood: at least sussing out if
someone is someone that I would like,
you know, want to connect with further.
yeah, we've, uh.
This has been . We've gone off
topic, but I don't, it's sort of not.
I think it's a nice,
Brandi Healy: No.
Kyle Wood: sum up the, this the year or
Brandi Healy: yeah.
Give you a little context.
A con, a little bit of context,
A little method to the madness
Uh, you know, one of the things that
Kyle and I are, like we said, we're
both feel so proud and so grateful of,
you know, what we've built here and are
very excited to continue to do this.
And we just wanted to take a moment
to reflect on these last six months,
these last 20 episodes that we've
put out and talk about, you know,
what have been some of our favorite
Kyle Wood: Yeah,
Brandi Healy: that we have
done, um, up until now.
So do you wanna kind of kick us off?
Kyle Wood: yeah.
I think this is kind of a cool way as
well to like, if you're just joining us
on the podcast or if you join us partway
through the season, like maybe . While
we're having this break, this will
give you some ideas of episodes you
might wanna go back to and listen to
while you're waiting for some new ones.
So, um, Brandy, you mentioned, actually
we just talked about profiles then.
So I will mention we did a whole episode
on profiles and it was called What's the
Deal with those fractions on my HD chart?
Uh, so that one we talk about.
Kind of the, uh, the strengths
of each number in a profile.
And then because they're super
applicable to business as well, if
you're like a wellness professional or
a coach or a creative, um, this, uh,
can be really helpful in waking out.
Like, am I putting my energies
into like marketing channels?
That, that are what comes most natural to
me and what's most in alignment for me?
So that I always enjoyed
talking about profile.
So, um,
Brandi Healy: I do too.
Kyle Wood: I really enjoyed that one.
And I know you also really
enjoyed the first couple episodes.
So if people really are coming to the show
new and they, they dunno who we are, , or.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, those first,
I think it was like maybe episodes
two and three where you and I
spent time giving each other.
Every, and I thought that was
so much fun to chat with each
other about the other's design.
And it was, you know, it was
like a love bal moment, right?
Where Revo is like, these are the
reasons why you're great That's,
that's how I feel about anytime I
do a reading for someone, I'm like,
let me tell you why you're awesome.
And it just, you know.
And I think it was very different being
on the receiving end of that and, and like
being like, oh, this is what it feels like
on the flip side, So you know, again, for
those of you that are new to us or you're
like, I don't remember that episode.
It, it just gives you a little bit
of context of who we are and some
color around our design and how it
shows up in the work that we do.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Which I think it can be
helpful to look at Yeah.
How other people are using their design.
While, while obviously we wanna focus
on our own strategy and authority,
it can be helpful to look at Yeah.
How other people use theirs
to be like, oh, okay.
That's how they've
connected the dots on that.
Um, yeah, so it's episode two is the one,
uh, where I look at your chart brandy.
And then, um, episode three is the
one where you look at my chart and
I think episode two, the one where
we look at your chart, is one of the
most, uh, downloaded episodes as well.
Little fun fact.
Brandi Healy: Wow.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: I feel I feel
pretty popular right now.
Kyle Wood: Um, and so then we kind
of, we started digging into the
centers because we know that's like
such a key area beyond type strategy.
It's such a key area to understand.
Uh, so we, there is an episode, um,
uh, I should have that up.
We did go.
'cause we did one and then we came back.
So it wasn't until episode 10 we
did like an overview of the centers
and then there's a bunch of episodes
which go into each of those centers.
And then our plan is next season.
We haven't gone through all the
centers, but our plan is next
season that we'll complete those.
Brandi Healy: the
remaining ones.
Kyle Wood: are remaining ones, so if
we haven't done one yet that you're
really curious about, it is coming.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, those
ones are always fun.
'cause I think it helps
us understand, you know.
a lot of times like talking about where
your centers are, you know, unshaded,
the open and undefined centers, you, you
know, where we're typically sensitive.
It helps us understand the
lessons that we're here to learn
and look at and put a
positive spin on it, right?
Instead of seeing it as like,
this is a weakness I have.
It's like, no, this is
just something I have
to learn.
Um, and that felt really good.
Um, and then when you can understand
your defined centers, it really helps.
So, you know, like this is where
I have more consistent access to
energy in this aspect of my life.
Um, and I can really lean into that.
So, you know, like you said, centers
are a really juicy part of human design.
That's, um, a super fun piece to learn,
like after you kind of integrate in type
strategy, authority.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Uh, so you could have a listen to those.
And then we started getting guests on
about halfway through the season as well.
We had our first guest head.
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
And the most rare type, right?
Like what?
Oh, like
Kyle Wood: That was such a
Brandi Healy: we.
You know, I think it's really funny.
