The Ego Center: Exploring Willpower and Self-Worth in Human Design

Brandi Healy: Welcome to Well Designed.

Thank you for joining us today.

I'm your host, Brandy Healy, and
I'm here with my co host, Kyle Wood.

Hi, Kyle.

Kyle Wood: Hi Brandy!

Season two!



Brandi Healy: this is
our first episode back.

So we took a little bit of
a break over the holidays.

So winter here in the Northern
Hemisphere, summertime for Kyle

in the Southern Hemisphere, um,
you know, recharging feeling.

Refreshed and rejuvenated,
except for Kyle, I'm sure you're

a little sweaty down there,

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Uh, yes.

We're getting our summer, I
was saying to you yesterday,

summer at the end of summer.

So, we've had a pretty cool
summer and now it's getting hot

and none of us are used to it.


Brandi Healy: we are excited to
be back recording new episodes.

You know, we're trying to honor
our, our type as projectors and take

some time to recoup and recharge.

And now we are, you know,
back and ready to go.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, it just didn't feel
right to jump back into it straight

away because I had a bunch of things on.

And you had crazy, still
continuing time at work.

Um, so yeah, it was, I think,
you know, it was the right call

waiting and we just wanted season
two to come out sometime this year.

So that's

Brandi Healy: We did it.

Well done us.

Kyle Wood: uh, end of February.

That's good.


And you know, I think it is easy to,
especially like with a business or when

you're trying to like grow a new thing.

Um, who, Gary Vaynerchuk comes to
mind, like I remember this like quote

from him where he talked about, you
know, you work, you're at work from

8 till 6 or whatever every day.

And he's like, then you got time with
your family and then 9pm till 2am, that's

your time to work on your business.

So, I don't know how many hours of sleep,
depends on how long your commute is.

is left there.

Well, there's only six hours
between finishing working on your

business and starting work or
heading to work at your job job.

So, uh, yeah, that, you know, maybe
that resonates with the generators

and manifesting generators out there.

Um, or

Brandi Healy: But for us non sacral

Kyle Wood: yeah, it's
like, uh, no, thanks.


Brandi Healy: we need a bit of,

Kyle Wood: And


Brandi Healy: a bit of a lie down.

Kyle Wood: uh, I laid down yesterday
at about two and so I was like,

I'll see you in an hour and I was
like, no, I'm not, I'm not napping.

And then I did nearly fall asleep.

So I think it's, it is so important.

And I think it ties in well today because
today we're, we're returning to and we're

completing the centers and we're talking

Brandi Healy: not completing the centers.

It's not the last one, but

we're continuing.

Kyle Wood: We'll be completing
over the course of the season.

Brandi Healy: Yes.

Kyle Wood: Uh, so we're looking at
the ego center, which does, you know,

ego is tied to willpower, so that
is a good one to talk about today.

Uh, Brandy and I are both defined
in the ego center, um, which is

only about 30, we're in about 37
percent of the population, and then

Brandi Healy: Yes.

Kyle Wood: about 63 percent are undefined.

So, Possibly the majority of you listening
to this, uh, Undefined, um, so yeah, and

I think we, we brought up Undefined Ego
maybe on Mariah Hatch's, uh, episode last

season, and I think we have talked about
it, um, maybe in our episodes as well.

So, yeah, should we get,
should we get started?

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

So, you know, as Kyle mentioned
already, like our, our ego, it's really

about like how we value ourselves.

And I think that kind of.

When the word ego gets used just
like in general conversation, it

has a very negative connotation.

And I think it's important for people
to understand, you know, the context

of which we use it in human design.

In some human design schools, it's
also known as like the heart center.

And this is about our willpower,
our motivation, and, you know,

really like our, our sense of
self worth and self esteem.

So, Kyle, do you want to share a
little bit about, you know, that

63 percent of people that have this
center that is either open or undefined

and how that might show up for them?


Kyle Wood: Yeah.


