Hedvika Ticha: Finding Success Beyond Social Media as a Human Design Reflector

Kyle Wood: Hello, and welcome back to Well Designed. I'm here today with my co host, Brandi Healy. And today we also have a special guest, Hedvika Ticha. Oh, I nearly got that, but I know I got that wrong. Good effort. It was No, you got

Hedvika Ticha: it right. I got it right.

Kyle Wood: Oh, thank you. Uh, Hedvika is a feminine embodiment coach for women who are career or business driven and also want to look and feel good.

She helps her clients get out of their head and back into their bodies so they can feel more energized, creative, and successful. She runs her business, Undo, from Berlin, Germany, where she's chatting with us from today. Welcome!

Brandi Healy: She's actually, she's actually in Paris!

Kyle Wood: Oh, are you? Oh, okay. I'm from Berlin, but you've got to do it from there.

Brandi Healy: Yeah! of our time zones was like I'm very proud of us. So, let's just, let's start there. California, Europe, Australia, way to go team.

Kyle Wood: It's very tricky this time of year, especially.

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah. Thank you for having me, for inviting me and for making this happen because it seems today someone asked me, so wait a minute, do you have a podcast with three of you in different continents across the globe?

What? Yeah. So it feels really special.

Brandi Healy: Well, I loved, you know, when we were coordinating. The time you were like, Oh, I'm a night owl. And that's one of the things that I'm really trying to honor in my work is when I have the energy to work. So that actually works really well for me, which I just loved because, you know, the first time you and I chatted, gosh, now it's been about seven or eight months.

And I know that that was something that you had, had brought up and just to see like how far you've come to really embrace that part and say, I don't have to stick with like conventional hours of operation. I can kind of go with what works for me is so, so cool.

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah, it's, it's a journey and I always feel like I have to also give myself limits so that I don't stay like all night long, but at the same time, like really diving into my energy and where I'm at in my creative hours has been truly, um, transformational.

Brandi Healy: That's awesome. So Hedvika is the rarest human design type. Hedviga is a reflector and reflectors are only 1% of the population. And so I'm really curious, um, I would love for you to share how you first found out about human design and kind of what your thoughts are when you found out about your design, your personal design.

Hedvika Ticha: Um, so actually, before we started this conversation, we had a little chat, and Brandy had to remind me

of what, what I actually said, because my relationship to human design has already shifted and to positively, but actually, I, I I discovered human design. I think one of you, I heard it on your podcast, um, before that one of you discovered it during COVID, was it Brandy or Kyle?

Brandi Healy: I was during COVID. I think, yeah.

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah. So for me, it was the same. Someone just told me about it and I was like, what the fuck?

Like this combination of, um, astrology and like, so, and then like the founder's story and like how he channeled it. And I was like, Complete bullshit.

And obviously, during COVID, I didn't have anything, anything better to do than really dive into it for a couple days.

Brandi Healy: Ah, yes. The luxury of time. Yeah.

Hedvika Ticha: And I was like, hmm, there are things that I'm hearing for the first time that I've never heard in any like, astrology, um, Um, type of thing and I, and I was intrigued, but I still couldn't really trust it, believe it, have any, any sort of, um, confidence in it.

Brandi Healy: Yeah. Yeah. You know, that is not the first time that I have had someone provide that response when they're like, what's the origin story?

And you're like, you know, a dude walking through the forest and he just like channeled the system and people are like, Huh, and I just remember you being like, It sounds like bullshit, and I'm like, Yeah, it kind of does! And I think one of the things that I have found, Um, really helpful, a helpful thought to think around it is, you know, instead of asking, is it true or is it not true?

Is it, is it useful? And, you know, oftentimes when you can frame it up of, you know, is it useful and very similar to like a language that is used like in yoga, it's like take what serves you and kind of leave what doesn't, right? And so, you know, I think that when you can kind of come from that place of like, I don't have, it's not, Black and white, or it's not all in or all out and, you know, kind of taking the pieces of it that feel right to you and, and, you know, letting the other pieces kind of fall away.

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah. And I think for me also being a reflector, like it's such a special species. First, I couldn't just believe it. On the other, on the other hand, like it really gave me so much permission. To be who I am and not having to like constantly explain that to myself or just to others, like, okay, this is, this is it.

This is a reflector. This is who I am. So it definitely serves.

Brandi Healy: I remember in our conversation when. You know, I was like, you know, you're a reflector and you're like, yeah, when I first saw that, I was like mad. I was like, most people, most people are like over the moon. They're like, I always knew that I was such a rare, a rare breed.