I think when in, in the human
design space, when we talk
about reflectors, right?
Only 1% of the population.
And you know, people are
like, who are these people?
And it was so fun to start and it's
like, this is who these people are.
And like she's just such a, you know,
beautiful embodiment, of a reflector.
And I think especially, you know, at
the time that we did her interview, I.
Think that she had been really
experimenting with her, with her
design, at least for, you know, six
to nine months up until that point.
And so it was really fun to just
learn some of the things that she
had been doing and some adjustments
that she had made in her lifestyle.
Um, and kind of how that, how that
was feeling, um, you know, to her
and how she operates in her life.
So, um, you know, it's always
Such a fantastic learning.
I think, you know, similar to what
you were talking about in the episodes
where we read each other's charts,
even if it's not your same type, but
just understanding how different people
embody their designs, um, is so useful.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: So, so useful.
Um, 'cause oftentimes what I find
in readings with clients is they're
very naturally already living
their designs in a lot of ways
and, and just don't know it yet.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
I mean, yeah, when I think back, I,
when I can see thinking back like
places where I, in my own life, where
I was really in alignment and places
where I was really out of alignment.
Um, so it's been, I.
And then, yeah, it's interesting
talking to clients and hearing that too.
And for her, it was really interesting
that she was in a bit of a transition
when she first spoke to you, which was
like start of this year, start of 2023,
Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: she introduced to human
design and she was just like, uh,
I think the quote I had was like,
is this is human design bullshit?
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
That was like what within
the first like two minutes?
Within the first two
minutes of our conversation.
She's like, this kind
of sounds like bullshit.
And I'm like, I love that you are
coming in Eve, Eve despite feeling
skepticism that you're like Tell me more
before I like really
decide, which was great.
'cause it's like that's
what a reflector is.
They're objective, they're like my,
I'm getting this initial reaction,
but I'm still open to hear more
Kyle Wood: Yep.
Yeah, it's um, . Yeah.
So that, that was really, that was
probably one of my favorite things about
the episode was like hearing that initial
reaction that a lot of us have had about
human design and then like kind of getting
to speak to her in this like fast forward
like six, seven months later where had
gone through a lot of self-exploration
and it had reformed what she was doing
for work and um, was really like.
Starting to integrate
with, well with her design.
So that's a really good one.
Whether you're a reflector or not, I
think that's just a really good one to,
to see how some subtle changes in your
life can really make a big difference.
Brandi Healy: Well, what's funny
is like the fir, that was the
first guest we had on, right?
And then the last episode
we had on, which is
Jamie, and it's funny because it was like
Jamie's kind of initial reaction to human
design was like same but different, right?
Like she learned she was a manifester
and like she read some literature
that like had like Some language in
it that like didn't sound appealing.
It's like,
manifestor energy is repellent.
And she's like, I'll show you repellent.
Fuck this.
And kind of was like, I don't
wanna hear anything else about it,
Kyle Wood: Yep.
Brandi Healy: but it's,
you know, at and so like.
To those of you out there that that
was your initial reaction or is your
initial reaction or when you talk about
it to someone else and that's kind of,
you know what, what you hear from them.
You know, sometimes it
can be an acquired taste,
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
And I think sometimes it just has
to, if it, if it the language Yeah.
Doesn't resonate with you,
then it can like send you off.
And then, yeah, sometimes it does
just need like a minute to sit.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, like we were like
Kyle Wood: of alignment, it's you,
Brandi Healy: for sure.
Kyle Wood: gonna be like, well, no.
My identity's wrapped up
with how hard I'm working.
But you're telling me like I'm
someone who shouldn't be working hard.
That's bullshit.
My family all worked hard.
My parents worked hard.
You know,
Brandi Healy: Yes, exactly.
It's really funny 'cause before
Kyle and I were having a quick, you
know, our, our quick meet and greet
before we hop, before we hit record
and we were talking about introducing
our kids to new foods, we were talking
about, you know, the polite bite.
You know, sometimes
people need a polite bite.
They might not like it at first,
but after a few it grows on them.
Kyle Wood: We should start a
new, like three minute episode.
Polite bites,
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
Kyle Wood: bites.
Uh, and then our next guest
was Gina, your good friend.
Brandi Healy: Mm mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: Um, so we got, we
had a three, uh, it's this.
If I say I was a Mexican standoff
of projectors like . That's
not an offensive thing
Brandi Healy: Well, I'm like, I'm like,
well, Gina and I are both Mexican,
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: kind of not wrong.
you're kind of not wrong.
You're the odd man out in that one.
Kyle Wood: trace my jeans back somewhere.
Uh, yeah.
Brandi Healy: Now I know what to get
you for Christmas, a little 23 and me
Kyle Wood: Yeah, . I would love that.