You're talking about It's funny, I
don't even think of ego as being like

a negative thing anymore, but I can
definitely think of times, especially in

Australia, we have tall poppy syndrome.

So it's like, you know, you don't want
to, you don't, which is all about,

you don't want to stand out because
you'll get, you'll get chopped off.

Um, so yeah, there's this culture around
like, not having an ego, um, unless

you're in that culture of everyone
has an ego and then don't be humble.

So, but yeah, it's always, it's always
about like standing, not standing out.

So yeah, anyway, that just came to mind.

But if you have an
undefined ego, you might.

Um, or an open ego center.

Uh, I'll, let's see, we're out of, I
was going to mention we're a bit out of

practice after having a few months off.

And there will be things about
this episode that'll be a bit

different, like we forgot to talk
about where the ego is on the chart.

So, what have we done?

We've done, uh, the throat.

So you should know where
the throat center is.

So that's like.

The top square on the chart,
below that is another square.

That's the identity or G center,
which we'll do in an upcoming episode.

And then just to the right of
that is a little, little triangle.

It's the littlest triangle on the chart.

That is your ego or yeah,
heart or willpower center.

Brandi Healy: That sounds like a
children's story, the littlest triangle.

Kyle Wood: That could.



Brandi Healy: podcast is going to be
children's stories about the centers.

Kyle Wood: that'd

Brandi Healy: Sorry, continue.

Kyle Wood: No, that'd be great.


Turn each one into a character.

Brandi Healy: I'll be
the littlest triangle.

Kyle Wood: funny.

Uh, I'll just move my notes here
where I can see them a bit better.

So yeah.

So if that center is not colored in,
so if it's like white or clear, uh,

you have an open or undefined center.

Uh, Something I noticed in, in going,
putting together notes for this brandy

is that the ego center is like the
top of the hierarchies of the centers.

Did you come across that too?

So that means that if you're, if you've
got a bunch of centers and correct me

if I'm wrong in interpreting this, if
you've got a bunch of centers undefined

or open, The ego, including the ego
center, the ego center is the one

you'll probably feel the most through
or you'll get most impacted through.

Brandi Healy: right.

That's the one that's going
to be the most sensitive.

And so If you're curious, how do I know
if I'm undefined or if I'm open here?

When you look at the littlest
triangle, as we will now

affectionately call the center.

And none of the numbers are shaded in.

That means you're wide open.

So I always like to tell people when
we're, when you're looking at a center

and it has, and you look at those
little numbers in it, those little

numbers are like holes in a sieve.

And when they're shaded in, it's
like you're plugging those holds up.

So if you were to pour water through
it, less water would get through.

So the more plugs that are plugged
up, like the less water gets through.

So if you have none of the numbers
shaded in, none of those, holes

are plugged up, more energy is
going to pass through that center.

So no matter which other centers in
your chart you have, you know, unchated,

whether they're open or undefined,
that ego is always going to be, you

know, the top, the most sensitive.

Kyle Wood: That's such a good analogy.

Thank you.

I was like, is that the correct word?

That's why I said that funny because
I was like, is it an analogy?

Um, so yeah, if you cast your mind
back to season one about the, yeah,

about the being impacted, um, because
this is the center for, um, like

willpower, self esteem, ego, you
are more easily impacted by other

people's willpower, self esteem, ego.

So you might notice that
your own self esteem, like.

Comes and goes or when you're around
some people you feel like you can

do anything They make you really
they probably have a defined ego.

They make you feel really accomplished
Or really like you can achieve things

And we'll talk about that in a minute
with the defined ego but yeah, then when

you're You know, you might have coffee
with a friend and you can get all ramped

up about an idea and think yeah I can do
it and then you get home to actually do

it and And It just fizzle out, um, and
then Usually with that because it's tied

into self esteem can come with like a
lot of like judgment um Around yourself

and and there's a couple ways people
will either sort of deal with this.

They'll They'll sort of like
try and overwork Themselves

try and get out to like prove

themselves to prove themselves worthy.

