What’s The Deal With Those Fractions on My HD Chart? (Human Design Profiles)
Kyle Wood: And so that's something
you'll find in human design.
Sometimes there's these polar
opposites or dichotomies.
That it is explained a lot because
often we, as humans, I feel like
there are different parts of me
that are trying to come out and
that are at war with each other.
Um, and what I found, and this might
help those listening, trying to come to
terms with their two profile numbers is
that it's more like a seesaw, so, you
know, you're kind of one number will be.
Stronger at times, and then the other
number will be stronger at times,
and just kind of let it ebb and flow.
Brandi Healy: welcome to well designed.
I'm Brandy Healy, and I'm here with my co
host Kyle Wood, and today we're going to
be chatting a little bit about a fun part
of human design that is called profile.
So your profile, when you look at your
chart, will kind of look like a fraction.
It's two numbers, and it's numbers
one through six, and there are twelve
different profile combinations.
Kyle, do you want to share a little
bit about what our Profile tells us?
Kyle Wood: I think if so, okay, so,
so the official thing with profile is
that like we all, you know, getting
into the mystic roots of human design,
we all have a unique purpose here
on way during our time on planet
earth that we're meant to fulfill.
Uh, and so profile kind
of points us towards.
How we can align with that
path, um, towards our purpose.
And I was thinking about purpose recently,
so I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent.
Because, like, back when I started on the
internet, that was like the hot topic.
Everyone was like, how
to find your purpose.
Like, how to find your, how to find
your passion, how to find your purpose.
It's like, human design stuff would
have been so helpful back then.
But that was what, you know, like
now everyone sort of talks about,
um, I don't know how to like.
Create and launch a course online.
Like back then it was all about like,
everyone wanted to know what their
purpose was and what their passion was.
And how do I find that?
Uh, so the profile numbers
can help us with that.
So they're very action orientated because
it's kinda like a bit of a guide to
like, here's how to spend your time.
Like here on earth, here's like
a good use of your time on earth.
Um, and then also how, here's how you.
In some cases like impact the
people around you as well.
Look, I'm going to go keep going here.
Sorry As we as you'll see like as we'll
look at later like the numbers 1 2 3
are kind of internal focus So if you
have one of those What you do is it's
very like you focused and then the
numbers 4 5 6 are more like external
So focus things on, um, other people.
Yeah, anything you'd like to add to that?
Brandi Healy: And where the numbers are
in the, I'll air quote this fraction,
cause it's not really a fraction, but
the number that comes first is typically
something that you are conscious of and
really know and recognize about yourself.
The second number in your profile
tends to be unconscious and something
that other people recognize in you.
So, you know, where those two
numbers fall in, you know, in.
in order really do, do matter.
So we're going to kind of go through
and just give you some high level little
tidbits about each of the numbers and
you can kind of pull up your chart and
look, see what your profile numbers
are, look to see what those two
numbers are and where they fall into
that conscious or that unconscious.
And just like everything we talk
about here, you know, take what
serves you, leave what doesn't.
Kyle Wood: Uh, yes, I'm putting my hand
up here to speak, uh, what, what, before
we go into the numbers, one thing I think
is worth saying is we like looking at
profile when it comes to business and
marketing, because if you can align the
activities you do in your business and
your marketing with your profile, which
is, uh, typically something, things
that come very natural to you and that.
Uh, you know, help you get an
alignment, um, which is going to help
you, you know, have more success.
So it's a very practical element when it
comes to business and marketing because,
uh, by you know, there's lots of different
ways to market products or a business.
There's lots of different
ways to run a business.
Uh, and it can be really hard to know
which one's the right one for you.
So profiles are a great place to start
because it can help you at least.
Point you in the right direction of,
Ah, this is what I want to learn more
about, Or, this is a good use of my time.
Brandi Healy: it certainly helps to
narrow it down and it ties it directly.
It ties your marketing
directly to your purpose.
All right, so we'll get
started with the one.
So if you carry a one in
your profile, this number is.
you know, kind of referred to as
the investigator and the authority.
