When You Want To Burn It All Down: Gentle Reminders for Each Human Design Type in Business

[00:00:00] Brandi Healy:

[00:00:42] Party On Well Designers

[00:00:42] Brandi Healy: Let's party. Wait, wait. That was Wayne's World, right? Party time.

[00:00:45] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Party on Girth. Party on Wayne .

Yes. Party time. Excellent. Must just be like

[00:00:55] Brandi Healy: God, that's, we just aged ourselves [00:01:00] significantly

[00:01:00] Kyle Wood: I watched that movie so many times as

[00:01:03] Brandi Healy: Oh yeah.

[00:01:04] Kyle Wood: a young Oh, really?

[00:01:07] Brandi Healy: Which one?

Both or

[00:01:09] Kyle Wood: The first one we watched, definitely watched the second one a bit, but the first one was like

[00:01:14] Brandi Healy: The first

one. for sure.

[00:01:15] Kyle Wood: Yeah. And then, you know, like the famous thing about like how they nearly didn't sing Ba Bohemian Rhapsody in the car?

[00:01:22] Brandi Healy: Yes.

[00:01:23] Kyle Wood: Yes. They were gonna sing like an Aerosmith song, I think. 'cause they were like a bigger, more popular band at the time.

[00:01:29] Brandi Healy: Yes.

[00:01:30] Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah. That, that did do its rounds on the internet. So I feel like most people are up to date with that, that story.

[00:01:35] Brandi Healy: Yes.

[00:01:37] Kyle Wood: Yes.

[00:01:39] Brandi Healy: Such a good movie a, a

good one to revisit for sure.

[00:01:43] Kyle Wood: Yeah, I did rewatch them both the other day.

[00:01:47] Brandi Healy: Did you.

[00:01:47] Kyle Wood: Yeah. When I was staying at, um, when I was staying at my sister-in-Law's house chicken sitting for them, and they, they don't have like Netflix or anything, but they've got like a bunch of movies like [00:02:00] hooked up to a hard to their tv and it was on there

[00:02:03] Brandi Healy: Mm mm-Hmm.

[00:02:04] Kyle Wood: from the past.

[00:02:06] Brandi Healy: Yes. I remember seeing that movie in the movie theater.

[00:02:09] Kyle Wood: Wow. Yeah, I would've been, I don't think I would've been allowed in. I think I would've been too young when that came out.

[00:02:15] Brandi Healy: I was definitely too

[00:02:16] Kyle Wood: Oh, you were too young.

[00:02:17] Brandi Healy: not I was, I should not have been allowed to see that movie

in the movie theater, but I did.

[00:02:24] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:02:25] Brandi Healy: But it did Yes. And it was definitely one we had on VHS

and was rewatched a hard

in our house for sure.

[00:02:36] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yep. Same. Yep. It'd been recorded off the, the tv. Um,

[00:02:42] Brandi Healy: Yeah. Oh my gosh.

[00:02:43] Kyle Wood: out. Yep.

[00:02:45] Brandi Healy: Recorded off of the tv.

[00:02:46] Kyle Wood: Back in the day.

[00:02:48] Brandi Healy: Those were the, yeah. Or do you, did you ever hook up two VCRs and record one VHS to a

blank? One

[00:02:57] Kyle Wood: Afr, like a friend who needed a copy. No. [00:03:00] Never did that.

[00:03:00] Brandi Healy: Yes.

[00:03:01] Kyle Wood: I did that with like tapes, with audio tapes,

[00:03:03] Brandi Healy: Yes,

[00:03:04] Kyle Wood: yeah,

[00:03:05] Brandi Healy: yes. You could do it with video as well,

but do you remember the quality of when you would record it off of the, the television

or like it was. So awful.

[00:03:15] Kyle Wood: it just didn't bother us back then. Yeah. I, I look now I'm like, how did we watch? Especially when I watch stuff. Sorry, people listening. We're going on a tangent, but especially when I watch . Older stuff now on like a TV where you can see the things clearly. I'm like, I guess my brain just like filled in the gaps, like didn't need the detail.