Um or they'll undervalue themselves by
You know, not charging enough money or not

holding enough value on their own time.

Um, Or and it could be a combination
of all these or they'll they'll

really get into comparison mode.

Um, so like Yeah running a business can
be really challenging with this center

if you don't have people around you to
like that, you know can like build you

back up because you've got um You know,
putting, putting yourself out there in any

way, putting yourself out there running
a business is incredibly vulnerable,

uh, and so yeah, so that can just be
something, um, to stay mindful about.

Do you

Brandi Healy: Especially when
you're a solo entrepreneur, right?

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: have coworkers or a
boss, so it can feel really isolating.

So, you know, making connection
with other entrepreneurs or other,

you know, mentors and things like
that can, can be so, so useful.

Kyle Wood: Yep.

Yeah, having someone, um You know,
just even when you're, you're gonna

like, price something or something
like that, you, maybe you're gonna

give something away for free.

Just like, checking in with like, a mentor
and saying, Hey, is that, is that crazy?

Or should, you know, should
I be charging money for this?

Or, uh, stuff like that.

Um, what's the other thing?

Not acting from a place of like,
because you might fall into that

trap of wanting to prove yourself.

Notice trying to become aware of that,
so not acting from that place of like,

Oh, I'm doing this because I want to
prove to everyone like how reliable I am

or how much um, How much I can get done?

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

It's really about asking yourself, am
I using my authority or is this, you

know, the shadow of that.

Undefined or open ego of
feeling that need to prove.

Kyle Wood: Oh needing to prove

And it's funny because even with the
Although we have this defined like

there's bits of this I resonate with and I

don't know if that sort of relates
into the The projector sort of

recognition piece as well, like that
can kind of get like, Tied up in this.

That like when you're getting that, The
appro the desire So maybe it is this that

I can Relate to having this undefined
Because the desire for recognition

sometimes And to like overachieve in
order to Get that recognition Even

though it might not be for the right
things Um, I can resonate with The

people who have this open or undefined.

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

I think most of us, even, you know,
those of us with that, uh, with

this center defined, you know, have
felt this at some point or another.

And, you know, when we get there, we
can talk a little bit more about that.

What else do you have for people
with, uh, this center undefined?

Kyle Wood: uh, just so, I guess
the difference could be for people

around us proving is that when you're
feeling, when I feel low, I don't feel

a need to go out and prove myself.

But with an open or undefined ego, you
might, when you're feeling in a low

of your self esteem, that might be a
way you try and boost yourself back

up again by like going out and doing
stuff and over and over achieving.

So it's not just when you're
around someone and you get excited

about what they're talking about.

It can also be a reaction to like waking
up one day or waking up for several

days and feeling, um, really down.

And then you might be like, your
reaction might be, Oh, I need to do more.

I need to do more.

I'm not doing enough.

Uh, and just recognize that when
you start having that feeling,

that you're acting from that place
of that open or undefined ego.

And yeah, like you said, that's
not, that's not your authority.

And that's not where you're meant
to be making decisions from.

What about you, Brandy?

Was there anything else in your notes?

Brandi Healy: Yeah, I just think it's
like, you know, when you're in alignment

with the center, if you have it open
or undefined, it's really about that

feeling of security, about having
that secure sense that you know that

you don't have anything to prove.

And you know that when you're
making decisions that they, that

you feel confident because they're
coming from a place of your actual.

You know, desire from your actual,
you know, what's in alignment

for you versus, you know, what
other people may think of you.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Yeah, awesome.

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

So, you know,

Kyle Wood: some heads nodding
as we're talking about this.


Brandi Healy: part might resonate
with you a little bit more, you know?

So it's.

You know, significantly fewer people
that have that ego center defined.

So again, you look at your
chart and you find the littlest

triangle over to the right.

And if it's shaded in, that means
that that center is defined.

And so, you know, as Kyle mentioned
at the beginning of the episode,

he was talking about this being a
motor center and, you know, just a

reminder that motor centers really.

Power our design.