So people with a one in their profile
really like to dig deep on a topic
and Do lots of research around it and
learn lots of things are naturally very
curious and Sometimes what can happen
with a with a one in your profile is
that you never feel like, you know
enough so this is your permission slip
that no matter where you are in your
investigative journey and whatever it
is that you know is is Sparking your
curiosity to learn more about There's a
lot of power in you sharing what it is
that you know, even at the beginning.
Because you really inspire other
people to trust your expertise.
And start to look to you as the expert.
So when you think about marketing your
business again, even if it's, you're
just starting to study a modality
or just starting your business,
just by you sharing that with your
audience, the people that are in.
front of you, you start to become
that authority figure to them.
And you might also find that you have
a really natural gift for teaching
others kind of how things work.
So, you know, those are just two really
simple things that you can look at if you
carry that one in how you can communicate
that in the way you market your business.
Is there anything else you
want to add to that one?
Kyle Wood: No, I think you, You hit
the nail on the head pretty well.
The, Main advice I give ones is, To, Like,
uh, Spending time, you know, improving
their qualifications, learning about
the thing they're interested in, is
like, is never a bad use of their time.
Because the more they become an expert
in their thing, The more easily it will
be for them to, you know, get clients
and grow their business because they just
simply know more Than everyone else around
them like because they become experts
in that thing So it's not a bad use of
your time and I would just reiterate the
thing you said, which is like the only
caveat to that is you need to Reality
check yourself and be like actually I
have like These qualifications here, I've
done these courses, I actually do know
quite a lot about this stuff, and I can
start sharing that stuff with the world.
And, um, I just thought of this while
you were talking, that, and thinking
about the ones that I know, that that's
perhaps where your other profile number
can come in handy, is how you then
express that knowledge to the world.
So, um, have a listen to your
other profile number for some
ideas of how you might actually let
yourself be seen and put things out.
Brandi Healy: So for the two,
Kyle actually carries a two.
So I thought it would be fun for
you to share, you know, a little bit
about the two line and also maybe, you
know, how that, how that shows up for
you and maybe how you might use that
in marketing of your own business.
Kyle Wood: well, the two is strong with
me this week, which that feels like a
desire to be alone and in my own space.
Uh, to really just, and, and
to be, and to be creative in
that space, you know, as well.
So to be able to just like
work on the things that I'm
passionate about and create the
things that I'm passionate about.
So that's, that's a big part of being
a two is that needing to withdraw
at times and trusting that, that
you're not rude and trusting as well,
that that's where your ability to.
Connect the dots comes and that's a big
part of being a two as well as that you
can connect these dots They call it.
Um an innate genius, but I don't
Talk myself up too much But it is
Brandi Healy: There's two parts to it.
There's the Herbert that he just touched
on and the innate genius and both his wife
and myself like to give him a lot of shit
when, uh, about the innate genius piece.
Kyle Wood: it's it could be really
hard to see it in yourself and as a
man, um I used to mansplain a lot,
but simply because like I could, I,
and I still can, I can pick things up.
I can get the gist of something
enough to be able to apply it
to my own life very quickly.
But then where I would struggle
is if I then had to turn around
and teach that to someone else.
So in my business, I've tried
creating courses and things like that.
I really struggle to create
courses that are very step by step.
My courses and workshops and things
tend to be like, here's like a whole
bunch of different things to do.
So they're less linear and it's
more like we're gonna do this, we're
gonna do this, we're gonna do this.
Um, and then from that you're gonna,
you're gonna take something out of
that rather than here's step one,
here's step two, here's step three.
Like when I try to do that it's
incredibly energetically draining
and it's very difficult for me to...
It's very difficult to express, you
know, it's happening to me now, it's
very difficult to me to get across, um,
why is that the thing that I do works.
Like I, yeah, cause it's, I understand
it on an innate level, yeah, not
maybe like a sys, systematic level.
Brandi Healy: Right.
And, and part of that too, and part
of leaning into your two is you
don't have to explain how you do what
Kyle Wood: Yeah,
Brandi Healy: And it's like, just like
right now, when you try, it's challenging.
And, you know, another piece of
having a two in your profile,
which I feel like you do.
You know, um really nicely is you
actually share about your need for
alone time Um, and you share that
with other people and, you know,
what that alone time does for you.
So, like, right now you just spoke to
it really beautifully, like, that's
when I recharge my batteries and that's
like that time that I get inspired, um,
you know, to find newness or to create.