[00:03:36] Brandi Healy: For sure. Uh, but I think it's gone too far in the opposite direction. I'm like, I don't need to see what this person's pores look like,

[00:03:42] Kyle Wood: Yeah. .


[00:03:45] Brandi Healy: like cow, how many eyebrow hairs they

have. Like, it's, it's, it's too much.

It's too much. I'd like to find a happy medium. Can we scale it back like five years ago,

maybe even more[00:04:00]

[00:04:00] Kyle Wood: we are weirdos now without a tv. because, because our TV broke and, and we were

[00:04:07] Brandi Healy: It was broken.

it, was broken.

[00:04:09] Kyle Wood: a child did break it. Yes. And I discovered later both my parents, you know, in, in their loving way are like . Oh, surely you got insurance for that. And I did check and I, and I didn't have like the optional extra for like children breaking your shit basically.

Uh, but I was like, I'm not mad. 'cause it's, it has been really interesting to observe in them the difference and how much better they are at like, entertaining themselves. Um, yeah, it's really interesting. And so Zoe and I, when we, a few nights a week, we'll watch like . Series we were watching. So we do, we do like the millennial thing and we've got like the laptop out and we're watching on the laptop.

So now we're just watching on this like little screen and I like, I don't notice it. Very occasionally there'll be a show where it's like, oh, it's a bit hard to see that. But yeah, it's interesting how my brain is like, oh, I didn't actually [00:05:00] need that extra like 42 inches to watch the show . It's quite fine at the, at what it is.


[00:05:10] Brandi Healy: So with that interesting side

note on technology

and, and wait and, and Wade's world.

[00:05:18] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:05:19] Today's topic: Gentle reminders for each Human Design Type

[00:05:19] Brandi Healy: Welcome to well Designed I'm Brandi Healy and I'm here with my co-host, Kyle Wood. And you know, we're talking Wayne's World and Broken television


[00:05:32] Kyle Wood: And VCRs. But

[00:05:34] Brandi Healy: and BCRs.

[00:05:35] Kyle Wood: listeners will re reminisce with us. Uh, and this is your first episode. We normally don't talk about that. So what are we talking about today, Brandy? What, what did we come up with?

[00:05:46] Brandi Healy: Some gentle reminders for each type, for, you know, the modern world that we live in. I guess, let's tie it back,

[00:05:56] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah. And like modern,

[00:05:57] Brandi Healy: tie it back.

[00:05:58] Kyle Wood: that's kind of how the conversation started. [00:06:00] We were talking about more business stuff. Be like the original title. This was all about, um, it's not a dog in the background. It is a sad child. Um, the

[00:06:11] Brandi Healy: I was gonna say that sounds like

a very upset

[00:06:14] Kyle Wood: The um, the original title was all about like, why do you want to burn your business down?

That was in my head anyway. It's like when you get

to that point where you're just like, I'm done, I'll quit. Here are some gentle reminders. Of for your type of, like, what, why that might, you know, human design can reveal why we might be feeling that way, especially if we're trying to, like, I'm copying, I'm doing what this person says, and it's, it's making me me miserable.

[00:06:47] Brandi Healy: And I think that that is a common one, right where we are following the formula that someone else has put

out there of. This is what worked for me, or this is what's worked [00:07:00] for my clients. And we can't understand why it doesn't work that way.

And I think that, you know, this has definitely shown up for me, you know, outside of operating my own business, just in having colleagues and saying, how does that person work that way?

And that doesn't work for me.

[00:07:20] Kyle Wood: yeah. Yeah.

[00:07:21] Brandi Healy: And it, you know, it's making me exhausted. And it's like, whether you wanna quit your job, quit your business, you know, that feeling of wanting to flip the table and walk away, you know, what are, you know, today we wanna just talk about what can be some of the challenges by each type and what are some of the, you know, tools that you can have in your toolkit to reflect and say, is this. You know, is there a misalignment and is there something that I can do to, uh, pull back a little bit and ease that, [00:08:00] ease the pain.