They give us energy, whether they're
from our sacral center, you know, the

root center is also a motor center, the
emotional center and, and the ego here.

And so the kind of fuel that
the ego is kind of emitting

are ones that really help us.

Make our, you know, desires like put them
into action that bring them into fruition.

So it's that, you know, that power
or that fuel to make things happen.

So you know, when we talk about, you know,
what is somebody with this center defined

like, what does it look like in their
shadow or when the center is defined?

Out of alignment.

So we think that it's again when
we kind of talk about what is that

stereotypical word ego kind of.

usually generally mean you think
of somebody that's arrogant, right?

Somebody that's like, you know, um, maybe
they're placing unrealistic expectations

on other people, um, or they're holding
other people or themselves to, like,

a very unrealistic high standard.

Um, and, you know, the flip side of
that, instead of being arrogant, it

can also be this feeling of insecurity
of not believing in yourself at all.

And very similar to having
an open or undefined ego.

It's a, uh, kind of a drive to
overwork and in the end, kind

of that still that, that feeling
that kind of that need to prove.

Um, so it's super important for people
that have this center defined when you

know that you really have that power
and that drive to make things happen.

It is super important.

so important that you are only entering
into commitments that you actually

want to see come to life, right?

So, you know, with this like energy to
like get things done, if you are saying

yes to things as a need to prove, but then
you're stepping into these situations.

Yourself and the people around you can
be really tapping into that, you know,

that power and that drive you have
in your design to make things happen.

If it's something that you don't
even want to happen in the end, like.

It's not a great, you know, place
for you to be putting your energy.

So be really discerning about
your commitments and about what

you're putting your energy in.

And I think it's, you know, using your
authority to make those decisions.

And something helpful to ask yourself
can be like, do I actually want

to see this thing come to life?

Whether it is a night out with
friends or, you know, a job or a long

term, you know, business commitment.

What, what have you?

Um, so, you know, the importance of
just saying only really saying yes

to the things that your heart is in.

Um, you know, I think when I think
about somebody that's like really in

the wisdom of this center, they're
really about empowering others.

being patient and understanding that
not everyone moves as fast as they

do or can do it exactly they do.

And just like really being like a
cheerleader and like a hype man.

And when Kyle and I were both, um, in
our course where we were doing Training

and learning about human design.

Um, our teacher really talked about how a
lot of people that are fitness instructors

and like coaches have this center defined,
cause they're like the ultimate hype men.

And it's like, you know, if you think
about your favorite group instructor,

Personal trainer that you go to, and
you know, you think about a session

that you're in with this person and
you're like, I can feel like I could

kick a door off its hinges right now,
probably somebody with a defined ego.

And then it's like, you get home and
it's like, you try to do sit ups on

your own, or maybe one of the exercises
that you do when you're in that class

or with that trainer, and you're
like, I don't want to do any of this.

So, you know, these people can really
benefit us, especially when it comes to,

you know, groups of people, because they
just have that ability to, that others can

tap into that willpower and that drive.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

That was good.

Brandi Healy: Is that something, when,
when that was brought up, is that

something that you resonated with from
your time as a boot camp instructor?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, for a couple of reasons.

Like I, Before I became a trainer,
I always found it odd because I

didn't have an issue, like, getting
to the gym five days a week.

Granted, I was in my 20s and
didn't have very many commitments.

But, you know, like, getting up
early, like, I was working full time

and commuting to work and getting
up early or going after work.

And, yeah, I just kind of thought it
was odd that, like, my friends, you

know, even though they understood the
benefits and things like that, that they

Couldn't do that, but you know, it'd be
interesting looking at their chart now to

see whether that's defined or undefined.

And then even when I moved into fitness
and became a group fitness and bootcamp

instructor, I didn't participate.

I wasn't a person who
participated in group fitness.

Like I didn't do it myself and
other people would be like, Oh,

I'd meet other trainers, be like,
come along, do one of my classes.

