Welcome to Well Designed
Kyle Wood: Welcome everyone to our first
episode of the Well Designed Podcast.
We are gonna kick things off here
in a minute with my co-host, Brandy.
Uh, and we're gonna try something out.
We're gonna introduce each other, and
then we're gonna share a bit about
why this podcast even exists and why
we think you should listen to it.
Hi Brandy.
Brandi Healy: Hi Kyle.
How are you?
Kyle Wood: Good, excited.
So, um, we're just
talking about our accents.
So we've got two, two accents here.
There's one accent is my
accent, which is no accent,
Brandi Healy: and the other accent is
my accent, which is also no accent.
So depending, depending on where
you're coming from, either I have
the accent or Kyle has the accent.
Kyle Wood: I'm, I'm pretty aware of my
accent though, like I can hear it and
I don't know if that's just growing up.
In Australia where we had like, so much
American television, like everything
we watched, especially my generation
on TV was American pretty much.
So I, I don't know.
Can you, can you hear like
your accent when you speak?
Brandi Healy: I think I hear it more when
I speak to other people from, whether
it's other parts of the country or you
know, obviously from other countries.
I think I hear it more in
contrast than I do, you know?
And I'm speaking to, you
know, my family and friends.
But certainly I hear it when
you, uh, repeat it back to me.
It is, it is loud and clear.
Kyle Wood: Just channel my, um, my
grandpa who, uh, was from Pittsburgh
originally, um, um, and all of his funny
sayings like, Lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy.
That's pretty good.
Uh, okay.
So let's, uh, introduce each other.
So, um, I'm gonna tell everyone a little
bit about you, if that's all right.
Brandi Healy: go,
Kyle Wood: let's go.
All right.
So I'd like to introduce
my co-host Brandy Healy.
Uh, who's a mother as two kids.
I'm going to say nine and 13.
Yes, correct.
And you live in Southern California.
Um, so for those not in America, think
like the OC and that's, that's her life.
Brandi Healy: Exactly like that.
Kyle Wood: And that's probably
showing my how old I am as
well, if I talk about the oc.
That is
Brandi Healy: also, that is also my era.
Um, fun fact about the oc you know,
my, my background, which we'll talk
about at another point in time.
Is in the fashion industry.
And one of the accounts that I had when
I worked at a store on Melrose during
that era was the stylist for the old oc.
So all the jeans that you would see
Misha Barton wear, I sold to them.
Kyle Wood: you friends?
Well, I mean true story sas, but
still like that, that would've
like sold a lot of jeans.
It did.
I did actually have down
here that you worked in.
The retail fashion industry.
I did.
Um, and that's a good, good point cuz
it nearly like you, you got seriously
burned out on the high constant.
I can imagine.
Like everything's urgent.
You know, you got that, that square when
you look at businesses and it's like
urgent, important, urgent, not important,
you know, uh, not urgent, not important.
And then it's like, Not urgent important.
And the thing is, we never, like in that
last square, we never spent enough time.
But I can imagine in the
vacuum industry, in the, in the
career that I All urgent, yes.
Brandi Healy: In the career that I spent
almost two decades in, we spent the
majority of time in that single quadrant.
Kyle Wood: That's crazy.
So I mean you, you did
nearly two decades and then.
You sort of had enough and you
took some time off and discovered
yoga, um, and ended up doing a
200 hour yoga te teacher training.
Teacher training.
That's a correct way of saying it.
And, and now you are a yoga instructor.
Um, you do that.
You're a part-time hustler.
Have your, you're part-time hustle as
a yoga instructor and a human design
guide, which is, you know, part of
where this podcast comes from, that
we both do human design stuff and
you still work in retail as well.
So you are in that position of
juggling these, these two worlds of
like, I've got a job, full-time job.
Uh, but there's also other stuff that.
Really lights my heart up and
I want to work on that too.
You are a huge baseball fan.
It's true.
The Dodgers I your team.
I love my Dodgers.
I love my Dodgers.
There are so many baseball teams that
as an Australian, I could not tell you
anything when I found out there's like
major leagues and then there's like,
Like minors, but in there's like, there's
different a's is that right as well?
There's like,
Brandi Healy: yes.
So there's double a aa, triple A single A.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
So a, another friend's husband,
uh, was very briefly in the major
league, so he was explaining to me
like the lifestyle of, of someone who
wants to become a baseball player.