Um, so, you know, for those of you that
carry that too, um, you know, instead
of it feeling like it is, you know.
that might feel isolating or something
that you might have to try to fight
against to, you know, be with others
more often than feels comfortable.
Know that it's not designed for you to
be alone all the time, but, you know,
those moments are of value and when
you can communicate that with others,
you know, they start to understand
your process a little bit more.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, that's, I'll just add
that as the last thing on the twos.
That's been really a useful thing about
learning about human design is that
it's okay for me to have those times
when it's like, yeah, I just don't
want to, yeah, I do want to go into
like my creative bubble and um, yeah,
rather than fighting that, communicating
that and And riding that train.
Uh, and then it always, there's
always an end point to it as well.
Where I'm ready to like, get back
out and be more social again.
All right.
Three lines.
Those who have a number three, and
I'm going to hand this over to you,
Brandy, because you have a three.
I'm also married to a three, so
I feel like I'm somewhat, uh,
Brandi Healy: You're well
versed in the threes.
Kyle Wood: the three
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
So the three is known as the experimenter
and the well of embodied wisdom, or
as I more colorfully like to call it
the fuck around and find out very much
about, you know, learning by doing.
And I can certainly attest
to this that I learned best.
Hands on.
I really struggle with like reading
instructions or watching a video.
Like, I really like What?
Not reading instructions?
We should not build
IKEA furniture together.
Kyle Wood: I'm not, yeah, no,
that's not even good though.
It's alright, it's painful to me
Brandi Healy: Noted.
And, but for me, It's not that I
don't like to be given direction,
it's that I need to get my
hands in it and do it myself.
And it's not that I'm going to throw
the instruction manual away, but
it's like, I don't, not that I don't
trust it, but it's like I need to
do it myself in order to integrate.
the practice in order to
integrate the information.
And, you know, part of carrying
this three line is It's messy.
And you know, it just because
we do it ourselves doesn't
mean we always do it correctly.
So, you know, I think that
especially when I was younger,
I really struggled with this.
And I can think of like, as a kid, I
tried a lot of different activities.
And even the ones that I was good at, I
was just like, Oh, All right, well, you
know, onto the next and, you know, kind
of took a lot of shit for like being flaky
and not really sticking to one thing.
And when I discovered this about
my design, I was like, Oh, it
felt so liberating to be like, I
needed to try these things and see
if I actually enjoyed doing them.
Not am I good at them, but
do I actually like them?
And, you know, it really helped
me understand myself a lot better.
And Spend time doing the things that I
liked doing and you know, I really learned
a lot through Um, that trial and error
process and, you know, part of one of
the gifts of being a three is sharing
what we tried and sharing the times that
we failed and what we learned from it.
Sharing our personal journey really
draws in the right kind of people.
And I can, you know, think
of your wife as well.
Like, she does this so beautifully
in her work as well, really sharing
about, you know, her own journey
and how that manifests in her
work, um, you know, and when we.
do that.
And where we do share, you know,
our struggles and what we've learned
through them, it gives a lot of people
permission to feel okay with, you know,
what they may conceive as mistakes
and kind of reframe them as lessons.
And I can think about the times that,
you know, my messaging, whether it's
a theme in a yoga class or, you know,
something I share on an Instagram post,
it's not the celebrations that are the
ones that land the most with people.
It's the struggle.
And so, you know, I think Again, learning
this part of my design, um, you know,
it was very liberating and I think it
just really helped me lean into that and
give myself a lot more grace, I think,
in my life and it's not always easy to
step into something brand new and like,
it's not that I expect failure, but it
gives me A reframe to say, like, we can
go into this and if it doesn't work out,
like, we'll be able to take something
away from it, which, you know, feels a
lot better than if it doesn't work out,
we're just going to fall on our face.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, so before you
found out about human design,
what I want to know is...
Was there a period of time
when you, you tried getting rid
of this part of your process?
When you tried, you know, being
more perfect or planning it,
trying to plan ahead to try and
like eliminate this messy bit?
Brandi Healy: Oh, without
question, without question,
and I think probably the most.
You know, a dramatic example of this is,
as you know, I'm a recovered alcoholic and
so, you know, clearly leading up to the
point where I stopped drinking, there was
a lot of messiness and I think, you know,
even though I don't regret one single
minute of stop when I quit drinking,
um, clearly, you know, here we are.
almost 18 years later.