I'd be very, very curious.
Um, yeah, so we, uh, yeah, we had
a really good like chat with her.
If so, if you're a projector,
I think that's really cool.
And it was really cool to hear her history
'cause she like worked, she did shows
like in New York as a projector where,
you know, like huge, what'd you say?
Like eight shows a week.
Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.
Kyle Wood: commitment of
energy and things like that.
Um, but that also showed up
as part of her third line.
So, uh, yeah, I think, yeah,
just a really fun episode.
Um, for projectors.
That one.
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
And I recently just had a catch
up with her and what was super
interesting is we were talking, 'cause
she also has a sixth line, right?
And so sixth line.
She was, we were talking about that
transition phase from, you know, like
27, 28, and she's about to turn 33.
And she was like, these last
six years have been like wild.
But she was like, I finally feel
like I'm in the right place.
Like, you know, she let New York and has
kind of done a lot of stuff in these last
six years and now, you know, she's getting
her master's degree to become a therapist.
and I really like, we spent a little
bit of extra time really breaking
down what that transition looked like,
and she was just like, mind blown.
So it was so so fun to just like, it's
just, I just love watching people as
they move through their design and it's
like, you know, even though we are always
kind of changing, we're still ourselves.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: So that was
a fun little follow up.
Catch up we had.
Kyle Wood: That's cool.
That's nice that you can, uh,
get a little, where are they now?
Type episode.
Brandi Healy: Mm
Kyle Wood: Uh, and then our next guest
was Mariah, a generator, um, who's
also in the wellness business being a.
Well, she's a yoga teacher,
but she was, she's also like
an emotional wellbeing coach.
So, um, that was really, that
was a really good, good one.
Just, I dunno, she's got
a lot of wisdom, so , so,
Brandi Healy: So much
like Wise beyond
She's like one of those people that
you refer to as like you're an old soul
Kyle Wood: yeah.
So, um, that was really fun
talking to her about that.
And we even like, dove
into her channels a bit.
Um, or her channel, I think perhaps.
I'm trying to remember.
Yeah, I think so.
I think she just, she was just
a one, uh, very underfunded.
Oh, I don't know.
She had, she had more, but yeah, we,
we, we dove into, into that and, um,
lots of stuff around like charging
what you're worth as like a wellness
professional and, uh, have, you know.
How to use if you're open or
undefined emotional center.
We talked a lot about
that as well with her.
So that's, yeah.
Uh, really enjoyed that episode.
Really enjoyed Mariah.
She's, I enjoyed all these guests
that are like your friends,
you know, such nice people, Brandy.
Brandi Healy: I mean, listen, I think
that I, I have especially, you know, in
the last like five years or so, just been
very selective about, again, like where
I put my energy and like who I spend
time with and, you know, all of these
people you included, like, you know,
it feels very supportive to be around.
All of you.
So, you know, it's just been so fun to
be able to introduce these amazing people
to our audience, and I hope that Uh,
you know that you all take some time for
those, you know, those guests that we have
on that resonate with you to, you know,
look them up, follow them on Instagram,
take a peek at their websites, or sign
up for their, their newsletters 'cause
they all have, you know, such wonderful.
Insights to offer.
Um, you know, and most of them have
something free to offer people as well.
don't think like, oh, I'm gonna
be pitched or sold something,
or have to spend loads of money.
You know, we are all kind of in this
space to really be of service and,
and most of us have some kind of
offering out there to just give people
access to a taste of what we do.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
yeah, I haven't got
anything to add to that.
, um, our last guest, . Which we just
had last episode was Jamie a Manifesta.
Um, so if you are literally just joining
us and you haven't listened to Jamie's
episode, uh, that was a good one on, we
talked again about performance 'cause
Jamie's background is a in improv.
Um, and then how that worked.
Jamie ended up doing a little
mini session on me inside the
podcast, so he can hear her.
Brandi Healy: So cool.
Kyle Wood: down some of my, uh, like
. Emotional stuff that I was going through.
Emotional, re emotional reactions.
Um, and that's been really, I've been
continuing to use that in my meditations.
That practice she, she gave me
and that, so that was really cool.
I think a really cool way, just the
way she delivers that different,
it's different to perhaps how a
projector or like a generator.
would deliver that same experience
because she's a manifested, because she
has this ability to really like change
people's direction, , you know, so
Brandi Healy: Hmm.
Yeah, it's like ignite.
I like to think about
It's like, yeah, like to ignite people.
It's like
she light, she likes the fuse,
Kyle Wood: yeah.
So it, yeah, it was really
cool to be on the receiving end
of that and experience that.
It's a very powerful,
um, very powerful thing.
So, yeah, that I, I would
recommend sending that one too,
especially if you're a manifester.