And I'd kind of be like.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Like, I can't
think of anything worse, actually,

than having someone tell me what to do.

And that is, that is one of the
things of like, the, the ego

is like, the defined ego is you
like, you like to be in control.

So, having someone tell me, oh yeah, just
do five more reps, it's like, you know,

Brandi Healy: no.

You do five

more reps.

Kyle Wood: did five reps, so get out.

Ha ha ha ha ha Um, So, yeah, and then
even like starting a business and

stuff like that and, and meeting people
over the years and being like, wait,

you don't want to start a business?

And I think that too comes from that
like ability to tap into that willpower.

Um, you know, and at times when, um,

when my self esteem has suffered.

Has been at times when, yeah, I
didn't have any projects that,

that, like, my heart was in.

So, um, that is really important.

And I feel like I've spent the last couple
of years experimenting with all, like, the

new, latest, um, marketing stuff that's
out there for online stuff, because I'm

still using the same ones that I came
up with, like, seven or eight years ago.

And, and I hate them.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Uh, I was like, oh, I was like, okay,
this is, this is lots of people I

respect who are talking about this.

Okay, I'll, I'll give this a go.

But, yeah, because my heart wasn't in
it as soon as I started diving into it.

And I like the psychology
aspect of marketing.

But I don't like the, like, hyper
manipulative style of marketing that

is being taught a lot at the moment.

I So, that, uh, really, yeah, wasn't
resonating with me and I sort of followed

along anyway because I was like, oh,
there'll be something to learn here.

But my ability to work and, and
really create something I was proud

of, really suffered because yeah,
that heart needs, but when my heart

is in something I can move very
fast, get things done very quickly.

Um, you know, almost like a manifesting
generator, like really produce stuff.

Um, I, sorry, I'm going to keep going,
I've got one more thing to share.

This comes up when

Brandi Healy: No, please.

Kyle Wood: I was in the US.

I was like really getting
into um, male relationships.

So like men in relationship

Brandi Healy: like, tell us

Kyle Wood: Uh, yeah.

Brandi Healy: going to say,

big, specify platonic male relationships.


Well, I

Kyle Wood: But that's
part of it, isn't it?


That we have to specify it as a plu.

That is plutonic.

That was part of the thing.

Then it's like, why can't,
why do we have to label it?

Um, but yeah, the, yeah, and, and I met
another guy who was like really into the

stuff as well and, and you know, he had
so many great ideas on the topic and he'd

created like, yeah, he'd created like
characters and stuff like that for all the

different things that like men deal with.

And then, um, I had the idea to start a
podcast, and, and, you know, like, sort

of, like, in two weeks, I interviewed
for my first lot of guests and, and

released it, and in the spirit of being,
like, very open and honest with each

other, he's like, I'm kind of pissed
off, man, because he's like, I've been

wanting to do this stuff for ages, but
he's like, I just can't believe how

quickly you, like, You made it happen.

Like when you, like how quickly
you got it out there and got

the support and stuff like that.

And I think, you know, that was
really a project that at the time I

felt, yeah, very strongly in my heart
and, and was able to like, yeah,

get together the people I needed to
help me with it and find out what I

needed to learn to create a podcast.

That was my first podcast.

Um, yeah, so it's absolutely,
it's a really cool center to have.


Uh, we can talk about some of the, the
shadow side a bit more if you want.

Brandi Healy: know, it's probably
like a misconception that if you

have, um, this center defined that
you just like feel great about

yourself all the time and you're just

like I can do anything and it it's
It's not that like I said, like I

very much resonated with a lot of
the the kind of shadow elements of

having an open Ego center as well.

And I think if if you are like me and
you have a defined ego and you're like

But I don't always feel confident,
nor do I necessarily feel arrogant.

It's like, actually, sometimes I just
like, like I kind of mentioned earlier,

it's like, it's just not really.

Knowing your own worth or,
you know, really, you know,

feeling connected to your value.

And I think when

I first learned,

Kyle Wood: Sorry.

I just got to stop.