You know, like, like I knew I was special. I knew I was different. And you were like, so irritated. Can you talk a little bit about like. You know, what was that initial reaction when you found out that you do have such a rare type?

Hedvika Ticha: I guess that's my, like, natural reaction because I spend a lot of time, like, frustration.

I mean, when I see that, like, I function completely differently than many people and Especially like people around me oftentimes don't get it. And so at first, like that was my kind of automatic habitual reaction of like, yeah, I'm the, the rare one, the weird one. That's how I usually feel like the weirdo.

But then obviously it was very, very calming to. Just have that understanding. Oh, okay. Maybe that's why.

Brandi Healy: So what I tend to see for...

Kyle Wood: Oh, please. So was there like a specific part, especially around being a reflector that you, you didn't like, or you didn't like the sound of? Oh, yeah.

Hedvika Ticha: The decision making process that takes one month.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, waiting a lunar cycle to make decisions tends to be an unpopular one,

Kyle Wood: I will say. Yeah, the questions I had for you, were you able to like, think back on times when... You did take a long time to make a, an important decision, maybe around like a relationship or moving or something like that.

Hedvika Ticha: I think, usually, despite all my impatience and despite that this world that we live in always like wants from us quick decisions.

I think in the end, intuitively, I always, always take that time. When, anytime I am making any decision, not only the big decisions, but it always has been accompanied with a lot of self blame. Um, kind of like criticizing myself for, um, you know, taking that long. And when you were,

Brandi Healy: when you were able to kind of wrap your head around it, were you able to find peace with it?

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah, I think so. Like, I, I feel like I'm really flowing in my reflector role lately.

Brandi Healy: Yes!

Hedvika Ticha: I guess it's always, like, I'm a very intuitive person. So it's always, I've always kind of functioned that way, but always criticized a lot myself. Hmm.

Brandi Healy: It was interesting when we were kind of, when we were looking at your chart and you had kind of discussed that knee jerk reaction to be frustrated with finding out your reflector.

You were like, my whole chart is open. You were like, your response was, I'm nothing. And I was like, taken aback. And I was like, it's quite the opposite. You're kind of everything. Which was, you know, which I think was so cool as it relates to the work that you do and having, you know, have had the pleasure of working with you and experiencing, um, feminine embodiment coaching with you.

I could really say like, I felt very held in that space and I think it was just like such a beautiful example of what an empowered reflector can do of mirroring back. another's energy and like where they're at. So I would really love to hear a little bit about like, you know, now that it's had a bit of time to settle for you, how does your type show up in your work, whether it's your time alone or, um, in the work that you do with your

Hedvika Ticha: clients?

Maybe before I respond that question, I would actually love to hear how you explain these like open centers for maybe someone who has, yeah, because I always have a hard time describing it.

Brandi Healy: Yes. So, you know, as had to be kind of mentioned earlier, one of the systems that human design pulls from it, pulls from like seven different systems is the chakra system.

So when you pull up your human design chart, you will see all of these different shapes. Um, and that's your body graph. So for most types, some shapes will be Shaded and some shapes will be white. And each shape is called a center. It's an energy center. It governs a different part of your life, a different area of the body.

And the centers that are shaded are typically where we have the most consistent energy and we kind of project and impact others and the world around us. And the centers that are white are where we are. Um, where we absorb energy. So for our reflectors, all of their centers are white. So they are very sensitive to their environments and to the people around them.

So, you know, as the name suggests, they're really, they amplify the energy that they're in and kind of mirror it back.

Hedvika Ticha: Thank you. It was amazing. Yeah.

So, yeah, I think it was a, it was a long journey of shifting from this like hyper sensitive person where I feel like everyone is kind of giving me or like I'm observing everyone's energy, everyone's problem. Everyone is talking to me about their problems. So it was kind of a long journey to shift from that into being really that, in that empowered state of making this my living and as a coach, where, um, Where I can really drop into that power of just holding space and mirror and reflect back to people what I need to hear, because I think one of the most important qualities for a coach is that you don't bring your own ego and your own ideas and project, like project them on people, but you can really see people for who they are, where they are at, and like help them connect.

CoachingBadminton. com them to their power. So I think that's like where the reflector personality comes, comes really handy. Um, yeah. Yeah.

Brandi Healy: Cause for projectors, when they're in their wisdom, they have this like superpower of being very objective and nonjudgmental and can just, again, really. Um, to hold that space and create that container to like, be the still hand that holds the mirror up to people or situations.

Um, so, you know, it sounds like you're getting, you know, you've arrived.

Kyle Wood: Did you said projector then when you meant reflector. Oh,

Brandi Healy: reflector. Yes.