However, I think that I put a lot of
pressure on myself to be like really
perfect, which really manifested itself
in me overworking and like, you know,
going from one extreme to the other.
Like, You know, really dedicating
myself to like my health and my work,
but like to an extreme that just like
changed the flavor of the addiction.
And it took a, it took, it definitely took
some time to kind of course correct that.
And you know, I have a lot of compassion
for that version of myself that just was
no longer giving myself permission to make
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Thanks for sharing that.
I think that'll hopefully be really
helpful to other three lines out there.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, I think so.
Well, yeah, again, I hope so.
And I, you know, my other friends
that carry this three line as well.
I think that, you know, we have a
lot of, uh, Camaraderie around it.
And I think that we, we, and now, you
know, most of us are in our, uh, the
people closest to me were in our forties.
And so I think that we give ourselves far
more grace also as we get older and kind
of, you know, embrace it and realize that,
you know, that three line has really.
turned us into the people
that we are are today.
So, you know, it's fun.
And word on the street is as you
get older with the three line,
the mistakes become less dramatic.
So if you are, you know, younger,
Kyle Wood: Mm
Brandi Healy: it gets better with age.
All right.
So the four, Kyle,
Kyle Wood: Uh huh.
Brandi Healy: four.
So do you want to share a
little bit about this one?
Kyle Wood: Yeah, so it's very different
from my other number, which is the two.
And so that's something
you'll find in human design.
Sometimes there's these, um,
polar opposites or dichotomies.
That, you know, it is explained a lot
because often we, as humans, we, oh, I
feel like there's, there are different
parts of me that are trying to come out
and that are at war with each other.
Um, and what I found, and this might
help those listening, trying to come to
terms with their two profile numbers is
that it's more like a seesaw, so, you
know, you're kind of one number will be.
Stronger at times, and then the other
number will be stronger at times,
and just kind of let it ebb and flow.
So, the four line, um, speaks to
that a lot of our opportunities come
through, like, the people we know.
I was going to say network there,
but network makes you think of, like,
stuffy networking events, and it's not
necessarily that, but it, but it is that.
I like it.
It is the network in a sense of like,
everyone you know, like friends, family,
um, clients, uh, people you work with,
people you used to work with, um, And this
was, when I first read this one, I was
like, oh, no, no, no, because I identify
more as an introvert, and was like, you
know, I, like, I can have a conversation
with someone, but I'm not, you know,
about to go to a bar just, just for fun
on like a regular occasion or like, you
know, somewhere like loud and noisy and
lots of people, but, and, and that's good.
Probably I'm a good person to
share about this then, because
that's not what the four line is.
It's not about like being around people
all the time and meeting new people.
It's about, um, investing in the
relationships you already have.
Uh, and using your authority to
trust new relationships that come up.
Uh, 'cause yeah, when I think back
to like, jobs I've gotten, um, you
know, court like study, I've done
like some of the, some of the big
things moving, things like that, that
Brandi Healy: Your partner?
How you met your partner?
Kyle Wood: yeah.
All yeah.
Have come through people I
know, or I've been able to.
Get help from people I know along
the way.
Um, So, Uh, What's the other stuff?
So the other thing is that we, as
a 4Line We, we like to be friendly.
So we come across Usually
quite friendly and warm.
Uh, but we also Want to be friends
with the people we work with.
Like I, you know I'm not going to
hire someone just because they're
a good Salesperson or something
like that, I'm going to hire them
because I like them as a person.
And I used to think this was a bad thing.
In fact, I remember hiring one
trainer I really got on with him.
And then like a few months later, I had
some issues and I was like, Oh, okay.
Like, you know, I've broken the
cardinal rule of like, you know,
hiring someone that you like.
Because, you know, like this
person's now stitched me up.
Uh, but yeah, no, yeah, there should be
a relationship and again, I think back
to like the good work relationships
I had with people who I had like a
really good relationship with as well.
So um, yeah,
Brandi Healy: Hey, does this
mean that we're friends?
Kyle Wood: you get it, yeah, I know.
You joined the Kyle Friendship Circle.