And it's, I mean, I'm getting
sidetracked here, but.
It's, um, pretty incredible, like
the stuff they have to go through.
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
You know, the baseball season is 162
gameses, so, you know, and you think
about it as a professional athlete, like
the endurance that it takes for that.
And you know, here in the states, one
of, uh, a really popular pitcher that
the Oakland A have is from Australia.
Liam Hendrix, they call him the
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Not a lot of sports play, but the
Brandi Healy: slider.
The slider,
Kyle Wood: the slider,
Brandi Healy: the slide.
There you go.
Kyle Wood: That's it.
Oh, you gums.
He's a slider.
Uh, yeah.
Not, yeah, not many sports are like that.
Year round zone.
I've been watching this, um, doco and
uh, series on Apple TV plus called
Make or Break, which is about surfers.
And again, like their pro season
pretty much runs like the whole
year and then it just starts again.
So like huge commitment.
Unlike other sports where you'll
pay like three or four months and
then you've got an off season.
These people are having to travel
around the world as well to chase
the summer often on the, yeah.
To go to the different competitions
often, you know, off their own expenses.
Uh, And you know, there might, there
might be a couple of comps in one country,
but they'll be like a month apart.
So it's like, you know, do you,
do you then go home and deal with
all the jet lag and stuff again?
Or do you stay in the country?
Uh, and it seems like, oh yeah,
what a wonderful lifestyle.
But you can imagine like having
a family and stuff like that.
Like it'd be hard work.
Uh, anyway, got sidetracked again.
Uh, the other thing I, that's one
Brandi Healy: thing that, yeah, one
thing you'll realize about us is we can
go on a tangent about, so bear with us.
Kyle Wood: That's good.
That's good.
I feel like when I listen to podcasts, I
mean, as long as it's like not too far off
the track, I, you know, I enjoy, that's
why I listen to the podcast cause I wanted
to like know about the people as well.
And what they're interested in.
Uh, so the other thing I, I, I wrote
down about you just because it's unique
to me, is your, like Mexican American
heritage, um, that you spoke Spanish
before you spoke English, which, um, it's
just really cool because I always Yeah.
Have wanted to learn Spanish.
Well come
Brandi Healy: to Southern
California and it's pretty much,
Kyle Wood: must I just mess in it?
Speak English to me.
Brandi Healy: Come on over to my house.
My mom will speak to you
in nothing but Spanish and
Kyle Wood: you know, all
I know is like un ma.
I mean that's, tell me,
Brandi Healy: that's a good
starting point for sure.
Kyle Wood: There's a place I used to go
in Portland called Poor Can Poor Cando.
I'm, I'm butchering the accent.
That means a little bit, uh, I
think like a bit more poor kid.
Or, or why not?
Or why not?
Yeah, there we go.
See, I was butchering the accent,
so, and I'm like recovering from
this cold, so it's like, it's
making me extra nasally, so, yeah.
I do remember looking at what it meant.
Um, I do, and I do really mix.
I mean, it's like Mexican American food.
I'm sure it's not Mexican.
Food in its pure, pure state.
Although I, I watched a through
Daco where they like went to the
markets in Mexico City and they were
looking at all of the different, how
different cultures have influenced.
Um, Mexican food, so, yep.
Brandi Healy: everybody tried to colonize
them different, so there's a lot different
Kyle Wood: meats and things.
Brandi Healy: Yep.
A lot of Spanish influence,
a lot of French influence.
Uh, you see it in the architecture
in Mexico City as well.
And you know, in terms of the food,
it really depends on what region
of the country that you're from
that really distinguishes the food.
But, Uh, my family's from and pretty
much anytime I tell people that's where
my family's from, if they know Mexico,
the first thing that comes out of their
mouth, they're like, Ugh, the food on
this work were invented, you know?
Yes, exactly.
And enough said, right
Kyle Wood: enough that I've had canita
and I do have made them like, I mean,
probably not the real thing, but I've
made a version of them at home and yeah.
Love it.
Um, Amazing.
All right.
So that's what I hate.
Did I miss anything on you?
I mean, there's
Brandi Healy: plenty, but you
know, we've got time here.
We've got time.
More episodes up, up to come.
But thank you.
That was kind of fun to, to get
that little, little rundown.
Um, so I'll introduce you now.
This is my co-host, Kyle Wood,
and Kyle lives with his wife
and two little girls that are.
