Pogo Sticks and Magnesium Baths: Our Guide To Your Root Center

Brandi Healy: And when I was able
to identify that, like I was able

to step into that place of more
of having, you know, wisdom of the

center and like knowing everything
on this list does not deserve that I.

And I can really give myself permission
to slow down and actually relax.

And so for me, that looked like, you
know, canceling some commitments,

taking some things off of my
plate, saying no to things that

I would've normally said yes to.

And, you know, over the last two
weeks I'm feeling so much better and.

My stress levels have reduced
significantly, and even as things

kind of enter into my orbit, um, it's
easy for me to tell, like, is that.

Mine or is that kind of
somebody else's stress that's

being projected on my, on me.

Kyle Wood: Hello and
welcome back to the show.

Uh, my name is Kyle Wood and this
is well designed with me today is as

usual, is my co-host Brandy Healy.

Brandi Healy: I was like so far.

I've been with you every time.

Nice to see you.

Nice to chat with you.

Kyle Wood: Nice to chat with you too.

I just pulled the.

Audio cable outta my headphones.

So, um, apologies if you could hear that.

Uh, all right, so today we are getting
specific, we've talked a lot about

different aspects of human design.

We've kind of talked about broadly,
what are the different, like why, you

know, why did we get interested in it?

Um, what are some of the
different parts of the chart?

Where we talked a bit about profiles,
like what that fraction thing is on your

chart today, we're actually gonna talk
about, when you look up your design,

you're often presented with this picture
that looks like a diagram, looks like a

circuit circuitry, where it's got shapes

Brandi Healy: The body


Kyle Wood: the body graph.


today we wanted to talk about.

One specific area of that, um,
each of those shapes is called

a center, which we covered.

We will have covered in a previous
episode when you listen to this,

and today we're going to talk about
one that's really easy to find.

It's the one right at
the bottom of the center.

It's called the root center.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, so the root center,
each center governs, you know, a

different part of a different aspect
of our life, and the root center

governs how we deal with pressure,
drive and stress, and it kind of gives

us, it's also like how we get things
going and put things into motion.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


Yeah, I like that.

It's kind of the, um, the wheels
on the bus, they get things going.

They get us moving.

If like the sacral center's the
engine, then uh, This is the wheels.

The, the other thing I like about
the root center as well is when I'm

explaining it to people, a lot of
people, if they've, they're familiar

with the seven chakras, they, you know,
there's a root chakra as well, and it's,

it's in a similar spot in the body.

It's, you know, it's right down there
in your pelvis and, um, sort of it

attributes to similar, similar things.

So that can be a good starting
point as well, if you're

already familiar with that.

But today we're gonna talk
about The way this can show up.

And so this can show up in one
of three ways on your chart.

Uh, it can show up colored in, uh,
which it might be gray or it might

be a specific color, depending on
where you're looking at your chart.

If you're using, um, human design
blueprint, which the links, uh, in

the chat here, or sorry, in the, the
show notes, the color will be gray.

It'll be, they, they just use like
a, a gray scale, black and white.

And so that means you've
got a defined route.

If it's white, it'll either be undefined
or open and you don't really need to

worry too much about what, um, the
difference between those two are or you.

Brandi Healy: We will use it.

It, we'll use the term open
and undefined interchangeably,

but there is a difference.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


There's a slight difference.

And so like that's something we would go
into on like a reading or in coaching,

uh, we would go into those specifics.

But for the purpose of today, we
were talking broadly about how

that number being that shape, being
colored in or not colored in, we'll

talk about how that can impact you.

And we've adopted the Two ends of
the spectrum of being like living in

your shadow or living in your wisdom.

So that's sort of how we're, yeah, that's
how we're gonna refer to things today.

Aren't, isn't it Brandy?

Brandi Healy: Yes.

And you know, when we talk about
wisdom shadow , I don't like to

think about it as like good or bad.

Like I like to think of them kind of
on a scale and no one is ever fully

living in their wisdom or really
ever fully living in their shadow.