Um, yeah, so, and probably the other thing
is that like community and connection
have always been really important to
me in, in the businesses I've created.
So back when I was PT'ing and like
creating bootcamp, doing social
things, just, and just being in
contact with my clients regularly,
um, I had good boundaries around it.
It wasn't like, I feel like for some.
Trainers and wellness professionals
these days, they're on call 24 7.
It was, it was not like that.
I still had set times, but I knew
what was going on in their lives.
I knew, you know, like some
of them came to our wedding.
Um, yeah, so there was that
like personal relationship.
And then even later when I moved
online, you know, I was always trying
to find ways to build in community.
To get the people I was working
with to meet with each, like, you
know, virtually meet with each
other and interact with each other.
Wasn't doing, and I still don't really
run like, stale courses where you
just get fed a bunch of information.
There's always like some
sort of interactive element.
That's what feels most natural for me.
That's what gets me excited as well.
I don't want to run a course unless I'm...
At some point jumping on a call
with the participants of it and,
and talking to them and yeah,
having, building that relationship.
So this one definitely explained a lot.
Brandi Healy: Yeah, I like how you spoke
to, you know, how the two pieces of
your profile are pretty contradictory.
And I remember, you know, one of our
first conversations, you're like,
You're like, my profile is so hard.
There's this need to hermit, but at the
same time have these deeper relationships.
And then you're like, the only one that
seems harder than this is a three, five.
And I was like, that's mine.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: So, you know, I think
anything else you want to share about the
four before I kind of chat about the five.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Those are a quote.
I remember my wife sent me years
ago, like before I did human design.
And I'm trying to remember who,
who it was, who, um, who said it.
I feel like it was someone like, um, what
was that lady who wrote the book Untamed?
Is it Untamed?
Is that the one?
Glennon Doyle.
Yeah, I feel like it was like Glennon
Doyle, like sort of someone like that.
And they were like, um.
Um, I don't actually want to go out
and connect with anyone in person.
I just want to sit at home on my
computer and write about connection.
It's like, I don't
actually want to do this.
I said, and that's like very much
like the human thing, you know,
it's like, Ooh, I like connecting.
I like the thing.
But you know, uh, once I've gotten, you
know, hit my quota, uh, I'm then ready
to like go back in and be by myself.
So that's the last thing
I'll say about that.
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
All right.
So moving on to the five so.
So fives are known to be problem solvers,
and we just can't help ourselves.
We think that all the
problems are ours to solve.
And, you know, one of the things that
comes along with a five is that this is
something where other people oftentimes
will recognize this in us, and they
see us as the person to solve problems.
Their problems.
And so, you know, it's kind of two sides
of the coin where we feel obligated to
solve the problems and we are recognized
for being able to solve the problems.
So, 1 of the challenges with carrying,
you know, this 5 line is that we need to
really be discerning about what problems.
We choose to solve and really asking,
like, is this a problem that I feel
compelled to salt and, you know, based
off of whatever your authority is,
whatever your type is, you know, for
me as a projector, it's so important
that I feel invited in and recognized
and valued for what it is that I have.
To offer in terms of solving the problem
and that I would use my authority of
wait for clarity to make sure that
I'm entering into that from a place
of calm and not out of a reactionary
state, um, to make sure that it's really
something that feels aligned for me.
And that's been a pretty tough 1 because.
You know, I think we just had a
conversation before we hopped on
the podcast where I was like, I just
subbed far more classes than I probably
should have over the last week.
And I just looked at my
calendar and I'm like, well,
I'm available, I could do this.
And after the fact, I was
like, that was, I'm very tired,
Kyle Wood: heh.
Heh heh heh.
Brandi Healy: probably, you know, unwise.
You know, I had a great time this weekend.
If you took my class this weekend,
every single one of them had a blast.
I'm very tired after this weekend.
So, you know, certainly said yes to
some of those, uh, some of those subs
Slots probably a little quicker than
I should have and before I tallied
up how many I had said yes to So,
you know for us when it comes to our
businesses, you know It's really great
to be able to share with people like
what are the problems that you feel?
Excited to solve and how
are you able to do that?
Like what practical solutions
that your clients need?
Are you able to offer them?