At this time, at this point in
time, four and one years old.
So yeah, very little.
So we're, you know, in different phases
of our, our parenting journey here.
But what's interesting, I think
we've both been with our partners
around the same amount of time.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
Cause what, uh, 13 years at this time.
Since 2009.
Brandi Healy: So I think
we started dating in 2007.
So, yep.
Pretty close.
Pretty close.
So, you know, pretty long relationships
and then, you know, at different kind
of phases, Kyle's got the littles.
And in our house we're heading
into, into tween territory.
Um, tween and teen territory.
But, um, you know, Kyle is an online
entrepreneur and business coach for
fitness professionals, and he was an
early adopter of the online business.
So even business now for what, 11 years?
Kyle Wood: Uh, all I started
dabbling in that, that same year.
Wait, no.
Yeah, so it was 2008 is how
long I've been with my wife.
Um, yeah, so 2009 was when I started Yeah.
Dabbling with the online stuff.
And I remember at the time being like,
oh, I'm late to the party on this.
Had no idea, you know, how it would go
to now, like the sort of creator economy.
They talk about where, where everyone
is creating content all the time, and
it's just like a normal part of life.
Brandi Healy: And so, you know, similar
to my story, you were in kind of a high
pressure corporate environment that,
you know, maybe didn't really suit
you in this entrepreneurial lifestyle.
Seemed much more appealing,
uh, in contrast to kind of the
environment that you were in,
kind of in the tech world, right?
Kyle Wood: Yeah, I had a, a taste
of it, so I was in engineering and
I like to say I just pretty much, I
just fast forwarded my midlife crisis.
I didn't have my midlife crisis at 40.
I had it at 21.
Uh, and pretty much went through
this like existential crisis then.
And so, uh, sort of started
looking for another way to, to
live life and do things then.
Brandi Healy: Which is awesome.
So, you know, it's interesting
because just like in kind of our
parenting journeys, we're kind of
in in reverse roles in terms of our
entrepreneurialship journeys as well.
So Kyle is like the season online
business vet and kind of transitioning
a bit and adding, adding to his
current business by now, starting to
do business coaching one-to-one and
small, smaller groups for business
professionals, really helping them.
Use their human design in their business
in, in the same way that he has found
it to work for him, which is awesome.
Yeah, and you know, I'm kind of
at the, the baby stage of, of my
entrepreneurial journey, so it's nice
to be able to kind of counterbalance
each other in these different.
Parts of our lives together
here, which is super fun.
Um, another fun fact about you that you
just told me earlier before we started
recording and I did not know this,
is that you're a serial podcaster and
this is your four and a halfs podcast.
Kyle Wood: Yes.
Brandi Healy: Yes, it's my first.
So again, happy to be with somebody
that knows the ropes in this department.
So, you know, if you look up Kyle Wood,
you might find a couple other ones.
But Well Designed is the one
that you wanna listen to.
Kyle Wood: That's right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is a new, a new chapter
for me, as you said, uh, because
it's even, you know, even though you've
been doing something a long time,
when you, uh, had this, uh, coach
reflect this back to me the other day.
When they, you find something that
you want to be all in on, it's
still incredibly vulnerable feeling,
pursuing that and telling the world,
Hey, this is what I'm doing now.
And so even though I've got this
experience with online stuff and it's
like, you know, I can look at maybe
like the tech technical aspects of,
you know, building a website or things
like that, and that doesn't bother
me still putting out into the world.
This is something I'm passionate about.
Um, and this is something
I wanna help people with.
It's still like super scary.
So I'm glad we're here and that we
are stepping into this scariness.
Brandi Healy: Yeah.
Uh, it, it, it feels less scary
not doing it by yourself, right?
So I think the other thing that
I think is, you know, really fun.
About you and people that follow you
on Instagram might have seen, you know,
you did a post on this around, you know,
kind of these contradicting parts of
yourself where it's like there's very
practical, you know, father provider
and at the same time kind of have this.
Crunchy granola, woo woo part ca.
Cow drinking.
Human design.
You know, Oracle card pulling
Kyle Wood: part of you.
I've just got, I was just looking
at them just in front of me and
it's like, you look at my bookshelf,
it's like, yeah, Brene Brown.
But then they'll be like Seth Gordon.
Uh, then there'll be, uh, Tasha Silver.
Are you familiar with her stuff?
Um, outrageous openness,
like that's a great book.