Kyle Wood: I knew what you meant. You're picking up what I'm putting down. You didn't always live this way and you were like doing your night owl thing But then also I guess having to wake up early to go to your work to work So you weren't getting much sleep.

You weren't getting that rest. I Guess you're staying up late because that was giving you Giving you a chance to disconnect probably from your day to day stuff I'm making an assumption there, but I I did see which I loved because I'm a big fan of this sort of philosophy as well

That you wrote, um, for the clients you work with that they could, or for yourself that you could achieve and experience and have more by doing less.

So I'm curious when I read that, what has been your lived experience around doing less?

Hedvika Ticha: Oh, that's a big one, but thank you for bringing that. I think it's, um, we really live in a society where we are constantly like on the go, doing more, always doing, and always feeling like we need to deliver. We need to achieve. And there is a very, an over, overachieve, over deliver. And, um, I realized, for example, when it comes to my work, I always was giving 150% to my work thinking that that's the standard.

Yeah. There's a lot of, a lot of to unpack on like personal level as well as collective level. Yeah. Yes. But it was, it was definitely huge for me to realize. Oh, I actually, like, I, like, I literally did it in my previous job. I like lowered to probably like 60% or like what's in my head, like 60%. And I was still getting the same feedback from my colleagues, from my boss.

Like everything was actually running even better than before. That was. That was a huge lesson for me. Like I was able to increase my salary, you know, like have more, like my wellbeing, my mental health, all of that just by reducing what I was doing. So that was quite revolutionary to find out.

Brandi Healy: Was there something that happened that kind of forced your hand?

Did you come to a realization kind of naturally where you're just like, this isn't. Like, what was kind of the tipping point and how did you make that transition because you're, you know, we're two projectors so we can relate very much of trying to keep up with, you know, the majority of other people and, and, you know, feeling really depleted by that.

So, you know,

Kyle Wood: influence like, you know, around when you're around other people who are like where that culture is like that to be like, ah, I need to.

Hedvika Ticha: Perform at that Um, because you, when you really connect to your body, also, you know, better your energetic capacity, your boundaries. And also your self worth, like, that you don't necessarily have to perform 150% to deserve, and yeah, so it's more of like, actually peeling off those beliefs. Um, and I, yeah, I always feel like it's a process.

It would be great to have like a moment where it kind of clicks.

Brandi Healy: And it stays that way forever. Yeah.

Hedvika Ticha: And obviously I'm going through the same process in my own business, because like we're always on this like spiral. Spiral journey, you know, like once you learn something, you will keep learning it just in different context.

Oh, for sure.

Brandi Healy: It changes flavors, right?

Hedvika Ticha: Absolutely.

Brandi Healy: So now that you're more aware of kind of a tendency to maybe push yourself more than is necessary. And that when you do allow for the space. that you actually have more to give or, you know, create a better quality of work. What are things that you You know, do to protect your energy to, you know, recharge your batteries.

Hedvika Ticha: It's definitely yoga has been the biggest part of my self care. And, um, I'm not sure if I mentioned, I also have a background in the restorative yoga. So I do a lot of conscious relaxation and restorative practices that are really delicious way to just, to just recharge. And, um, and a lot of Recently, I really realized how creativity is important and also part of rest and recharge for me.

Um, yeah, so also I think I also, um, today I reviewed the notes that I got from our session with you, Brandy. And it's really helped me to see that I have weeks where I'm just like, I can go like crazy. And then I just have weeks where, like, I'm taking it easy because I know that the more I really drop into this, like, lunar moon cycle and really respect each week of the month, like, I know when I, when I rest, I'll have energy, like, I'll go big, but when I kind of try to keep the same rhythm, like, The same level of productivity and effectivity and, um, performance, it, it usually like it goes bad, like, really, I, yeah, I get very dry, I don't have much ideas and don't feel great.

So it's, um, it's a big learning.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, you know, I love the idea. And this. It's not just a great kind of reflection for reflectors, but anyone that has an open identity center, it's kind of asking yourself, like, who do I feel like today? Right? Instead of trying to consistently show up with the same level of energy or enthusiasm, or, you know, I think Even, you know, you're, when we look at your profile, you're a 3 5, so with 3s, we have the same profile, I'm a 3 5 also, with 3s, you know, we tend to try things and release them, so it's like, you know, there are kind of, there's, there are these layers to you.

I don't want to call it inconsistency, but just kind of evolution, right?

Hedvika Ticha: You're just hitting the nail right now.

Brandi Healy: So, you know, when we first met your business was very much focused around restorative yoga and you know, it has evolved to really. you know, focus more on this feminine embodiment coaching. Like, have there been other areas of your life where you have kind of gone through a similar trial and error process where that kind of three line has shown up?