[00:08:01] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah. And so hopefully like you just get something out of today that, uh, you're like, yes, that, that, that's helpful. Uh, a little reminder and we'll go. Yeah, we'll go through the five types and I've got a couple of points for each and I dunno what brandy's got. We'll have a little chat on each one.

[00:08:21] Brandi Healy: Yeah,

[00:08:21] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:08:22] Brandi Healy: so why don't you kick us off?

[00:08:23] Manifesting Generators: Walk your own path

[00:08:23] Brandi Healy: Who, what type should we start with?

[00:08:25] Kyle Wood: Uh, for some reason I always start with manifesting generators. Maybe it's 'cause I have the longest name, . there's this, there's, we've got crying and stereo now. That's the second one started now.

[00:08:39] Brandi Healy: Oh, we got double duty.

[00:08:41] Kyle Wood: Yeah, she, um, probably tired. Uh, she's a, so

that's my, that's

[00:08:48] Brandi Healy: and a.

[00:08:49] Kyle Wood: that's my, manifesting. generator, crying there. So maybe she can listen along to this even though she's 18 months. Uh, so the [00:09:00] first thing I had for manifesting generators was the classic, you know, as manifesting generators, you, you might find yourself being more of like a multi-passionate person who gets really interested in one thing and then

Gets really interested in something else and then gets really interested in something else. And that's like natural. So sometimes the gentle reminder I wanna have for you is like, notice when you're sticking with something for too long, like when that energy and that passion has gone for something, don't feel like, oh, I need to keep doing this 'cause I've always done it.

How can you find a way to pivot so you can keep pursuing the things that that you really want to pursue in this moment?

[00:09:45] Brandi Healy: Yeah, that permission to let go

[00:09:47] Kyle Wood: Mm-Hmm.

[00:09:48] Brandi Healy: when your energy is no longer there for something.

[00:09:51] Kyle Wood: Mm mm-Hmm. . Yeah.

[00:09:54] Brandi Healy: Yeah,

[00:09:55] Kyle Wood: And

then, uh,

[00:09:56] Brandi Healy: a big one.

[00:09:58] Kyle Wood: the other thing I had for them was like [00:10:00] getting impatient because, you know, this can happen for a number of reasons. It could happen because as manifesting generators, you can sometimes feel like. You know where you want to get and you can sort of skip steps to get there.

But, um, sometimes you might miss some important steps, especially like if you are trying to do something that involves other people. So just notice where you're getting impatient, either with yourself or um, with those around you. And that can be like, you know, that's impatience is pretty linked into frustration.

So that can be, you know,

[00:10:38] Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.

[00:10:39] Kyle Wood: a good . signpost that, oh, maybe something's off here. Um, and I just need to take a step back and like recalibrate.

[00:10:49] Brandi Healy: Yeah. I think another one for manifesting generators is to really notice, like when you're prioritizing. Other people's satisfaction [00:11:00] above your own

or doing things that you think that you should do versus like what your gut is naturally pulling you towards. And so, you know, really just being able to reflect and kind of try on the idea that when you prioritize things that bring you excitement. That offer you joy, that you know give you satisfaction that it's not selfish. That is what allows you and gives you the energy and bandwidth to impact the people that are in your orbit.

[00:11:44] Kyle Wood: Mm mm-Hmm. . Yeah. Yeah, I, I had that down for generators too, which actually is, we know generators are similar. Did you have anything else on manifested generators otherwise? That might be a good segue.

[00:11:59] Brandi Healy: [00:12:00] Yeah,

[00:12:00] Generators: Notice where your energy is taking you

[00:12:00] Brandi Healy: let's hop into

that. Yep.

[00:12:02] Kyle Wood: yeah, so for generators, I had that as well. Um, especially around like the, just a reminder, yeah.