It's, you know, very similar
to like when we talk about our

signature and our not self, right?

So it's like kind of using
them as signposts to understand

when this shows up for you.

It's an invitation to check
in and, and kind of understand

like, ah, this feels really good.

I may be in the wisdom of this center,
or I'm feeling some resistance, like I

might be in the shadow of this center

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Yeah, I mean you, even on a given
day, you can end up sort of sliding

along that spectrum of going

Brandi Healy: many,

many times.

Kyle Wood: But what we'll hopefully
do today is we'll help you identify

when you're sort of sliding down the
shadow end of the spectrum, uh, and

then what to do about it, what actions
you can take, uh, what you can try

to become more aware of, that'll help
you move back towards the wisdom,

which is sort of that more integrated.

Um, aspect when you're integrating
your design and you are treating

these parts of your design as your
superpowers, uh, rather than trying

to, like, dismiss them or run away
from them, or trying to like, just copy

everyone else around you, regardless
of what that means in your design.

Brandi Healy: All right, so do
you wanna start and talk about

open and undefined root centers?

Kyle Wood: Well, Brandy, I think we
should talk about why we are needing to

have this discussion today, about root

Brandi Healy: why are you
attacking me right now?

Kyle Wood: Yes.

Uh, we, yeah, we realized we
needed to have this conversation.

Uh, do, I mean, do you wanna speak to,
we can talk a little bit about that

shadow of, of the, the undefined route.

Um, what, what was, what's
been going on for you lately?

Brandi Healy: Well, it as a reminder,
when you have a center that is open

or undefined, that's where you are the
most sensitive, so, You are absorbing

energy in the center, and that is,
you know, also has a, an opportunity

for you to really learn from as well.

This could be a really, uh,
open and undefined centers

are great places of learning.

So for me, , a learning that I have had
as of recent as it relates to my route

is, , you know, really reminding myself
that not everything is worth a rush, that

I can take my time to do things.

Um, and really, I found myself in
my shadow having a long to-do list

of obligations and commitments that
was causing me a lot of stress.

And when I took a step back and looked
at it, I realized not everything

on that list required my urgency.

And when I gave myself the permission
to take my time and to really look at

that list and say like, what actually
. Requires my immediate attention and what

are some like, not must dos, but kind of
nice to dos that I can put on the back

burner to alleviate some of that pressure.

Um, and so, you know, for me that was
really showing up in feeling a lot of

stress, feeling a lot of restlessness.

Um, I wasn't sleeping well and I was
just feeling, you know, just a lot

of pressure to get more done than I
felt like I had the bandwidth to do.

Kyle Wood: Mm-hmm.


Yeah, I can, I can identify with that.

So you spoke a lot about pressure.

So one of the things about the opener or
undefined route is that there's a feeling

that if you can get the thing done and
relieve that pressure, so cross that

thing off your to do list, get rid of
that pressure, that then that'll, that

stress, that pressure will, will go away.

Uh, did you find that that was happening?


Brandi Healy: No.

So ,you know, the, the to-do list
was long, and even as I crossed

things off the list, the things that
were left still felt very daunting.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: And so, you know,
the shadow of that open route

is that feeling of overwhelm.

. Um, and also like not
feeling like I could relax.

And I know that when we caught up last
week, I was telling you about all of

my commitments and you're like, um,
, like, what are you doing for yourself?

And, and I, there wasn't a whole lot.

And so, you know, when I was able
again to really look at that list

and say like, what actually does
require my immediate attention?

And there were a, there were
actually very few things.


required my immediate attention.

And when I was able to identify that,
like I was able to step into that place

of more of having, you know, wisdom of
the center and like knowing everything

on this list does not deserve that I.

And I can really give myself permission
to slow down and actually relax.

And so for me, that looked like, you
know, canceling some commitments,

taking some things off of my
plate, saying no to things that

I would've normally said yes to.

Um, and you know, even small things like
I usually like to listen to audio books,

but when I listen to audio books, I.

Also task and like do chores or
busy my hands with other things.