Hedvika Ticha: Relationships.

Brandi Healy: How long is this podcast episode?

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah, I think, um, huge trial and error. Relationships. It's a big topic.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, for sure. And I think that, you know, sometimes. threes can get like a bad rap of like, we're flaky or, you know, like I can certainly think of like in my younger days when it came to relationships, it was like, who's around now kind of thing. But it was, you know, I think as I've really come to embrace that, it's like each of those experiences really brought me closer to What worked for

Hedvika Ticha: me.

Absolutely. Yeah, I absolutely agree.

Brandi Healy: And do you feel like similarly that's shown up in the work that you do? That kind of the steps that you took early on in your entrepreneurial journey have like brought you to where you are now?

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah, I feel like it's, it's a constant evolution. And probably also because my like fluid character of that reflector have, um, I feel like some people just start their, their business and they have a clear niche.

They have a clear idea of what they're doing and who they're working with. And I realized for me, it's like, I'm constantly trying to put myself into a box. And then realize, oh no, there's, there is much more to it, what I'm doing or where I'm heading. So, um, this year was one huge transition and discovery of, yeah, of who I'm working with and how I'm helping people.

So that was, that was exciting.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, like that's always the advice with like, especially on a lot of businesses. It's like, oh, you've got a niche down, you've got a sort of like. What is your, your stick, your one thing, uh, but yeah,

Brandi Healy: or you're one person that you help, or you're one problem that you

Kyle Wood: solve, but you've got so many open, with all your open centers, you have this capacity to help so many people in so many different ways, uh, yeah, that's really cool.

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah, and I find it quite, Oh, please. No, I was just gonna say that, like, there should be, I feel there should be a business coaches. Specifically for reflectors,

Brandi Healy: If you're out there, you have a client, happy cop, . Yeah. You know, but I've, I've heard this also from manifesting generators as well, that you know, they don't love the idea of niching down and I think. You know, also people with a lot of just openness in their chart. That might be the case. Someone might, you know, threes in our profile.

We like to try a bunch of different stuff. So, you know, I think that there are different pieces of that, that can show up for people sometimes. But, you know, I'm really curious for you. You said, you know, it's hard for you to put yourself in a little box. What does it feel like when you try?

Hedvika Ticha: I'm getting frustrated again and disappointed with myself because I just seem like I can't never, like I never will figure it out.

Um, why can I just have it so easy as other people?

And yeah, and I feel like, yeah, I'm very limited and very stuck and I am trying to maybe like stick with a strategy or even content strategy that I planned for myself two months ago. And then I realized It's not aligned with me anymore. How do I bridge that gap?

Kyle Wood: I know that feeling. I can't, yeah, I can't plan my content out pages in advance. Because by the time I get around to writing, I'm like, actually, I'm not really super enthusiastic about writing about this anymore. It is

Hedvika Ticha: tricky. And I realize the more, yeah, sorry, I realize the more I kind of try to force it and push it.

Like the worst thing comes out, but the more I actually just give myself that freedom to like, scratch what I had planned and go with the flow, I actually am able to express something that really resonates with people.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, I was going to ask about content stuff, but I mean, before I sort of changed the topic, did you?

Brandi Healy: I was just going to say, Kyle, that's, you know, having that open throat center, it sounds very similar, you know, of, you know, instead of trying to force a voice to come waiting for that right moment to speak and just, you know, people with an undefined throat or an open throat.

You're meant to just wait to feel inspired to share and you have this gift of saying the right thing at the right time when you feel inspired.

Hedvika Ticha: Cue the

Brandi Healy: eye roll. Cue the eye roll.

Hedvika Ticha: It is true. It is

Kyle Wood: true. It is true. It does require a big mindset shift, right? Doesn't it, Hedvika? Because it's, um, You really have to, like, allow that quietness to be able to listen so that when you get that his you're like ah this is the thing I need to say right now.

Hedvika Ticha: And how do you combine it with that advice? Consistency and algorithm.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, we can get into how I've coped with that over the years. Definitely helps like, um, you know, it helps sometimes like working with someone else, like working with Brandy. It's easier for me to stay and,

and you sort of, you're being held accountable to. To someone else, and in like a good way, not like a, Oh no, I have to do this thing. Yeah. Uh, so yeah, so that, that definitely helps. And then, and then, you know, you mentioned, you have like weeks where you're like, got all this energy and you're putting all this stuff out, and, and then weeks, and then for weeks you might be like, Oh no, I don't really want to create anything.