Cause that, I think that,
that is just so great.

Like feeling connected to your value.

Like that

Brandi Healy: in that one.

Now I'll come back.

But I think that when I first learned
about the center and what it meant to

have this defined and what it meant to be
in your wisdom, You know, being, feeling

confident with, with that defined ego
and really being able to impact others

positively with your ability to motivate.

That was something that I think I had
recognized from a past version of myself.

In kind of professional environments
as, you know, being a leader.

But when I, at the time that I had
learned about it, I was having a

lot of self doubt and I was having.

You know, really struggling with
where I was at in my life and, you

know, kind of how exactly how I
valued myself and I was like, this

doesn't seem right or feel right.

And I think that the more that I worked
with being in alignment as a projector.

The more I worked with my strategy
and also, you know, my authority, it's

really allowed for, you know, not just
my ego, you know, my ego center, but,

you know, other parts of my design
to, you know, Fall in alignment along

with it, like, because I was out of
alignment as a projector foundationally,

I was, you know, operating like a
generator or manifesting generator.

And I was just very burnt out.

I think it made me re it was very
difficult to feel confident and to really

tap into that, you know, kind
of superpower of, of motivating

yourself and other people.


You know, I feel like now, you know, I can
really have a lot of compassion for myself

in those moments where, you know, I, I'm
struggling to feel connected to my value.

And I can say like, Oh, right.

Like, you know, have I taken care of
myself, my projector self today first?

And then it's like, you know, kind of
going through the checklist of like

recalibrating and instead of like, use
that, it's almost an invitation to just.

myself to say, like, what's going on and
then how can I, you know, recalibrate

to kind of Bring myself back up

instead of just sitting in a place
of feeling really dejected or feeling

really shitty about myself for, you
know, long periods of time, maybe

it's days, weeks, or, you know, even
some, in some cases, months now, it's.

You know, Oh, cool.

It's like almost like that
feeling of, I feel thirsty now.

It's time to feel, drink water.

It's like, I'm sorry, kind of
feeling shitty about myself.

It's time to like nurture
myself and reconnect

so that I feel like me again.

Kyle Wood: Yep.

Uh, so I thought it was interesting there.

You sort of mentioned though that people
were still looking to you to kind of

lead be that motivator even as you were

feeling like that lack of
motivation inside yourself.

And it just goes to show how like I feel.

Energetic human design is like, we get,
we do these podcasts episodes and we

talk about this stuff, but like really
need to get back to like, the way our

centers are defined or undefined is
how we like energetically interact

without even opening our mouths,
energetically interact with each other.

Brandi Healy: Mm hmm.

Kyle Wood: Uh, and that's why
following our authority is so

important too, because people will
pick up stuff from us energetically.

They'll come up with what
they think is best for us.

You can rally people you run this
project And we really yeah understanding

ourselves is so helpful for like knowing
Whether you're like, yes, I love it.

I want to do it or whether
you're like Yes, I feel like I

should be doing this um But i'm

Brandi Healy: or yes, this
would be great for someone else

Kyle Wood: yeah.

Oh, look over there.


Oh, that's good.

Um, I thought unless you've got
more to add on to find, we should

probably just like touch on that.

I didn't make any notes on this, but
just touch on that for some people,

this center is their authority.


center is their authority.

Brandi Healy: you know, So, let me
tell can I tell a fun story about

defined egos really quick so a couple
of weeks ago, I did a workshop for

a group of friends and it was a
The most incredible group of women.

They'd been, they had the coolest jobs.

Like one of them was a psychic medium.

One of them taught dance meditation.

One of them was a doula.

And then one of them, um, was an EFT coach
and they were just like the coolest group.

Of women and what was so what was blew
my mind is two of them were generators.

One was a manifesting generator
and one was a projector.

All of them had defined egos.

And I was like, just five gals with
defined egos sitting around talking

human design and the projector had tuned
into your willpower as her authority.

And she actually only had two
centers defined in her entire chart.