So that way you're really in, you
know, creating Those boundary around
those boundaries around this is what
I am available for um, and that can be
really really useful and You know in
terms of what my profile profile looks
like when we talk about both of those
lines with that three line where i'm
learning Through a process of trial and
error and experimenting with it, with
things, the problems that I feel the
most compelled to solve are the ones
I know how to solve based off of what
I've learned through trial and error.
So you can kind of see both.
through my profile and through Kyle's how
those two numbers really play together.
Um, and how they kind of fall into place
with other parts of our chart, like
our type, you know, and our authority,
which is, you know, really fun.
And again, like they don't
always, they're not always linear.
And sometimes there is this.
It's, you know, not this or that.
It's not black or white.
There's a lot of gray.
And there's also like, it's and.
It's both.
Both, you know, exist in you at one time
and I love your metaphor of that seesaw.
It's like, it's not always balanced.
Sometimes, but sometimes, you know, one
side's going to rise and the other, you
know, kind of will tip off and sometimes
you have some control and influence
over that and sometimes you don't.
Kyle Wood: Yep.
Uh, question for you.
So, the other thing I've got in my
notes about the fifth line is that,
and tell me if this reams true, that
the ideal scenario would be to like,
step in, uh, Present your solution,
and then like, and then step out.
So not actually be involved necessarily
in the implementation of the solution.
Brandi Healy: Yes, that
does really land for me.
Like I, you know, I think, you know,
in a lot of the work that I do, it's
really in a consulting capacity of.
Even in a human design reading,
it's like, this is what I see,
you know, even, especially when I
work with fitness professionals.
I give them the, the, the blueprint and
highlight the areas of their chart of, you
know, these are the parts of your chart
that you can use to build your business.
These are parts of your chart that you
can use to market, but I'm not handholding
them, telling them market this way.
Create this course, you
know, plan this way.
I'm, you know, providing the
solutions, but not there to
carry out the execution piece.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, cool.
Brandi Healy: And that's not, you
know, really something that interests
Kyle Wood: yep.
Yeah, it's a cool, it's a good, cause
I think sometimes when I think of
like a problem solver, It's The person
actually solving the problem, um, where,
whereas that's, that would just be too
energetically draining for you, right?
Brandi Healy: Absolutely.
And I certainly was that person for a
long time is a I was solving all the
problems whether I wanted to or not.
And then I was actually the one doing it.
And you know, it left me feeling
super burnt out and really bitter.
And you know, I think over time, really,
again, Understanding how this works and
really recognizing that and giving myself
permission to say like, I don't have to
be the one to actually do it, and there's
still a lot of value in providing the
solution and allowing others to, you
know, carry out the execution piece of it.
Kyle Wood: That's good.
Right, should we talk about
Brandi Healy: Alright, last one, six.
Kyle Wood: Yes.
Brandi Healy: Yeah,
Kyle Wood: six, so this is the final, uh,
number you might have in your profile.
And I think, does it always come,
does this one always come second
or is it sometimes, is there this
first, I a six, two, six, three.
So you can be a six,
three or a three, six.
Brandi Healy: Mm
Kyle Wood: I should probably know that.
Brandi Healy: hmm.
Well, now you
Kyle Wood: Um, so, so sixth
line is a, it's, it's a unique.
One to have, because it comes with
these kind of three phases of your life.
Uh, and it always, I feel like it
always seems like when I do a reading
for someone they've got a six.
And so they just think like,
everything about human design
has, comes with three phases.
Like, so what is this bit
when I'm in my thirties?
It's the same.
Uh, it's the same, it's not special.
Six, so say if you've
got a six you're special.
You can feel very special.
Uh, so the way it, it sort of goes is, um,
we've already talked about three lines and
that's important because the first thirty
ish years of your life with a six is
going to look similar to that third line.
It's like, it's a really like, fuck
around and find out period of your life.
Brandi Healy: And if you
carry both of those numbers,
Kyle Wood: yeah.
Brandi Healy: bless your heart.
Yeah, it's gonna be like,
you're doubling down.
You're doubling down.
Kyle Wood: I love talking to
six lines though, because it's
so, always so interesting.
You know, I, just the age I am now,
I tend to meet them when they're in
their thirties or forties or fifties.