But you could sort of spread, rather than publishing everything as you think of it, you can schedule stuff. So that's something I've done over the years too, is like, when I have those weeks where I'm really inspired, create a bunch of things, and then, but I just won't share them all straight away. Unless I'm really specifically like, oh this thing needs to be shared now, uh, and then that way, to everyone else, you're being consistent, but really behind the scenes, you're going through this like, ebb and flow.

But I think it would also be interesting to experiment with just like, Just, yes, just doing that. Like, hey, I'm here for a month. Okay, I'm gone for a month. I am here for a month. I mean, yeah, I mean, I think people are also looking for for that because that's what they want for themselves as well because they they're exhausted.

Anyone who's doing, you know, runs a business trying to post up all the time. So, but I noticed you're not on like, so everyone's, you know, you gotta be on TikTok. You gotta be on Instagram. I've resisted TikTok. But I am on Instagram. Me too. But you're not on either, is that right?

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah, I'm not on TikTok, I'm not on Instagram.

Kyle Wood: Did you have accounts and get rid of them, or you just never?

Hedvika Ticha: I, yeah, I had an account on Instagram and I paused it in November last year because I felt quite burnt out. It's from constantly trying to actually be consistent and, um, feed more of the algorithm than actually feed my own creativity. And, um, and I was really dedicating a lot of energy to, to Instagram.

And I'm really happy that I did that. I made that decision because. It's again, like what Brandy told me, you need to put yourself in an environment where you feel really good. And for me, Instagram felt not good at all. And I was trying to push through it, resist it, like overcome it. You know, like telling myself, Oh, no, maybe it's just fear of visibility.

And then I realized, no, it's not. I just don't like it.

Brandi Healy: You're like, that's gross.

Hedvika Ticha: I'm just not having fun on that platform. And recently I, and I took a long break, which was really, really nourishing for me to be away from social media. Absolutely. And now I started coming back to LinkedIn and I actually love it. I love it because I realize, oh, that's the environment, which everyone, when I say it, everyone's like, what?

Do you love LinkedIn? The grey on

Kyle Wood: the nerdy little brother, isn't it? Yeah.

Hedvika Ticha: I just, I just like that there's a lot of people actually write and read and I love words. Um, so for me, like that feels much more, um, grounded and aligned platform. So again, it was a trial and error figuring out my own environments.

Kyle Wood: That's cool. Yeah, I've been experimenting with, with LinkedIn. So maybe that's, uh, an area I feel similar about that Instagram.

I have a love. Well, I don't really have a lot of love.

Brandi Healy: I was like, what? You have zero love there.

Hedvika Ticha: I hate, I hate,

Kyle Wood: I hate. Uh, sort of like, Dealership, this is my dealer relationship. Is that the wrong word? You're a drug dealer.

I was like, to my wife yesterday, I was like, because you know, it is that thing of like, only 1% of the users on Instagram actually create content and the other like, 99% just consume.

And I'm like, how weird is it that, that pretty much every adult, it feels like, um, you know, spends every spare moment of their time looking at, and because of the algorithm, they're not even looking at videos and photos of their friends because that's not what's often being served to them. They're looking at random strangers and just, I was just thinking about the impact that has, like, on your brain of, you know, rather than having that social.

With your community. Yeah, you you're being like constantly impacted by by um, yeah strangers strangers

Brandi Healy: Literal strangers on the internet

But I love that you brought up the fact that you are not only discerning about like your physical space but your digital space as well and being cognizant of how that was Impacting Your energy and your ability to connect to your work and the audience that you serve.

Hedvika Ticha: Absolutely. And I think we actually had the session in December.

So it was slightly after I quit and it was a scary decision. I'm not gonna, I'm gonna, I'm not gonna say I was like, how will my business survive without social media? If that's like what we hear all the time, like you have to be there. And it was really interesting because that was when my business actually picked up.

I suddenly started to look into other ways where I could use my energy and I find clients in person, not online.

Brandi Healy: How about that?

Hedvika Ticha: I know. Groundbreaking.

And I'm not saying that it's going to. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. For the whole journey of my business, but for that specific period, it was so out of alignment with me. So obviously I was not getting the traction. And so it makes sense.

Brandi Healy: That when you found a space that felt good to you, you were able to attract the right client for you.

Absolutely. That's huge. That's so awesome.

Kyle Wood: So what, um, what have you found that's been working? Have you been like running workshops or just what have you been?

Hedvika Ticha: So it was mostly, uh, I was, um, posting like, um, offering in some newsletters that go in Berlin, like locally. Like a sort of a mixture between digital space, but then actually people meet in person.