Kyle Wood: okay, so

Brandi Healy: Yeah.


Kyle Wood: that was, her authority,

Brandi Healy: yes, so
that was her authority.

And you know, for any of you that, when
you pull up your chart, it says, you

know, ego, or it says, talk it out.

It is.

Or not, excuse me, talk it out, tune into
your willpower, um, or an ego authority.

Um, it's really about making
sure that your heart is in the

commitments that you enter into.

So, you know, just like anyone with this,
you know, with an, with a defined ego, you

want to, you want to use your authority
to make sure your heart is in it.

Well, for some people, and it's a very low
percentage, it's actually lower than 1%.

So it's even

less people than have,
uh, than projectors.

Kyle Wood: yeah,

Brandi Healy: So, um, if you are one of
these people and you're like, no one makes

decisions like me, it's like very, very


So like, if you feel different, you
are, and just know that it's just

important that you You feel very
passionate about the things that you

commit into, the things you enter into.

And what I like to tell people with
this authority is fast forward the tape.

Do you want that thing to actually happen?

And that can really help,
help guide you into that.

Because You know, if you're entering
into commitments that aren't in

alignment for you, regardless of your
authority, you're really bringing

that energy into that situation.

So if it's a not great, excited
feeling, um, you're going to bring

that energy into that commitment.


Kyle Wood: yeah, the, from the
definitive book of human design, it's

got a good line here, which is, when
making a decision, be selfish and ask.

What do I want?

What is in it for me?

The heart center is the motor
and you will either have the will

to do something or you won't.

So there you

Brandi Healy: that's a

good one.

Kyle Wood: if you're constantly
like Failing or like giving up on

projects and things like it's just
it's not a reflection on who you are.

It's just Simply that you're
not picking the right projects

Um are the right things that

Brandi Healy: your heart's not in it

Kyle Wood: not in it You Here we go.


Brandi Healy: That was fun.

That was a good one.

Kyle Wood: We're back, everyone.

Brandi Healy: I know I missed this.

Kyle Wood: Uh, yeah, hopefully
we weren't too rusty for you.

I think, um, there's heaps in there,
so I hope you get a lot out of it.

Uh, and we now, we, so last month as
we were recording this, we had our

first Q& A session with the listeners.

Uh, so we will be running more.

Um, soon, so I'm going to include a
link just in the description here, uh,

to a place we can just pop your name
and email in, and then we'll, we'll

email you the next, um, meetup time.

So, we think that's the
best way of doing it.

Brandi Healy: it.

was super fun.

Um, and if you were like, I would
love to attend, but you know,

and you get the notification and
the time or date doesn't work for

you, we will send out a recording.

Um, so sign up anyways.

Um, you know, and if you have questions
and you know you can't attend, you can

always send them to us ahead of time and
we can make sure that we answer those.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: So you can
watch them on the replay.

Kyle Wood: Cool.

All right, uh, until next time, I think
we, we've got some guests, a little

sneak preview for the, the season.

We've got, uh, a few guests lined
up, different types, uh, some we're

going to have on to have some sort
of like broader discussions, not just

talking about their human design.

Uh, we're going to get some like
experts in, so that'll be fun.

Uh, we've also got four more centers
to do that we haven't done yet.

Um, and I think.

Next episode, we're going to be talking
about contradictions in your human design.


Brandi Healy: I'm

really excited about this.

Kyle Wood: cause it happens a lot.

There'll always be, and I think, I
think we innately know that there

are contradictions in ourselves
and where we get into trouble

is usually like rejecting that.

And if anything, human
design lets us embrace that.

So yeah, excited to
talk about that as well.

Brandi Healy: It'll be fun.

Kyle Wood: All right.

Good to see you, Brandy.

Brandi Healy: You too.

Kyle Wood: everyone.

Brandi Healy: Bye

Creators and Guests

Brandi Healy
Brandi Healy
Co-Host of Well Designed
The Ego Center: Exploring Willpower and Self-Worth in Human Design
Broadcast by