Trust your gut to like, like trust it. Like, don't try and make sense of it with your mind. Like when it's giving you a signal, um, don't then jump up to your head and try and justify it. Like, it's okay for you to operate just from that place of like, this feels right in my gut, therefore I'm gonna do it. Or this doesn't feel right in my gut.

Therefore, I'm gonna say no to it.

[00:12:37] Brandi Healy: Yeah, and that's actually one of the things that I had was, you know, the saying no, getting comfortable saying no to things because I think that's something that I see a lot in the generators that I work with is. They'll find themselves feeling depleted or wanting to burn, burn the place down when they're overextending themselves [00:13:00] and overcommitting and you know, rationalizing saying yes to things that they don't actually feel drawn to or excited by. So when they can get comfortable saying no to things, it gives them again, that space and that bandwidth. For the things that are fulfilling to them.

[00:13:26] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Uh, have, yeah, have a look at your to-do list and how much of, how much on your to-do list is actually what you've put there. And how much is it like someone actually someone else's to-do list that's, uh, that they've then put on your list, um, that you're not excited about. So that, that could be a good way.

Like just check in and make sure like you are working on the things you wanna work on. And you feel, make you feel good, uh, and not only working on the things other people want you to be doing.[00:14:00]

[00:14:01] Brandi Healy: You know, the air quotes things that you should be


[00:14:04] Kyle Wood: yeah. Yes. I mean, that's, that's for all of us, isn't it?

[00:14:08] Brandi Healy: Yes,

for sure. That's definitely what all the types,

[00:14:12] Kyle Wood: Yep.

[00:14:12] Brandi Healy: hot tip for all

the types.

[00:14:15] Kyle Wood: Where are those shoulds, uh, projectors?

[00:14:21] Brandi Healy: Yeah.

[00:14:22] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yep. Uh, you happy for me to tick it off?

[00:14:26] Brandi Healy: Please.

[00:14:27] Projectors: Trust that the invitations will come

[00:14:27] Kyle Wood: Okay. A gentle reminder, um, to trust, trust in yourself and, you know, higher power, the universe, whatever else is going on in this world and universe,

Um. That if you give yourself permission to rest that you know, the end of

[00:14:54] Brandi Healy: What

[00:14:55] Kyle Wood: won't happen, that things will, will [00:15:00] move along and, and be fine. I think for me personally, that that's, that's a big one. It's like I'm, I can feel in my body, I need to rest, and yet everything else is like, no, you must keep going.

[00:15:16] Brandi Healy: Right. It's like that pushing through. Tiredness,

[00:15:22] Kyle Wood: Mm

[00:15:22] Brandi Healy: exhaustion,

just to cross those shoulds off of our list,

[00:15:27] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah. Um, and so this, like last week, I, I kind of took the week off work. I had like just a couple of little things, but the idea was like, . Other than like, you know, just keeping up to date with email, which for me just means checking it twice the whole week. So it's, it's still, it's not like some people checking emails like multiple times a day.

For me, it's like two times for the week. Um, and then I had a couple of calls and that was it. And it was so uncomfortable. It was [00:16:00] so uncomfortable having that week off, knowing in the back of my mind that there was things I needed to do that I. Didn't that, that like, and you know that there was that pressure coming from like my head and from my open route that was just like, oh, you need, you need to get back.

You need to work. And there was a couple of times when I had sort of downtime, I was like, oh, why don't I just go work on that for a bit? And I was like, Nope. , you're having the week off .

[00:16:28] Brandi Healy: And

I think it even, you know, we had a conversation as well,

you know, I'm

also projector and it was like we were kind of both like. I am tired,

[00:16:39] Kyle Wood: Yeah, we were me to record this podcast like a week ago. Yeah.