And even, you know, switching my leisure
to reading a paperback or a hardback

book instead really caused me to stop and
focus and, you know, move a lot slower.

And, you know, over the last two
weeks I'm feeling so much better and.

My stress levels have reduced
significantly, and even as things

kind of enter into my orbit, um, it's
easy for me to tell, like, is that.

Mine or is that kind of somebody
else's stress that's being projected

on my, on me, because in my house
I live with, uh, both my kids have

defined root centers so they can really
project their stress out, um, at times.

And so, you know, again, in
wisdom you can kind of say like,

this is my, this isn't mine.

And you know, I can try
to move through that.

Um, but when you're in the shadow
of that open route, you can really

absorb that on it's your own.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Which, you know, it can be tough in
like a workplace, um, if you've got a

boss that's got to find or even just
other, other people you work with.

Brandi Healy: Mm-hmm.

Kyle Wood: And it was like last week,
I remember when we caught up after

you'd had a couple of weeks to rest
and I was like, you look like you

younger And, the other thing I wanna
speak to as well is that the things

you were taking on were not Bad things.


Like you were, you were teaching

extra yoga classes, like Yeah.


You had some, you had stuff going
on with the kids and family.



You had, you know, we were launching this
podcast 'cause you like, want to pursue,

you know, doing this human design, being
a human design guy as, as a career.

So it's, it's, like we, we can, and
speaking of someone who's got an

undefined route as well, I can definitely
dress up these things as being like

Important and needing to have now.

But, um, if you find yourself
doing that and every time you end

in, in burnout, like you ended up
at the emergency room with like a

migraine, that was like crippling,

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

Kyle Wood: strong pain medication.

So that was like your will

Brandi Healy: Wildly unpleasant.

And you know, there's, there's the
book, the Body keeps the score right?

And it's like if you don't listen to
the whispers, will start to scream

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: And I was not taking the
time to listen to the whispers and I,

you know, and so I was forced really.

, um, I was trying to white knuckle
it and muscle through and say like,

I want to do all of these things.

But the flip side of that
is like they didn't need to

all happen at the same time.

Kyle Wood: Mm-hmm.



Uh, so for me, I mean, even before
I knew about human design, I was

wrestling with this undefined route
because running your own business,

the the to-do list is never ending.

And you can always find more
stuff to add to the to-do list.

I mean, it can be as simple as
being on social media for 20 minutes

and you've now thought of like
17 thing more things you can do.

And then there's, there's that
pressure, especially I think like

social media and even reading like
email newsletters from other people.

There can be this sense of like, pressure
to like do this thing straight away.

Uh, and, and money, money as well.

I get that from money in the business.

I, our business supports our family.

So if it's not earning a certain
amount, that creates a lot of

pressure for me that I need to
alleviate that problem straight away.

Uh, which wars with the pressure of
Wanting to also be like a present

father and husband who's not, you
know, so there's this war then that

goes on where it's like, I wanna work
15 hours a day to try and relieve this

pressure of, of getting the business
to a point where I want it to be.

But then I also wanna work two hours a
day because I want to be available to my

family to help out, you know, especially
as like My wife's now growing her own

business as well, so she needs time too.

So, um, really being able to recognize
those pressures, uh, stops me from just

oscillating between the two and beating
myself up constantly for not, 'cause you

can't do both of those at the same time.

Brandi Healy: No.

Kyle Wood: then it's just
like, just beating myself up.

So taking a minute to like, take a breath
and wait for that pressure to subside.

Then be like, okay, now what?

What feels like the right, you know,
I've got that splenic authority, so

what's my intuition telling me about this
decision once the pressure is dissipated?

But that's really the big thing for
me with the undefined route, is like

when I, if I have the awareness to
notice that the pressure is there,

because sometimes stuff does need
it, sometimes stuff is urgent, right?


Brandi Healy: Of course,

Kyle Wood: till at least that initial
pressure subsides till I feel calmer.

Then I can see clearly, oh, this is
actually urgent needs to be done, or yeah.

Or, oh, actually this does
not need to be done right now.