'cause it's just a cool way if, if you're
a manifester in this like, wellness space.
Um, and we did talk, I did quiz her a
bit at the start about like, yeah, what
it's like being a manifester and how you
like people interacting with you and, um.
I think there's, and for people,
people who have, like yourself,
Brandy, you have a lot of manifests
in their lives, like a good
Brandi Healy: Oh my gosh.
Kyle Wood: for them to
Brandi Healy: So many
Kyle Wood: well.
Brandi Healy: We, I think for me it was
super helpful just to understand like,
how, how do I nurture the manifestors
in my life and, and give them the
space to be able to initiate, right?
Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah.
Uh, yeah, so
Brandi Healy: super fun.
Kyle Wood: I just realized, so we had
four guests this season and we didn't
have any manifesting generators.
So , uh, we need to sort that
Brandi Healy: I have a couple, I
have a couple in my back, back pocket
that I would love to, for us to
see, you know, have on next season.
So, you know, Kyle and I have, um,
you know, some idea of a few guests
that we would love to have on.
Um, yeah, and that's kind of
our intention is to continue
to bring on different types.
Different, um, practitioners of other
types of wellness professions, whether
it's fitness coaching, you know, are you
a massage therapist, an energy worker?
You know, our, our space is very broad.
Um, and I think it's just, again,
so fascinating to see just how
people just Individually live their
designs and how that shows up.
Because, you know, Kyle and
I are, are both projectors.
Gina was a projector.
We had three projectors on one call.
But how our designs all
show up are so different.
And so, you know, like I think it's
really easy for people to think that
human design really silos you into,
oh, it means, I just meant to show up
in one way, but it's really about like
understanding like What's in your tool
bell, and how do you use that to like
live the life that feels right to you?
Kyle Wood: Yeah, totally.
So I'm really excited to
continue this journey.
Um, if you wanna stay up to date with
what we're doing, the best thing to do is
just to stay subscribed to this podcast.
Or if you're not, maybe you just 'cause
you've listened to this podcast, it
just keeps recommending episodes to you.
Like, make sure you actually going to
your app and, and hit, uh, sometimes it's
called follow now instead of subscribe.
Which, that's a whole other thing.
Brandy, we could get into
talking about why that's changed.
, I would rather you subscribe
to us than follow us.
Don't be a don't just follow
it, don't follow people.
Brandi Healy: Yes,
Kyle Wood: it's part of this whole thing
of like trying to turn people into sheep.
Um, yeah, subscribe.
Uh, we . We'll just pop
in with a short episode.
If we've got any news between seasons,
um, like we have been talking about
starting this like monthly call,
that will most likely be free.
Um, and just a way for
The community of listeners to start
engaging a bit more with us, and we
would sort of guide you through some
practices and those calls to help
you integrate your human design.
And it'd be like a fun way to catch up,
um, and to learn more about this topic.
So we will let you know when that's out.
And hopefully, like I, I, I say
hopefully it's like I, should
I run an online business?
I dunno, , why I haven't gotten the
startup and ready yet , but also,
um, . Yeah, Brandy's giving me a look.
She's like, stop generating yourself.
Uh, we,
Brandi Healy: am like, I'm
like, you keep saying hopefully.
I'm like, is something happening?
Are you like, is there something
you're keeping from me?
Kyle Wood: oh, no, no.
It's just like, um, I'm trying to
be a projector and not rush and do
things and be rushing around and
trying to like not give into my open
route, which is always telling me
there's like pressure to do stuff.
I, and it the, there will be
a new email newsletter coming
too, if you like, emails.
We're sort of shying away from
social media, so while we might post
something on there, that's not the
best way, the best way is this podcast
to subscribe to this podcast to get
information and updates from us.
Uh, and then keep an eye out for the
website and, um, . Email list, which
Brandi Healy: Mailing list.
Kyle Wood: And then, yeah, and then
we'll be able to just like, drop into
your inbox like once a month and just
like catch you up on everything that's
been going on and, um, help you on this
journey of integrating human design to
help you, you know, really grow and create
a more sustainable business for yourself.
Do you have anything to add, Brandy?
Brandi Healy: No, I'm just,
I'm very grateful for you and
I am proud of, proud of us
for, you know, you know, here we are,
like this conversation started almost a
year ago and it just feels pretty surreal
to kind of like be at this like milestone.
Um, and I'm just very excited to
continue to work with you and,
and see where this takes us.
Kyle Wood: yeah.
Thanks Brandy.
No, I love you
Brandi Healy: Thank you.
Love you too.
I love you, man.
Kyle Wood: Uh, fairly well.
Everyone enjoy the, uh, the break and
we'll be back, um, in your earbud soon.
Creators and Guests