[00:16:43] Brandi Healy: a week ago. Yeah. And we both kind of were in a place where it was uncomfortable to say to the other person,

[00:16:49] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:16:50] Brandi Healy: I'm tired


[00:16:51] Kyle Wood: Yeah,

[00:16:51] Brandi Healy: feeling this, but

we were both tired and not feeling it,

and we were like, well, and there's still a back and forth of like, well,

[00:16:57] Kyle Wood: Yeah, then I, yeah, that's totally my fault. [00:17:00] Then I was like, oh, maybe we could do it. You know, maybe we and you were good. You were just like, I'm gonna go have a nap. And I was like, okay. Thank

[00:17:07] Brandi Healy: I was like, I

[00:17:08] Kyle Wood: giving us

[00:17:09] Brandi Healy: I need a lie down. I was like, I need a lie down. And honestly, I was ki I was all, I was on the edge of like, let me see how I could feel. And you were like,

Nope, you're, you're right. Like, let's not do it. We'll talk next week. Like we're good. And I think that that also, again for all types stresses the importance of. Communicating what our needs are

to the people around us to help them understand how we best operate. And also being a support to the people around us.

So knowing like I have another projector in my life, like I need to honor their need for rest as much as my own.

[00:17:50] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:17:51] Brandi Healy: Like that might not always be synced up, but like if I can support that person and say like, yeah. If you're not tired and you're not feeling it,

and [00:18:00] this isn't super pressing, like, you know, as much as you and I would love to think about it, like no one's gonna die that, that, you know, a week of our podcast gonna come out. I'm like, it's fine. We can skip a week. And it's

like where we can give ourselves, regardless of our type, some permission and like some nurturing and say like, it's okay.

[00:18:25] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yep. Yeah, totally. Um, and then, you know, the funny thing is like this week. I've been doing all this, like planning for the next few weeks and I have so much like clarity and it's, it's, I'm finding it easier to focus and it's easier to like get into that like mindset, which at the week just before I took the week off, I was not having that at all and I was just feeling like overwhelmed and bloke and it just goes to show that, yeah, [00:19:00] that time off is so important, even if it feels like uncomfortable to do.

You know, it probably will feel uncomfortable to rest at first. Um, and at first you probably will feel like, oh, now I'm falling behind. But trust that, you know, especially as projectors, we have do have a superpower of being able to like put things together very quickly. We can be very efficient and we can be very, like when we give ourselves a space to like create good systems, um,

Yeah. Trust that on the other end of that, you'll be able to prioritize things and still get done, like the important things.

[00:19:42] Brandi Healy: For sure.

[00:19:43] Kyle Wood: Mm-Hmm.

[00:19:44] Brandi Healy: said.

[00:19:45] Kyle Wood: thanks.

[00:19:47] Brandi Healy: Alright, manifesters.

[00:19:49] Kyle Wood: got one more thing for projectors.

[00:19:50] Brandi Healy: Oh please.

[00:19:51] Kyle Wood: It was just, and we, yeah, we, I just, a quick one was, um, I not paying attention to invitations. [00:20:00] Uh,

[00:20:00] Brandi Healy: Oh.

[00:20:01] Kyle Wood: so yeah, really just a reminder to notice where you're being invited in and where you're not. 'cause it, we, you know, you can sort of do this exercise of like reflecting and you're like, yes, this is where I am, this is where I'm not.

And then over time you can be easy, especially if you've got a lot of conditioning can be easy to fall back into that thing of like, well, I've got this idea, or I think things should be this way, so therefore I'm just gonna like . Steamroll into that and see a lot of, like, usually a lot of bitterness, , and resentment come outta that.

So yeah, just a general reminder to like, where are you being invited in at the moment? Like, who is seeking out your time and your opinion, um, and recognizing you for like the gifts you want to be recognized for and

[00:20:51] Brandi Healy: Using your authority,

right, to enter into that because not just because you're being invited in doesn't [00:21:00] mean that you have to

enter into

[00:21:02] Kyle Wood: Yeah. cause sometimes it can still be like, oh no, it's not a thing for me. Um,

[00:21:07] Brandi Healy: and that can be hard too because it's like, it feels really good.