Um, I'm just adding another
thing to my plate unnecessarily.

Brandi Healy: yeah.

It's like really reflecting and, and like
. First understanding like, is this mine?

like if it is like, does this
thing actually deserve my hurry?

Does it deserve Ru to be rushed?

Um, is there anything kind of after
you ask yourself those questions

that you find useful to kind
of release some of that stress?

Kyle Wood: Yeah, I mean, I guess it's
not as, this part is not as intuitive,

like, we'll talk about defined in a sec.

Uh, but my, you know, wife has defined
root and she seems to handle, she'll

get stressed and she'll feel pressure.

She'll be like, all right,
that means I need to go have

a surf or I need to do that.

Whereas, you know, for years, and I think
back to like, you know, studying and

in school and, and you know, just the
early days of running my business, um,

just doing things in, in like a rush.

Um, and now I've forgotten
what specifically the question

was, but I was heading

Brandi Healy: What

do you do to release your stress?

Kyle Wood: What do I do to release

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

Kyle Wood: So when I'm conscious
of it, um, strength training,

which is funny, like sometimes
for projectors it's like, oh, you

should do yoga and stuff like that.

But, you know, strength training is
slow enough that get, it's not like

overly depleting on my energy resources.

Um, and yet I think especially as a
man with like testosterone, um, you

know, lifting heavy things is really,
really beneficial to our moods.

So, yeah, so like lifting weights
and then, and then I've just been

like letting myself do more walks
slightly, which has been good too,

with, again, juggling two people running
their own businesses in our house.

Um, get the kids outta the house.

We're gonna go, we live seven
minute walk from the beach.


For a long time didn't utilize that.

So we walked down the beach and I just
like, let the kids go, go nuts and um,

and then come back when we're ready
to come back and don't really set,

there's no pressure around that either.

So I guess maybe that's
where I'm going with this.

Setting activities where there's no
like, um, especially in my personal

life where there is no like deadline

Brandi Healy: Hmm.

Kyle Wood: fixed thing.

'cause work can be, and the business
can be so Gotta get this done today.

Gotta get this

done tomorrow.

Gotta get this.

So really in my, my life and thinking
about, that's what I wanna model for

my kids anyways, is like, we're not
going, you know, go to the playground

for more than an hour and you'll see
people rock up in their cars when,

like, realistically where I live,
everyone could walk to the, to the

playground or ride bikes or something.

But I rock up in the cars.

Quick 15 minute play and then
they're like pulling the kids, you

know, off the playground equipment
to like throw 'em back in the car

to go on to the next activity.

That's not what I want.

So it's, yeah, so allowing for
those activities where I can just

go spend time with the kids and
have it be like open-ended, that

probably is one of the biggest.

Yeah, that's a huge, that's
a huge release for stress for

me is there's like open-ended.

We're just going to take our
bikes or take, take the pram

and we're just gonna go.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, being outside.

Kyle Wood: get and we'll,
and we'll get back whenever.


Being outside.


We've got that, that nature
aspect in there as well.

Brandi Healy: Yeah, for me it's like
I have a sauna bag, so it's like a

sleeping bag and a heated blanket.

Had a baby and

like it's a infrared sauna bag, so I like
get in the same zip up, crank the heat

up, put my headphones in, and yes, it's.

Kyle Wood: know that existed.

That's much.

Brandi Healy: It's, it's heavenly.

It's heavenly.

So I love to get into that bad
boy and then put my headphones in

and like, listen to a sound bath.


Kyle Wood: Wow.

Brandi Healy: yes.

So like I always, when I allow
myself, I, I always joke that

no one relaxes harder than I do.

It's like weighted eye mask, sauna
bag, the headphones in, like.

light, you know, light a candle
or some incense or something

like, it's like a vibe.


or also really like to, um, get massages.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: so the day after I
had that really bad migraine, that

Sent me to, uh, see a doctor.

Um, they told me, they were like, you
know, your muscles and your bo I had

like, my, my muscles were so tight.