So yeah, so there's this, this
side of me that I've been using to
fuel my mindset, especially around
business stuff for a long time.
And then learning about human
design was like another permission
slip to be like, ah, yeah, that is
actually something that's really
helpful, can be really helpful to me.
Rather than just staying in
that like really up in my
head, strategic business sense.
It could be really helpful for
me to find ways to like tap into.
My feelings and, um, my
body too, which we get into.
Brandi Healy: And I think that
that's, you know, kind of a perfect
pivot into why we're doing this.
And I think that, you know, both
of us found human design around a
similar time and we can kind of,
we'll talk through, you know, our
discovery process and leader episodes.
But I think, you know, for both of us
coming together, you know, we're both.
Entrepreneurs in the wellness space and
really trying to lean into our design
to create these businesses and these
lives and, you know, professionally and
personally that feel in alignment for us.
We've both been in experiences where
we were definitely out of alignment.
That left us feeling really burnt out and
like, Things were off and you know, as you
just said, like human design was such a
permission slip for both of us to really
recognize like things about ourselves
that we always innately knew to be
true, but maybe made ourselves wrong for
Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The last 12 months in particular,
what's got me excited about this tool
is just, yeah, those steps from really
feeling, you know, especially like post.
Uh, you know, as a recording, this is
2023, so especially it's like post covid.
Um, I definitely didn't have like a
retirement from work or anything, like
what happened to some people, but I had
a, you know, a sense of like burnout
because it was such like an ongoing.
Stressful thing.
Just, just, just the constant
information and in your face and
you know, all the rest of it.
Uncertainty, all that kind
Brandi Healy: of stuff.
There was no hiding from it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There was no break.
Kyle Wood: So yeah, post that, feeling
down on my business, feeling unsure
about like the work I was doing
and human designs really helped me.
Yeah, create more alignment over the
last year to be doing more of the
work that I really want to be doing.
Uh, and I've tried lots of things
over that year, so I've been learning
about human design, but you know, I
also like tried working with, uh, some
coaches and like business strategists
and stuff like that, and didn't really
get anywhere through those routes.
And so it's really been that like
coming back to myself, learning
to trust my own inner authority.
Um, That's saying to see this like
sense of success on the other side.
Brandi Healy: And I think for both of
us, you know, even in my career in the
retail space, like I've spent my, you
know, my career developing people to
reach their business goals and their
personal goals or professional goals.
And so now stepping into
this entrepreneurial space of
leveraging human design, it's.
It's what I've always been doing,
just with a different lens.
And I think, you know, it's
similar to what you do with fitness
professionals and have done, it's
just using this as an additional tool
in our tool belt to support people.
Um, you know, to find a way that works
for them that might not be the way
that you do it or the way that I do it.
And so what's been really
fun in working together is.
You know, being able to have these
conversations of how we are integrating
our designs into our lives and you
know, I'm really looking forward to,
as we experiment with that, you know,
kind of how it starts to unfold and
how it changes and how it evolves.
As you know, we evolve and
as our businesses evolve
Kyle Wood: as well.
Yeah, I think it'd be really
fun for people to follow along.
With as we continue
implementing this stuff as well.
Um, the, the other note I had down
here was around helping people
become full blown themselves.
So like mm-hmm.
So really like feel that sense of like,
oh, I can show up with a sense of like,
integrity and feel like I'm being myself.
Um, And have, have that
confidence around that as well.
Like learning what to say yes to and
what to say no to can be so empowering.
Having been, you know, for to doing
what would be 14 years this year of
being in the online space, just seeing
how things have changed there as well.
There's been this shift from.
When I got started, there was some
great leaders in the online space
who were like, you know, this
is, um, this is what I'm doing.
This is, this is why I think it works
for me, and, you know, maybe you can
like, think about it and see how maybe
you can take some of what I'm doing
and apply it to your own business.
So it was lots of invitations around
like, Here's an experiment you can
try, whether it's in your business
or, uh, your work or whatever it is.
Uh, and then sort of go away and
think about and reflect on it,
whether it's something you should
continue doing or stop doing.
Whereas now there's one, there's like
a bazillion more experts out there
Brandi Healy: telling air quotes.
Kyle Wood: Air supposed to do.
And the message is less.
Here's how the, I'm gonna help
you kind of work out what the
best way for you to do things is.
The message is, this is the best
way I've worked out the best way.