I'm not meeting many six lines in
their twenties, just because I'm not
cool enough to have like 20 year old
Brandi Healy: Mm hmm.
Kyle Wood: And so, but they, um, It's
funny listening to them talk about those
early years of their life, like their 20s,
because what they did then is so vastly
different to what they're doing now.
They've had this like big pivot.
So, so why is that?
That first 30 years does
tend to be more experimental.
You tend to do higher risk things
than if you've Finished up that phase
and you're in your 30s or older,
you'd probably look back now and be
like, I can't believe I did that.
Can't believe I moved across
the country for a job.
I can't believe I dated that person.
I can't believe, um, I was
working like 17 jobs at once.
You know, whatever it looks like.
So, um,
That and you're really building
up this like wealth of, of
experiential knowledge and wisdom.
And so then when you get into your 30s,
so from about the age, and you know,
it's rough, about the age of 30 to 50
with a sixth line, you'll um, have more
of an observational time in your life.
So rather than being like in the mix.
Like you were in your 20s, you'll tend
to step back here and start paying more
attention to what's going around you.
Um, and that's a process of starting
to integrate all of that stuff you
learned during those first 30 years.
And then when you reach your
50s, that's kind of when you're
ready to like step back in again.
You'll start getting a pull,
talking to people who have a
6th line who are in their 40s.
Which often is like.
Again, it's another period of change.
There's relationships ending, there's
careers changing, um, there's stuff is
being let go of in order to make room
for that final phase of the Sixth Line,
which is really when you step into
being able to integrate all this stuff
you've learned over the first 50 years
of your life and become this like wealth
of wisdom for the people around you.
And it's much more of a period of
time being a mentor, uh, And a guide
to those around you and it's such a
cool thing to see Like an integrated
six who's really stepped into that
Because they've been through a lot.
They've seen a lot if you're a six
line listening to this You already
know you've probably seen a lot.
You've probably got some pretty like
crazy memories Um, so it's really cool
to think as well that if you're in that
If you're not 50 yet, you're coming up
to that that you've got this really cool
Period of your life coming up where you
kind of step into more of like this in
the best sense the word Patriarch type
role or matriarch type role where you
can really be this like person for other
people to Come to for that guidance.
I Can see you want to say something?
Brandi Healy: I can think of...
Oh, well, I was gonna say I could think
of we had a person in our human design
training cohort who was in that final
phase of their six line who certainly
just so beautifully embodied this
and everyone really looked to this
person as like, kind of like the, the
Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, yeah everyone to
Brandi Healy: of our group, you know,
Kyle Wood: So what does, what
does she have to say about this?
Brandi Healy: Yeah, exactly.
This is amazing.
And now what do you think?
And their, her opinion was
just so incredibly valued.
And, you know, it was so cool to see
somebody that just like, you know,
so beautifully had embodied that.
And, you know, um, I have a
girlfriend that's a six line
and, and she's like, I love this.
This is like wine, right?
It just gets better with age.
And so I just, I love, I've had
some people that with a, yeah.
Yeah, some people with a six line
get disempowered and they're like,
so I'm just like a train wreck
until I'm 50 and it's like, no.
And I think that this other
explanation is a far better analogy
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Brandi Healy: you know, it gets
better, certainly gets better with age.
Um, you know, when you just become this
role model and this teacher and just
know that up until that point, it's
part of that journey to bring you to
that place of, you know, for lack of a
better word, kind of enlightenment, um,
and people just naturally, no matter
where you are in, in, in your journey
of your six line, people will naturally
trust you and see you as an authority.
And it's really about.
Leaning on the value of the experience
that you've had in your life.
Um, and, you know, taking the time
to reflect on what you've learned and
kind of sharing that with other people.
And kind of taking this
place of a higher view.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, and speaking to
like, having to wait till you're
50, it's not, you're right,
it's not necessarily the case.
I have a friend who has this, he's in
his 30s, late 30s, um, and you know,
he's already, you know, brought out a
book and gone into speaking and things
like that, so he's already experimenting
with this, like just innately, with this,
um, Um, starting to find ways to piece
together this information and he's doing
it sort of in public so that he's getting
that feedback on like what resonates
with people and things like that.
Um, and then my acupuncturist
is, is, uh, in that sixth line.
She's in her sixties and yeah,
another case of someone who's
just like integrated really well.