That was, you know, one of
the, I was a tension migraine.

Um, and she was like, you know, your
muscles are very or super rigid.

So she was like, you know, he.

Is gonna do a lot for that.

So as soon as I got home, I hopped in
the sauna bag and then she was like,

and if you can get a massage, and I was
like, the doctor said I needed a massage.

So I went and got a 90 minute massage
and cupping the next day and I felt like

a million bucks and was just, uh, you
know, again, a reminder of um, . , you

know, taking that time to slow down
and, and really care for myself in, in

ways that, that are nourishing to me.

And I think, you know, um, also being
a projector, sometimes that time

alone can really help me kind of

slow down and, and, and get
back into my own energy.

So, you know, we both, oh, go ahead.

Kyle Wood: I was, yeah, I was just
gonna say, I find like, yeah, my brain

needs time to like catch up and to
like come down off those, um, these

like hives that can be created by
especially being around other people.

Uh, and yeah, I have, so I have baths.

I have like a really, like
really hot, like as hot as

I can get it going, but it's
like at least once a week,

um, with like magnesium salts.

Brandi Healy: I was gonna say, do you
throw a little magnesium in there?

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

I flew quite a bit in and it'll be, it'll
be funny 'cause like, you know, I'll

be down at the fire station and they'll
be like, oh, what did you just say?

I was like, oh, I had a bath.

And they'll get the

Brandi Healy: So Manly.

Kyle Wood: is a grown
man doing, having a bath?

But, uh, but actually I picked up that
at a, at a gym I used to go to 'cause

they had a sauna and they're like, oh, if
you can't sauna, crank your bath as hard

as you can get the magnesium salts in.

Brandi Healy: Mm-hmm.

Kyle Wood: they had me like prescribed
that to me for two times a week just to

like get my magnesium levels back up.

So it's the new manly thing to do.

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

Magnesium bath.

You heard it here first.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: So we both
talked about having people in

our homes with defined route.

So your wife has a defined route.

Both my kids have defined root.

Um, so you know, actually most people
have a defined root about like 60% of

people have a defined root, and these
people tend to be naturally very driven.

Um, with their capacity to kind
of create momentum for both

themselves and for other people.

Um, and usually they have the, you
know, ability to kind of maintain

calm even when things are, you know,
stressful in a more consistent way.

Um, however they impact others, they
can impact others with their stress.

So, you know, the shadow of a
defined root can really show up as.

You know, being is that overwhelm
of stress and that projection of the

stress making other people around
them feel stressed with their stress.


and I could definitely
attest, um, to this when I.

Our children are stressed out.

My husband and I both
have undefined roots.


Kyle Wood: Ah,

Brandi Healy: it could be, yes, it can.

And I think, I think especially
when they were, you know,

toddlers, this was very spicy,

Kyle Wood: Yep.

Brandi Healy: it for us.

Um, and so, you know, it's, it's really
interesting now having human design as

a lens to see like, , how much of that
we took on from them and how it threw us

off Guilt , um, when they were smaller.

Um, but you know, these people in
their wisdom, they have the ability

to like remain really calm in
like high, high stress situations.

Um, and they are also cognizant of how
their stress . impacts other people.

Um, and usually, you know, they, you
know, again, in their wisdom they have

this like energy that has like the
potential to kind of like ground other

people because they're kind of have
this like steadfast calmness even when

kind of shit's hitting in the fan.

Um, and you know, you mentioned
it with, with your wife of, you

know, kind of when she's feeling
it, one of the ways that she.

Deals with it is kind of sweating it
out, like having to surf, doing yoga,

moving her body.

Um, with Mike,

Kyle Wood: Instinctual to her as well.

Like she'll just be
like, oh, I need to go.

Whereas I can get really lost
with that undefined, lost in

the stress and not realize that
I need to like move through it.

You get stuck in it.

Whereas, yeah, that defined,
they definitely seem to

be able to move through.

Understand, I need to
move through that stress.

Brandi Healy: Yep.

So like my son for example,
like when he's in a mood like.