[00:21:11] Kyle Wood: Yeah. And I think for projectors, yeah, a lot of the time you can be recognized for like, overdoing things. I. Um, or being like too consistent. So yeah, so maybe notice where you're being invited in for that, and maybe that's not the right place.

Or maybe there's someone you need to have a conversation with to be like, this is how I'm actually gonna show up for this, this position, this role, this friendship, this relationship.

[00:21:38] Brandi Healy: For sure.

[00:21:40] Manifestors: It's okay to be wierd

[00:21:40] Kyle Wood: All right, now, now Manifesters, do you wanna go first? A Manifesta mother.

[00:21:46] Brandi Healy: Yes, I am manifest. I am mother to a manifester sister to a manifester

Aunt Tanty

as double double time to two little [00:22:00] manifesters. And so I think that, you know, for this one is trying to fit into a box that isn't built for them.

[00:22:12] Kyle Wood: Mm mm-Hmm.

[00:22:14] Brandi Healy: and you know that that conformity aspect of doing what everyone else is doing, just because that's what everyone else is doing, you know,

this is a reminder to manifesters. Like you're not meant to be passive and wait for things to come to you. You're meant to be the initiator

[00:22:36] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:22:36] Brandi Healy: and you know, like. I think it's good for them for manifesters to reflect on like where are they conforming themselves and looking to others for kind of approval before moving forward and really giving themselves that permission to take action [00:23:00] when they have urges that, you know, come up into them.

[00:23:04] Kyle Wood: Oh yeah. I guess the bit I had that was related to that was, um, yeah, using other people's like schedule as your own. So say like, yeah,

[00:23:14] Brandi Healy: Mm.

[00:23:14] Kyle Wood: you working for a place and you're expected to be there from eight 30 till five or whatever, and that just doesn't, you. Can't see people before 11 o'clock . It just doesn't work for you.

So like working out ways you can like Yeah. Operate. Yeah. My thought was specifically around schedule, but it really is for everything. But they're thinking about that as well and giving yourself permission of finding ways to like Yeah. Work in your own, um, pace.

[00:23:45] Brandi Healy: Yeah, and it's like, you know, as a parent to a manifester, you know, one of the things that I recognize like in my own child is when I do kind of notice her kind of doing things that her friends are doing,[00:24:00]

[00:24:00] Kyle Wood: Mm-Hmm.

[00:24:00] Brandi Healy: even just asking like. Do you like that? And you know, sometimes she's like, yeah, like I love this. And like I can tell it's something that she's, she herself is very excited about or personally invested in. And sometimes, you know, she'll be like, Hmm, no, not really. And like I giving her permission to say like, well, you don't have to.

[00:24:25] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:24:27] Brandi Healy: And it's like, I know this might be what your friends are doing, but it's like if that doesn't seem like something fun to you or something that you don't want to do, you don't have to.

[00:24:36] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? 'cause I, there's sort of this thing around like with kids like raising resilient children that you kind of need to like coerce them into doing things and sticking to things and. I wanted 'em to be reliable and looking at human design, we're like, well, maybe we actually just need [00:25:00] to teach them to trust themselves.

[00:25:04] Brandi Healy: For sure, for sure. And I think, you know, certainly beyond type, you know, there, this could be a whole other, this might be a whole other podcast episode. You know, there are other parts of, of our, our individual designs where, you know, we can learn how to trust ourselves. But I think not only if. Not only if you're a parent, but just supporting the people around you

and understanding, you know, what are their needs and how do I support them in. How they make decisions,

how they find alignment. Even things like profile where, you know, both of my kids have sixes in their profile. So you know, that means that they're meant to experiment with things. So it's like there are pieces of their design that inform they're not meant to stick with one thing

for the rest of their life. And it's like, that's something I think like in our society, there's a lot of conditioning around. So like, you know, that I think also really [00:26:00] resonates for people that are manifesting generators.

People that have, you know, threes in their profile, people that have open identity centers. Sorry, this is turning into a whole other tangent.