She's a six two.
So she's just got that
like hermit down as well.
Um, So, yeah, just really, I think
there's so many, there are a lot of
cool aspects and I guess the thing is
to really, with the Sixth Line, I don't
know if you agree with this, is just
to really try and be present to where
you are at this point in your life.
Brandi Healy: hmm.
Laughter So...
I think one of the things that we wanted
to touch on in terms of just profiles
in general, and I'll tie this back to
the six, just give me a minute here, is
oftentimes people find that when they meet
someone else that either shares one or
both profile lines, that they find a lot
of connection through sharing a profile.
Sometimes more so than
even sharing a type.
And the reason I bring this
up is my partner and both
of our kids are four sixes.
Kyle Wood: wow.
Brandi Healy: So, you know, all three of
them have, you know, like you have, you
know, this import, high importance on.
Their close relationships.
So, you know, I think about
my partner circle of friends.
It's very tight.
Those relationships are very deep
You know, his career that he is in
now certainly came from relationships
that he had had in the past and
knowing that that's also something
that's important for our Children.
And it's like, even in the activities
that they do, they came from our
community and from people that we
knew and people they already know.
And so really trusting that the people
that they are surrounded by are here.
So critical and so it, that
doesn't feel right for them.
Trusting that that's like the signal
to move on instead of being like, oh,
well, you know, this is more competitive.
Or maybe this is, you
know, closer to our house.
Instead of looking at those factors.
It's about the relationships in those
spaces that are really critical.
And then, you know, when it comes to that
sixth line, it's like they have that.
example in their father of, you know,
kind of what that looks like over time.
It's like, you know, he's lived that
and same thing with that four line,
like they have, you know, their dad
that has a lived that profile and
can really, you know, be that example
to them and be that kind of guidance
in their life, which is so, so cool.
Kyle Wood: Awesome.
It's, uh, yeah.
There we go.
It's cool.
It's a cool thing to have.
And what a fun family.
Um, well, that'll be fun for you
to watch those sort of different
phases play out in your kids as well.
Well, hopefully, I say fun, but...
Brandi Healy: know, fun.
And I'm like, remember, we have the
first, you know, the first 30 years
are gonna be a little wild over here.
But I think also, you know, being a
three, um, I can certainly be, uh,
compassionate to that experience as well.
Kyle Wood: Alright,
Brandi Healy: How about for you?
Is there any, uh, anyone in your
life that you share a profile line
with or have observed that in.
Kyle Wood: yeah, I mean, I could
think of, I haven't met a whole
lot of people with the two.
Um, I do, I mean, I do meet a few,
but not so much, um, face to face.
Um, yet to meet someone else with
the two who's got kids, which I think
would be interesting to talk to about.
Because, because that is hard
sometimes when you want a hermit.
And I have kids under five
so They don't understand this
Brandi Healy: Yes.
Kyle Wood: And they're like what do
you mean you want to be alone dad?
We want to be with you and
Brandi Healy: They're
not sensitive to that.
Kyle Wood: climbing on you
all of the time yeah, no, it's
it's got it brings challenges.
Um Yeah, do you have anything else
you want to add on profile Cool,
Brandi Healy: No, I think that
that's, that's kind of it.
But, you know, Again, a super fun
part of your design to dig into and
a lot that you can take away in terms
of, you know, how that shows up and.
You know, not only how you operate
in your business, but certainly, you
know, in your personal life as well.
So, you know, if you have a peek,
you see what your profile is, you
know, we would love for you to
tell us, you know, send us a DM.
Um, you know, send us a
message on, on the gram.
That's where we usually hang out.
Um, and we would love to have a chat
with you about your profile and maybe how
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
We'd love that.
And I think it's time as well, uh, Brandy,
that we start getting some guests on.
Some um, health and
Brandi Healy: Yes.
Kyle Wood: Uh, so if you're already
familiar with your human design,
um, and you'd like to come on
the show and just kind of have us
open up the hood, so to speak, uh,
we'd love to have you on as well.
Brandi Healy: LAUGHING
Kyle Wood: That'd be fun.
Alright, thank you Brandy.
Brandi Healy: Thanks
Kyle Wood: thanks everyone listening.
We'll speak to you next time.
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