And yeah, most of my clients came from there. So, that's so cool.

Kyle Wood: That's awesome. That's a great way to sort of piggyback on, you know, you're not writing that and putting together that newsletter. So you can kind of like piggyback on the audience that someone else has created. So, and so then you pay money to, to advertise in there.

to have a

Hedvika Ticha: spot. No, it's actually, it's for free. And then the rest, and the rest of my clients were just through recommendations like personal referrals, which is something that I haven't even considered, you know, when being online and then you realize, Oh, but that's the most natural way of actually communicating with people, right?

When someone recommends you, you know, Yeah, it just wasn't really clear to

Brandi Healy: me. I think we forget about that, that, you know, sometimes when we're looking for a new service, especially something local, right? What do you typically do? You ask someone that lives near you and you're like, where do you go for X?

And, you know, oftentimes when we provide services, we. Forget about the simple ways that we can connect with people, like telling your friends or saying, Hey, if you know somebody that could benefit from this, I really appreciate you giving them my information.

Kyle Wood: Yep. Uh, I did have one more question if we've got, if we've got time.

So this might be a part of human design you haven't explored yet. It's called your environment. I don't know if Brandi might not have gone into it with you and your reading. I didn't. Mm-hmm. typically it's something with you later, but you and I have the same environment, so I thought, oh, it's curious to hear how shut off for you.

So your, your environment. Um, and so that's the. Brandy's better at explaining what the different aspects of human design is, so I'm going to like throw it over there. What, what is the environment? What's the importance of the environment? Like the variables

Brandi Healy: environment? Yes. So, the arrows that are at the top of your chart are called variables.

One of them is your environment and it will show up as something like it might say like an actual environment like shores or mountains or it could be like something like kitchens or markets. That's the one, kitchens. Yeah, kitchens. And so, you know, these are meant to be either physical or kind of energetic metaphorical spaces where you kind of.

Optimally operate and this is not a place that we recommend people start with and oftentimes like when people pull up their chart They're like, okay. So do I need to move to the mountains and we're like no First let's start by like aligning with your type and then once you've integrated kind of the key pieces of your design Then it's a fun time to start to experiment a bit with your environment.

So, Kyle, since you share the same environment as Haruka, you share kitchens. Do you want to talk a little bit about what that, what

Hedvika Ticha: that means? Does it mean that I need to be a chef? Does she need to, is she in the wrong career

Brandi Healy: path? Is she in the wrong career path?

Kyle Wood: I think kitchen is the best way to think of kitchens.

And yeah, like more of a metaphorical thing. Where sort of stuff comes together, so it's like where the, because like kitchens are typically like the focal point of a house, especially like traditionally built houses and the family comes together and cooking together and stuff like that, so kitchens can just be other places where people come together, so like, I mean, keeping on the food related thing, for me, um, like cafes can be a nice place to work out of because I get a bit of that like buzz and then Um, recently, like, I've worked out of, uh, our fire station a lot, even though it's, it's unmanned a lot of the time, there's still, like, a sense of, like, this is where, like, people come together, and I can pick up on that, and, and get, yeah, get a lot done.

And then, and, and recently I've noticed, as well, even working in, like, the dining room, because that's another place, setting up, I've got an office here, but, like, sometimes I get stuck in moving my laptop just to the dining room, just sort of being able to, like, spread out a bit more. And like, pick up on that, not when there's people around, because that's way too distracting.

But when the same, um, same vibe. So, so yeah, I don't know, for you, like, if you've been experimenting with spaces and stuff, does, um, does that ring true, uh, for you? Or maybe something else for you to experiment with?

Hedvika Ticha: No, I, I love that you're bringing it. It's the first time I hear about it. And it's so true.

It's incredible. Yeah. I, now that I think of it, I actually love kitchen and for me, like having that like table where everyone sits, no matter that the living room is always the most comfortable place, but everyone sits at the kitchen table. And I love that. And I think like, even in my business, I always feel like I want to create this.

And for my clients, like it kind of feels homey, probably it's the best word for me, like cozy. And I, yeah, and when you say like working in different environments, like in the kitchen, I actually do that a lot,

Brandi Healy: like

Hedvika Ticha: I don't have like an office table. So I'm constantly moving somewhere like around the kitchen or the dining room.

So yeah.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, my kids actually, but both of my kids are kitchens as well. And like the other way that I like to explain kitchens is like a place of alchemy. So, you know, it's like where you're turning one thing into another thing. So it's like ingredients are now making like a new dish. So like my daughter is like very creative.