But, you know, you know, there were ways for us, you know, other parts of our design beyond their type for us to, you know, certainly give ourselves those gentle reminders of when we're feeling out of it.

[00:26:22] Kyle Wood: Yep.

[00:26:23] Brandi Healy: Um, just to say it's okay.

[00:26:26] Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah. Yep, yep. Yeah. I like the idea of, uh,

[00:26:31] Brandi Healy: Uh,

what else do you have for manifesters?

[00:26:35] Kyle Wood: uh, I have, um, trying to do everything yourself. So like, you know, because like projectors, energy is not always consistent for you as a manifester. So just noticing like where you may be trying to be too, too consistent. Um. And or where you're trying [00:27:00] to like, because you've got this great idea and you can see what needs to change and then feeling like you need to do it all yourself.

And so my advice, not that you probably want it 'cause you're a manifester, but , if you're inviting me in right now and you want my advice, my

[00:27:17] Brandi Healy: If you're listening, if you're listening, you've invited,

you've invited him in.

[00:27:22] Kyle Wood: Um, is to like, can you . If you, the idea of getting people to help you isn't lighting you up, say, because you just don't like the idea of working with other people.

'cause you've got a very clear vision. It's like, can you reduce like the scope of the thing that you want to create? Like what is the smaller version of that Same thing. You can still create it, put it out, bring it into the world. But can you simplify it or like strip it back to. Like the real essentials and start there.

And then sometimes just by doing that, [00:28:00] because you're a manifester, people will naturally show up and be like, oh, I'm excited about this too. I want to help you with this. Uh, but it just can take some of that load off you and help you get your ideas out into the world, um, faster and with like less energy expended.

[00:28:19] Brandi Healy: Yeah, because I think something that can happen for, you know, manifesters is like in that overworking and overdoing because they're so busy, they're not giving themselves that downtime

to have that space for new ideas to come.

[00:28:38] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah. Huh?

[00:28:42] Brandi Healy: So I think it's like also, yep, exactly. And so it's like, you know, reflect on, like it could be helpful to reflect on where can you create a little bit more space and freedom in your life to allow that inspiration to come through. 'cause you're meant to, you know, kind of light a fire under [00:29:00] the rest of our asses,

[00:29:03] Reflectors: Ditch productivity for flow

[00:29:03] Kyle Wood: True. Alright, speaking of reflecting, should we talk about reflectors? Thank you reflectors for waiting to the end. We'll, we'll have to do next time. We do what? Like

all the types We'll do reflectors first.

[00:29:18] Brandi Healy: yeah, for a bit

because I feel like they always get bucketed in at the end.

[00:29:22] Kyle Wood: Yep. All right. Uh, you're looking at me like you want me to go first, so I'm going to take the invitation. Uh, so I actually got this from our reflector guest head. And

it was like a reminder to not, not place, not attach your value to how productive you are.

So, um, I I, I don't feel like I need to explain that 'cause I feel like it's pretty self-explanatory. , unless you,

[00:29:58] Brandi Healy: For sure.

[00:29:58] Kyle Wood: you think of something.[00:30:00]

[00:30:01] Brandi Healy: No, I think that that's. That's a really, really good one because, you know, I think another one for reflectors is like, you know, if you find yourself feeling depleted because you are kind of forcing yourself to be productive, or you are finding yourself placing your value in how much you are getting done or how much you were doing,

really look at what is the environment that you're in. Who are the people that you are around? Do those, does that actually feel good to you? And if they don't, like, is there a place, are there people that feel better to you, that are more nurturing to you?

[00:30:46] Kyle Wood: Mm-Hmm. . Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah, I didn't think about that. The . That, that aspect of the, and then the other bit I thought about was like just spending time alone, like so you

[00:31:00] can disconnect because that is so important. So if you're not getting that like daily disconnect, um, out of energy with other Yeah, that can cause, yeah, that can cause like you to get stuck in this cycle of really just

Because you're reflecting, everyone's just like taking on everyone else's stuff and then trying to like

operate like everyone around you instead of really reconnecting with who you are and what you want.