, he goes out into the driveway, opens
the garage, drags out a bucket of

baseballs, and is just like out there
like whacking balls off of the tee.

And you know, with my daughter,
she has a pogo stick and like, have

you ever tried to use a pogo stick?

Kyle Wood: As a kid
and I failed miserably.

Brandi Healy: It, it's hard.

Like every time like I try to use, I
feel like I'm gonna like break my teeth.

I'm like, this is like a facial
injury waiting to happen.

My daughter can do like, I don't
know, like 200 jumps on this thing.

It is.

Kyle Wood: Wow.

Brandi Healy: bananas.

And so it's like she'll go outside
and like get on her pogo stick.

And I, I have a, a mini rebound or so,
a little trampoline that's in my office

and sometimes when they're in a mood,
I'm like, I think you need a jump.

And I'll send them into my office
and I'm like, why don't you put on

a song you like, and have a jump.

And like sometimes they'll be like
kind of grumpy about it and then

they'll do it kind of
reluctantly and after.

And sometimes they stay
in longer than one song.

And then afterwards I'm
like, how are you doing?

They're like, actually, I'm
feeling, I'm feeling better.

And it's like I could kind of.

Fought it now, uh, when it's
happening and it's like, why don't

you go outside and ride your bike?

Why don't you get in the
pool and go for a swim?

You know, why don't you go hit a bucket at
of balls or take the dog out for a walk?

You know, try to get them
to move through that energy.

Um, is, is definitely really useful.

Kyle Wood: Yeah, that's really helpful
because mine both have defined roots too.

They're a bit younger, so they
don't have that self-awareness yet.

So, um, that's a good one.

The music dancing.

Yeah, definitely helps.

And yeah, we've got a trampoline
out the back, so we do send

them out, uh, to do that.

Yeah, I like that.

Uh, and 'cause, you know, we've got
a, like the little one broke our TV

yesterday, like knocked it over and
it's, it's the screen's done and

we are like, maybe we'll just, you
know, Go with, see when, like go

the rest of the year without a tv.

So I do need activities for the kids to
unwind, which would be better for them.

So I'm, yeah, I'm curious to see like the,
the what, what changes with them as well.

Brandi Healy: um, there is like
a baby version of a pogo stick.

Also f y I.

So my, this was our original thing.

It was like a foam block.

Kyle Wood: Hmm.

Brandi Healy: they stand on
the foam block and it has kind

of like a bungee with handles.

So they stand on the foam block.

So they had that when they were
like your kids, your kids' age,

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: and then


Kyle Wood: would love that.


Brandi Healy: Yes, And so then when,
then my daughter graduated to the new

one, she does it one and no handed.

Kyle Wood: I'm like,

Brandi Healy: I know it is terrifying,

Kyle Wood: Uh, such a simple toy.


That's a good

Brandi Healy: Yeah, it is.

It is.

Kyle Wood: The

Brandi Healy: I don't recommend
it for people that are

under the influence, though.

I've seen ugly things happen.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

I feel like the early days of YouTube
was filled with, um, pogo stick injuries.

Brandi Healy: Yes.

not recommended.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Um, the, the other thing I wanted to
mention about having that combination

is that this was awesome for my
wife and I when we, when I first

went through the centers and got
to this root center and was like,

oh, I'm undefined, you're defined.

'cause I'm a very sensitive
person with that undefined route,

undefined emotional centen center.

I can really like pick up
on other people's vibe and.

So I used to just be like getting
stressed and be really shitty no

reason and worked out that, that
I would be picking up on hers.

And I used to really like I, it would be
directed towards her because I guess there

was some part of me that knew the stress
was coming from her, but she didn't even.

Realized she was stressed, I'd be like,

Brandi Healy: She was fine.

Kyle Wood: on?

Yeah, yeah.

She was handling it.

She's got the defined stress

Brandi Healy: Yeah.

Kyle Wood: she's just like vibing it off.

And so now it's, it's really helpful
'cause it's like, oh, this is

happening and I'll just leave the room.