Don't think for yourself, just do
what I tell you to do and, right.
That's so disappointing to me, cuz it
all that's gonna create is a bunch of
businesses that are exactly the same.
And what really excites me, especially
that we're in like this creator economy
where it is so much easier to make a
living, you know, marketing through online
and things like that, is to have unique
businesses like, like your business should
be a reflection of like your uniqueness.
You shouldn't be trying to create a
business that looks like someone else's.
You should be trying to create the
thing, the one that looks like you.
Exactly, and that's what's
gonna lead to success.
And that's actually for a
lot of these people out there
who are like, do it my way.
Their success has been because they
spent time working out what worked
for them, what worked for them.
Um, but you won't necessarily
have success by doing that.
So that's, that's another goal for this
podcast that I'd really love is like
helping you work out what that success
looks like to you and, How you can show
up in your, like, most unique self,
um, so that you can, you can find that
success and, and feel good about it too.
Brandi Healy: I'm excited for us to
continue to not only have conversations
just about our own businesses, but.
You know, in future episodes
as we bring on guests to talk
about how they're embodying
their design in their businesses.
Oh yeah.
And how that shows up
really different from them.
So I know we've had some conversations
of, you know, people that we'd like
to have on that are in, you know,
all different avenues of the wellness
space and, you know, have really
varied, you know, different types of
designs and it's so cool to see how
unique each of their businesses are to
Kyle Wood: them.
Yeah, absolutely.
Um, speaking of which, we'll do,
we'll do a quick, quick reading
of a reading I did on the weekend.
So, so yeah.
So maybe this is a good example
of like what human design is.
So I, uh, was watching the surfing
documentary that I mentioned
earlier, and a big part of
surfing is Kelly Slater because.
He's like 50.
He's 50 and he is still complete
competing against like guys who are
like, less than half of his age.
And, um, I was, you know, I was
so interested, we listening to
him talk and he was talking about
like how all of his opportunities
have come through, like surfing.
Uh, and then there's a, there's another
documentary out there that's called,
um, uh, something Generation, which is
like, Kind of reflected on this group
of surfers who grew up in Hawaii, like
trained in Hawaii and sort of came up
together and they're talking about Kelly's
journey from being this just like ultra
competitive guy, just like ruthless.
Every, everyone hated him cuz he,
cuz he was just like a terrible.
Brandi Healy: He was like the
Michael Jordan of surfing.
Kyle Wood: Yeah.
And then, um, you know, he had this like,
massive transformation and he like came
and made up with the like friends and
things like that and just like really
changed in who he is, you know, now
he's got a company that's like, does
all this like fashion that does all,
um, but all the products like, kind
of like Patagonia, like, you know, all
responsibly sourced and things like that.
So, Yeah, I looked him up and I
was like, so Kelly's definitely
a generator or a manifesting
generator because of like the energy.
Um, right.
So he is a manifesting generator.
Um, did he have a six in his profile?
He's a four six.
I knew it.
Right, right.
As I was listening, so, so six
lines tend to have a pretty like,
intense for those who are new here
to human design, pretty intense.
Like first 30 years of their life.
And, and tend to engage a
lot of high risk activities.
And if you look at some of
the waves and things, he was
surfing back then, like, yes.
And so then from like 30 on, there's
like more of a process of integrating
all of this like experience they've had.
And then from 50 it was so
interesting that he's like just
turning 50 and he's looking to
pull back from competitive life.
That's when they really step into
being like this sort of mentor role.
So yeah, I thought that
was really interesting too.
And then also when he was talking
about like the connections he's made
through surfing have led to all of
his connections cuz that's a big part
of the four four and your, your chat.
Um, and I
Brandi Healy: believe so fun.
I always love looking up.
I always love of love looking up
the designs of people I find Yeah.
Intriguing and seeing
like how that plays out.
So, you know, we're really looking
forward to, you know, in probably some
of these near future episodes, digging
into a little bit about Kyle's design,
digging into mine, talking about our
designs collectively and how, you know,
that operates like in partnership.
Kyle Wood: Yeah, yeah.
Brandi Healy: Um, and then,
you know, talking to some other
folks about how they live it too.
Kyle Wood: Yep.
I'm excited.
Me too.
Thank you, Brandy.
Thanks for being here.
Thanks for being my partner in this.
Thanks, Kyle.
Brandi Healy: for asking me.
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