You know, there are markers and pencils and papers everywhere, or like my son's room has like Legos all over the place. And so it's like, you know, these kitchens can also take, uh, Kyle's Legos in the background. These kitchens can, uh, take other forms aside from food as well. Yeah. But even in the work that you do, I think that even in a digital space, it's like you kind of bring these different modalities together.

Yeah. Um, to help women connect to themselves. Like, I remember in our session together, it was so fun because we went through, like, what was it, like, three or four, like, different kind of coaching techniques, embodiment techniques, in, like, one setting. And I was, like, afterwards, I was, like, whoa, what just happened?

Like, we did, like, Visualization and breathing and like we talked things through and then we did like another visualization and afterwards you were like, that was really fun.

Hedvika Ticha: I mean, like, truly, it was the most fun session. Like, I laughed so much like usually, you know. People are very, like, deep in themselves, but also because of your character, like her friend just laughing the whole time. It was amazing. That was super fun. Yeah, and it was, it was still a deep topic. So that was really, really interesting.

Brandi Healy: Do you have any questions for us?

Hedvika Ticha: I would actually love to hear from, so since both of you are projectors, how do you, how do you actually bring that into your business in terms of like your energy? Because that's for me, I think was the, like the, the biggest challenge to, to figure out and still is a learning curve. So.

Kyle Wood: Do you mean, uh, like.

Honoring sort of that, that ebb and flow, that, that some days you feel really energetic and some days, yeah, okay, yep. Uh, uh, do you, you're, you're not talking at Brandy's, so I'll go first. If you want, well I feel like, I mean, so, so like you, I worked out when am I most like, creative, and for me I'm the opposite to you, I'm an early bird, so that's why like, being up at 7 o'clock for this course is not an issue.

Um, because I actually get up and, lately and do some work before, um, the kids wake up and breakfast starts happening and stuff. But then, you know, usually I'll hit lunchtime and I'm done for the day. And there'll be like, there'll be breaks in there as well. So yeah, I just find that the, my productivity after like, after like an hour and a half in one work session is like.

Like if I'm on like, dives, big time, so there needs to be a break there. Or like, yeah, if I'm trying to, I'll be like, Oh, I still need to get something done this afternoon, and it'll take me three hours to do something that takes half an hour. It's like, well, that was a waste. And then something else I've been experimenting with is, which I was messaging, just actually yesterday to Brandy, it's like, if I know I've got a day where I need to get a lot of stuff done, Like, rest before that, you know, like spend the day before not doing much of anything.

And then, so I've been experimenting with that and just noticing, it used to kind of feel like random when I'd have these productive days. But now I'm starting to see, oh, it's actually the days that the day before I was really like taking time to be like restful and do the activities that I find like really nourishing.

And then it's like, oh, the next day, oh, suddenly I have all this energy and I feel Um, amazing. So, yeah.

Brandi Healy: Yeah. When you can kind of tap into what are your own natural rhythms and there are some things that you, you have to do, right? There are going to be days where, you know, that are, are jam packed and there's not really avoiding it.

Yeah. One of the lessons I've learned the hard way is, you know, can I pat it on the front end or on the back end and it's like making sure that there is that downtime. And even in those really busy days, like, do I have five minutes in between meetings where I can just like walk outside or you know, Get horizontal, you know, Kyla and I talk about that a lot as projectors, like, uh, like how nourishing just like a lie down can be and, and it doesn't all need to be productive.

So just because I'm lying down doesn't mean I need to listen to a podcast or a course or like an audio book. It can just really just be nothingness. Not looking at the phone, not listening to music, not being stimulated by something outside. Um, when I can protect those moments, um, then I have the energy available for the things I need to show up for.

When I ignore those moments or forget to plan for them is where I really see myself burning out. Not feeling rested being, you know, very bitter is our, you know, not self theme as projectors. Um, so I think, you know, for a lot of us that have these open sequel centers that have this energy that ebbs and flows.

It's like honoring what we have the energy for. And again, in these moments where we have things that we are commitments that require us to How do we create space around those commitments to, you know, prepare us for those moments that we can't, that, that we need to be on, I

Hedvika Ticha: guess.

Yeah, I was wondering how it works with your partners. Yeah,

Kyle Wood: and kids. And kids. And kids don't care. No,

Brandi Healy: even when they have Okay, let me Yeah, even when they have open sacral centers. They don't care. They only care about their own rest when they need it. Not yours. And, you know, I think, and this goes for any type, right?

When we, being in our wisdom, or being in alignment, or being in our shadow, or being out of alignment, it's not always a never, right? It's like, On some end of the spectrum. And so, is it, am I always honoring my energy? No. Am I, do I always feel burnt out? Also, no. It's about kind of knowing what those tools are to course correct and starting to notice, you know, when, when we go off track and it's always so useful when we have people in our life that can help remind us.