[00:31:32] Brandi Healy: I think another piece for reflectors is because you do amplify the energy that you're in. There can sometimes be this feeling of pressure to show up consistently in just one way,

and so kind of releasing that pressure to be just one thing and really giving yourself that permission that. One of your gifts is in your ability to be fluid, in your ability [00:32:00] to yourself differently based off of the environments that you're in and the people that you're around. And so, you know, kind of tying it back to kind of where we started is, you know, who are you with? Where are you placing yourself? What is the energy that you wanna amplify? and then you know, back to what you had mentioned is like giving yourself that alone time to kind

of clear that all out and like reset.

[00:32:28] Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, Jeff, anything else for reflectors?

[00:32:36] Brandi Healy: No, I think that those are the big ones.

[00:32:38] Kyle Wood: Good. Yeah, we wanted to keep this episode, uh, short and sweet. Like I said, it's just a little reminder of, you know, we all, we all get there and, and it, there's so much to learn about human design and if you're trying to like, learn about this and. Apply it to your life and apply it to the way you run your business.

It can be really good to just like [00:33:00] come back to these, these like key parts and just Oh yeah, yeah, that's right.

[00:33:08] Brandi Healy: Yes.

[00:33:09] Kyle Wood: And experiment with these and let us know how you go.

[00:33:12] Announcement for the Well Designed podcast

[00:33:12] Kyle Wood: Um, so I dunno if I mentioned last episode that we are, we are turning this podcast into a seasonal podcast. Um. So we, we, I think there'll be 20 episodes in this season, so it's still a pretty massive, uh, season.

But, you know, as projectors and as we were just talking about, like the energy comes and goes. So we both like the idea of like doing a season. It gives you time to like, catch up on any episodes you missed. Uh, and then there'll be a break, uh, where we'll, uh, work on some other stuff for well designed like, um,

We've got a call coming up in January, we want to invite you all to, um, so there'll be more details on that and we wanna get the website finished and things like that. And [00:34:00] we're both doing this on the sides of our regular job slash businesses. So,

[00:34:05] Brandi Healy: Mm-Hmm.

[00:34:06] Kyle Wood: yeah, it just, it just made sense and yeah, I, we did mention it on a, an episode I think, 'cause the guest said she really liked the idea.

of Seasons, . And we're like, cool,

[00:34:18] Brandi Healy: Mariah?


[00:34:19] Kyle Wood: Yes.

[00:34:20] Brandi Healy: Yeah.

[00:34:22] Kyle Wood: Yeah. So, uh,

[00:34:23] Brandi Healy: the support, Mariah

[00:34:24] Kyle Wood: yeah, thank you. There'll be, uh, the last two episodes. We've got, uh, two guests, uh, and they'll come out before the end of the year. And then, um, yeah, we'll uh, let you know then once we've worked out how long we are taking off. And, um, I'll make sure the email newsletter is up by then too, so you can keep in touch with us while.

Take, um, while we're having a break from releasing new episodes. 'cause we'll still be doing stuff. We just won't be releasing podcasts.

[00:34:55] Brandi Healy: Yes.

[00:34:57] Kyle Wood: Yeah.

[00:34:58] Brandi Healy: I can't wait.

[00:34:58] Kyle Wood: Yeah. [00:35:00] Oh, it's good to see you

[00:35:02] Brandi Healy: You too,

[00:35:04] Kyle Wood: and, um, we'll catch up again soon. And thanks everyone for listening and let us know if you have any questions about today's episode and if you'd also like us to do an episode maybe next season on how to support

Other others around you, how to support like their type, especially if it's different from yours.

[00:35:24] Brandi Healy: let us know.

[00:35:25] Kyle Wood: that's no. Cool. All right. Bye Brandy. Bye everyone.


Creators and Guests

Brandi Healy
Brandi Healy
Co-Host of Well Designed
When You Want To Burn It All Down: Gentle Reminders for Each Human Design Type in Business
Broadcast by