I'll just be like, oh, you
seem really stressed right now.

I'm just gonna like leave for a minute.

And um,

Brandi Healy: you, do you?

Kyle Wood: with that.




And yeah, it helps a lot.

But even in the moment, if I
can't leave, like knowing is not

my stress, uh, is really helpful.

And I think, yeah, for people who have
that defined center, it's been helpful

for her as well to know, oh, that's okay.

Like, he's not blaming me, you
know, like I am just defined here

and I do just project it out more.

Uh, and then probably the other way it
shows up in the family is because I'm the

only one in the family with that undefined


Brandi Healy: No

Kyle Wood: I, I'm probably a little
bit empath, more empathetic though.

To the kids' needs, like Zoe will be
trying to go through the motions of like,

you know, the normal morning routine and
we'll be like, I don't understand what's

going on this morning, but you know, I.

Can pick up very intuitively,
oh, this is, this is happening.

Oh, this happened yesterday,
so this, this is what

Brandi Healy: Mm.

Kyle Wood: need right now.

So that, that's the superpower.

You might be like, oh, I'm undefined in
my route, and I'm just like picking up

people's stress and this is crap and I
don't know how to move through stress.

But you, if you're in that wisdom, you've
got that ability to really be able to

like sense other people's stress and
sense what they need in that moment too.


Brandi Healy: Yeah, and kind
of demonstrate, and you know

when you can learn that lesson
for yourself and embody that.

Other people witness that and

can learn that from you?

Kyle Wood: Do you have, uh, anything
else to say about the defined

for our defined route listeners,
or do we manage to cover it all?


Brandi Healy: No, I just, I, again, I
think, like as I mentioned, it's the

majority of people, . And so I think
it's, you know, realizing that there

was that balance between their ability
to remain calm in stressful situations

and at the sa and at the same time
knowing that that inner energy impacts

those that have that undefined or open.

And so your presence, it's
either going to be grounding.

or it could be destabilizing
and stress other people out.

So it's like having that wisdom is,
you know, not only important to your

own, you know, experience, but also
just like for any defined center

that you carry, understanding how you
know the weight that that has in, um,

with the people that are around you.

Kyle Wood: and I mean that could
be a, I can think of especially

seeing as this podcast is for
health and wellness professionals.

I can think of some instances
when that can be a superpower too.

Like, you know, If you are running a
spin class or a high intensity workout,

like your defined root center is going
to help everyone in that group get

through this like stressful moment.

Uh, 'cause they're gonna pick up
on, on yours, and it's going to give

them pressure in that moment to be
able to get through that workout.


Brandi Healy: Well, I could think, I
could think of a perfect example of this.

So somebody that I know that I'm
very close to is, um, leads retreats.

They have a defined route center
and they had a retreat goer who they

went on a bike tour and was taking
a selfie on the bike fell off.

Broken bones, on this like rural
background, and they like swooped

in, did like the necessary like, you
know, emergency first aid measures,

like had it all under control.

They're like, I completely
left my shit after the fact.

But like in the moment, , like it was
on, it was on lock and you know, and.

You know, I think that that really
served, I'm sure the rest of the retreat

goers that were present at that moment.

Um, knowing that the person that
was in charge, um, you know, was

able to hold it together, you
know, in this like actual crisis

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Brandi Healy: uh, and, and navigate that.

Kyle Wood: Awesome.

Brandi Healy: I know everyone listening
to this at like has ever run a retreat

is like, that sounds like a nightmare.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.


Oh, serious injury.




All right.

That's our defined and undefined

Brandi Healy: That's the root

Kyle Wood: That's the root.

Uh, we'll be back, uh, next episode of,
we're gonna look at the sacral center,

which is, um, a really important one
no matter what your design is as well.

Brandi Healy: Well, thanks for that.

Talk to you next time.

Kyle Wood: Yeah.

Talk to you then

Creators and Guests

Brandi Healy
Brandi Healy
Co-Host of Well Designed
Pogo Sticks and Magnesium Baths: Our Guide To Your Root Center
Broadcast by