Our family, our friends, our colleagues, our clients sometimes will call us out and we love them for it.

Well, Havika, this was so fun. Thank you so much for, you know, being our first guest. Yeah.

Hedvika Ticha: Yeah. I loved it. Thank you so much.

Brandi Healy: And if people If people want to connect with you since they can't connect with you on Instagram,

what is the best way for them to find

Hedvika Ticha: you? So you can either find me on LinkedIn, as I said, or I actually, I love, you know, old school emails. I send out weekly newsletter and people really, really love it. Um, it's not like the typical newsletter, but it's really like a personal sharing reflections. Um, so yeah, that would be one place to find me.


Brandi Healy: we'll put that in the show notes.

Kyle Wood: Oh, I've got another chance to pronounce your name. It's at Hedvika.

Hedvika Ticha: Hedvika. com.

Kyle Wood: There you go. H E D V I K A T I C H A. com. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. And, yeah, we'll look forward to hearing more about how your Reflector journey goes. And, um, yeah, absolutely check out Hedvika's website as well.

Um, if you, you're into this, if you're an open center being, um, you So fun.

Hedvika Ticha: Thank you so much. You're really amazing. Oh, thank you. You're enjoying it. I really like the combination. Thank I really like the combination of you two. It's, it's such a, I like the idea of how did you actually come up with it to have a, um, like co partnership around the podcast?

Kyle Wood: Um, it's his fault. I like, well, so it was, it was a human design experiment actually because my, um, well it's called your definition.

Some people are independent. Some people. Uh, collaborative. Some people are like a bit of both. So mine is like, collaborative, like, I work better. And my current business, I do that all by myself. And I often find that's a bit of a sticking point. So I was like, I want to experiment with any new projects.

Even if it's not a long term thing, it's just like a one off thing. How can I find someone else who feels like a good fit to do this together? So we just kind of found each other through the course. Um. That we did. And so that, that was my motivation anyway. What was yours, Brandy?

Brandi Healy: I felt invited, obviously as a projector. Cause so Kyle, because he works with fitness professionals, you know, I think the way that he approached me was, you know, I'm, I'm. Curious to connect with somebody else that is like in the wellness space and seeing like how they use human design in their business.

So it was like, Oh, amazing. And so, you know, initially we just had kind of a conversation around being projectors kind of in, you know, in the fitness and wellness space. And then, um. At that time, like, a lot of the people that I was having, like, that's like when I was, like, first doing, like, free readings for people, were, like, a lot of people from Yoga Boss, and so I was like, yeah, all the, like, a lot of the people that I am, like, serving at this point are wellness professionals, or yoga teachers, and then I, you know, I teach as well, so it's like I work with a lot of yoga teachers, and people were very drawn to that, and he was like, Oh, you know, how would you feel about niching to serve wellness professionals and it's like, I never really thought about doing that, but that just became, those were the people that were in front of me, um, and that were gravitate, gravitating towards me.

And so, you know, as I mentioned earlier, Kyle had done a few other podcasts in the past, and we just kind of experimented with this idea of, you know, creating this podcast. So this is like. That first conversation was like in January. So this is like, you know, eight months in the making.

Kyle Wood: Yeah. Yeah. Baby. Yeah.

It's like, we definitely went at like projected pace on this.

Brandi Healy: Which is nice because, you know, there, as Kyle kind of mentioned, like in the podcast, there's the accountability piece where it's like, A good kind of pressure to I have somebody I need to show up for like if you teach a public yoga class or you have a client, right?

It's like somebody's counting on me. So there's that element of it without. Feeling this like pressure to go super fast. Um, so we've really, you know, eased into it in a way that serves us both for the other obligations that we have in our life. Um, but also have, you know, some like bigger long term plans of working together in other ways, like when it feels right.

So if you want to go on a retreat, a human design retreat, at some point,

those are the long term, the long term goals.

Hedvika Ticha: Nice. Yeah. Yeah. Love it. Awesome. So fun.

Kyle Wood: All right. Time for breakfast here. It's time for...

Brandi Healy: Okay. Okay. I know. Are you up? Are you up still? Or are you, is it bedtime?

Hedvika Ticha: No, it's, I'm going to go to bed. Yeah. I'm trying to, you know, also be mindful of my sleep.

Brandi Healy: Well, it was so great talking to you and I really appreciate you again, being our first guest and staying up so late for us.

Creators and Guests

Hedvika Ticha: Finding Success Beyond Social Media as a Human Design Reflector
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